Jun 23, 2023
Equality at TU Dresden: Balance and Perspectives
The Equality Concept 2018 was evaluated in recent months by an external group of experts. The aim of the evaluation was to identify existing deficits in the orientation of the current concept and to provide impetus for the further development of existing structures and measures. To this end, numerous discussion rounds were held with the expert group on May 15 and 16.
Where do we stand with the cross-sectional topic of equality after 4 years of implementation and how well have we succeeded in anchoring the planned measures of 2018 and filling them with life?
We would like to look back and inform you about the results of the external evaluation together with the expert Dr. Daniela Heitzmann.
We hereby cordially invite you to the event "Equality at TU Dresden: Balance and Perspectives" on July 3 from 09:00 - 11:30 a.m. in the Festsaal der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Hülße-Bau, 3rd floor north wing).
In addition, we also want to look ahead during this event: Which measures would we like to further develop and/or initiate in a needs-oriented manner when updating the equal opportunities concept? Please feel free to bring your feedback from your previous experiences with gender equality at the TUD and your ideas for measures.
We look forward to your registration at:

Head of Diversity Management
NameDr. Sylvi Bianchin
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).