Social health

© PantherMedia / Andriy Popov

© PantherMedia / belchonock

© Crispin-Iven Mokry
The social health of staff at TU Dresden is important to us and something we actively promote. A healthy social environment plays a major role in well-being and satisfaction. There are various services for work-life balance, such as flexible working hours and support in balancing work and family life. The university also offers counseling and support services to help employees with personal or professional challenges. Overall, TU Dresden strives to create a healthy and positive social working environment in which employees feel comfortable and can develop their full potential.
Table of contents
Inclusion, integration and accessibility
TU Dresden strives to be a place where everyone feels welcome and empowered to reach their full potential. As an inclusive university, TU Dresden offers a number of programs and services for the fair, non-discriminatory and self-determined participation of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Trans, intersex and non-binary university members should also feel they are an integral part of our community. As a cosmopolitan university, TU Dresden also offers numerous welcome services for international members and guests.
Occupational Integration Management
People with long-term or chronic conditions often face unique challenges in the workplace. To help counteract this, German lawmakers have committed to offering all employees who have been unable to work for more than six weeks in the past twelve months an occupational integration management program (BEM).
At TU Dresden, a BEM consultation with the Integration Team is an individualized process in which with no obligations or expectations in which measures are discussed with the goal of facilitating a return to work and maintaining health, ability to work, and employment for as long as possible. This could include questions such as:
- Can I continue working in my current job in just the same way as before?
- Do I need to make adjustments to how my work is organized or to the workplace itself so that I can stay healthy in the long term?
- Who can support me on my return to work and how?
- How do I best organize my return?
You can find more information on the page on occupational integration management.
Family-friendly university
As a family-friendly university, TU Dresden offers its members various services to support balancing work and family life. There is also a wide range of advice and support services for families, on topics such as caregiving, maternity leave and childcare, as well as services for fathers.
Equal opportunities
Conflict and mediation
Conflicts can arise wherever people with their individual character traits meet. Tension, disagreement, and conflict are therefore bound to occur in companies and organizations. Conflicts may be necessary and even productive if they are taken seriously and provided that all parties involved actively address them. Conflict management at TU Dresden therefore aims to create a culture of cooperation and active participation in the event of conflict.
The voluntary conflict navigators at TU Dresden are the first point of contact for all workplace problems and conflicts. They advise and support those involved in the conflict, playing a conciliatory and mediatory role.
Further information can be found here.
Mediation is a voluntary, chargeable process. The prerequisite is that all parties involved must agree. Specially trained external mediators then help as independent third parties in the constructive resolution of conflicts. They are impartial, i.e. they support all sides and provide a framework in which everyone's view of the problem can be adequately appreciated. The goal of mediation is to reach a mutual agreement that meets the needs and interests of all parties and thus allows them to look constructively to the future.
It is a process that is provided in cooperation between the Occupational Health Service and the Center for Continuing Education. A pool of external mediators is available and can be engaged as needed. The procedure is confidential. The costs must generally be covered by the commissioning structural unit.
If you are interested, please contact Helke Kirchner or Jochen Richter from Occupational Health Service.

Operational Integration Management
NameDipl.-Komm.-Psych. (FH) Helke Kirchner
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Psychological Counseling · Counselor for Matters of Addiction
NameDipl.-Psych. Jochen Richter
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Considerable demands in work and private life often lead to conflicts and burdens that are not easily dealt with alone. The psychologists of the Occupational Health Services at TU Dresden offer the employees of TU Dresden advice on topics such as difficulty with stress and recovery, uncertainties in dealing with (mentally) ill colleagues, symptoms of exhaustion and depression, self-doubt, fears, addictions, as well as other work-related and private topics that can lead to stress. Dealing with conflicts can also be a reason to seek out advice.
- Cost: free of charge
- Language: German and English
Further information, including contact details, can be found on the website of the Occupational Health Services.
Directorate 2 – Personnel is responsible for personnel management at TU Dresden (with the exception of the Faculty of Medicine). Its areas of responsibility include the processing of, as well as supporting and advising in, all personnel matters, especially regarding contracts and their implementation, legal matters, travel expenses, invoices, including further training and education for employees. Furthermore, Directorate 2 – Personnel advises on topics such as reconciling work and care for university members, pregnancy, birth and maternity/paternity leave, family-friendly working conditions, as well as the return to work. Directorate 2 – Personnel is also the complaints body for violations of the General Equality Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG).
- Cost: free of charge
- Language: German
Further information, including contact details, can be found on the website of Directorate 2 – Personnel.
Personnel Representation Council represents the interests of the employees in matters concerning the employer. Employees can contact the Personnel Representation Council with enquiries regarding the employment process, salary groups, as well as in the case of rejection of holiday applications. The Personnel Representation Council also advises on safety at work and acts as a contact partner when conflicts arise.
On the internet and intranet pages of the Personnel Representation Council of TU Dresden, there is a comprehensive guide to questions concerning employment at TU Dresden. Open consultation hours are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, i.e. prior registration is not necessary. You are also welcome to make an appointment if these times are not convenient. Attending a consultation at the Personnel Representation Council is considered work time.
- Cost: free of charge
- Language: German and English
Further information, including contact details, can be found on the website of the Personnel Representation Council.
Young people and apprentices employed at TU Dresden can contact the Youth and Apprentice Representation with all questions relating to work and apprenticeships. These may include e.g. problems in the workplace, with the superior or with other apprentices (such as bullying). Furthermore, the group advises on topics such as stress, time pressure, health problems, barrier-free workplace design and equality according to the General Equality Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG).
- Cost: free of charge
- Language: German
Further information, including contact details, can be found on the website of the Youth and Apprentice Representation.
Liaison Officers deal with matters concerning young researchers at the faculties of TU Dresden and act as contact persons for young researchers and doctoral students. They advise and mediate, especially in problematic situations.
Further information, including contact details, can be found on the Quality Assurance website under the tab ‘Good Scientific Practice’ at TU Dresden.
The Liaison Officer of your faculty can be found on this list.
Trained advisors and coaches of the Graduate Academy offer individual conflict counseling for doctoral students, postdocs and supervisors. Confidentiality is guaranteed and the work is solution-oriented and appreciative. If necessary, contact is made with other support agencies at the TU Dresden. The services offered by the Graduate Academy also include mediation involving all parties to the conflict. The counseling service is open to all members of the Graduate Academy. The counseling sessions and mediations can take place in German or in English.
You can find more information on the conflict related offers of the Graduate Academy here:
In the program for employees and as part of the Center for Continuing Education's program for managers, you will receive answers to the following questions, for example:
How do I resolve conflicts constructively and gain more room to maneuver in emotionally charged situations? How do I manage to communicate in such a way that conflicts do not escalate?
Using examples from your everyday life, your own experience and reflection, as well as theoretical input, you will learn how to shape your professional interaction in an appreciative manner and resolve conflicts constructively.
In addition, TU Dresden is committed to maintaining respectful and peaceful interaction with one another and promoting a free and tolerant climate for all. TU Dresden encourages all members and affiliates to speak up when incidents of (sexualized) harassment, discrimination, and violence occur. Please do not hesitate to approach the contact for cases of harassment, discrimination and violence should you have any concerns.