Counselor for Matters of Addiction
Dear colleagues,
Addiction is a serious disease that, if left untreated, can have far-reaching effects on the individual, both personally and professionally
Maybe you are faced with one of the following issues:
- I am worried that a colleague of mine is slipping into addiction. What can I do?
- As a supervisor, I notice possible signs among my employees. What can I do?
- I worry about my own substance abuse or my possibly addiction fueled behavior. What can I do?
Recently, the Service Agreement (DV - Dienstvereinbarung) on Conduct Pertaining to Employees at Risk of Addiction and those Suffering from Addiction came into force.
An essential element of this service agreement is the appointment of a Counselor for Matters of Addiction. This contact person at TU Dresden is Mr. Jochen Richter, a psychologist in the Unit Occupational Health Services. He has already previously dealt with the subject of addiction as part of psychological counseling for employees. In his role as a counselor for matters of addiction, Mr. Richter acts independently (without being bound by instructions) and is subject to confidentiality. He provides counseling and support on questions relating to addiction for those affected as well as for supervisors and individuals from the professional environment.
- ... counsels, informs and supports those affected, supervisors and others in their professional environment.
- ... offers confidential conversations at the request of those affected and encourages them when they decide to take further steps.
- ... is impartial concerning the persons involved and has neither the task of representing the interests of the person concerned nor of representing the interests of the employer. The Counselor for Matters of Addiction informs those affected of the possibility of consulting a liaison officer and/or a representative of the Personnel representation Council for support. They acknowledge that each person involved has needs and goals in their situation.
- ... is partial regarding the matter, for the best possible resolution of a situation that is always different, but constantly complex. The service agreement and the step-by-step plan are the guidelines for action.
- ... motivates supervisors to fulfill their obligations, such as conducting meeting following the step-by-step plan.
- ... offers the responsible supervisor a personal conversation in case of first incidents / first suspicions. Objectives include providing information on the service agreement and the step-by-step plan, preparing for step-by-step plan discussions and the next steps to be taken.
- ... provides orientation, offers structure and is a guide in the process - for all parties involved.
If you need advice, all employee representatives (in particular the Personnel Representative Council, the Representative Council for Severely Disabled Employees and the JAV), as well as the Medical Officers from the Occupational Health Services, will be happy to assist.
You can download our flyer here in PDF format in German and English.
By the way: If you would like to quit smoking, the Smoke-Free Center at Dresden University Hospital offers courses. These are based on the Smoke-Free Program, a concept based on scientific findings.
Psychological Counseling · Counselor for Matters of Addiction
NameDipl.-Psych. Jochen Richter
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
In Mr. Richter's absence, Dr. Ines Kania serves as the Counselor for Matters of Addiction:
Medical Officer
NameDr. Ines Kania
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).