Nov 07, 2016
Courage – wissen, sehen, handeln!
Racism concerns us all! Look and intervene! The number of racist attacks has risen massively in Dresden in recent years. Often those affected are left alone, bystanders do not intervene and nobody says anything. There are several reasons for this: Racism is not recognised, witnesses of assaults do not know what they can do or are afraid of becoming victims themselves.
This is where the event series „Courage – wissen, sehen, handeln!“ of TU Dresden comes in, which takes place in November and December. Civil courage workshops, argumentation trainings and empowerment seminars provide practical recommendations for action for victims and witnesses of racist attacks. The workshops focus on questions that everyone has already asked themselves: What can I do if I witness a racist assault? What am I allowed to do? How do I argue against right-wing slogans? How do I deal with racism as a victim?
The programme is complemented by lectures by renowned experts.Wilhelm Heitmeyer, long-time director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at the University of Bielefeld and editor of the series "Deutsche Zustände" (German Conditions), will speak at the TU Dresden on 7 November at 6.30 pm on group-related misanthropy and right-wing populism in the context of escalation. In his lecture on 21.11. at 6:15 pm, Kerim Fereidooni, an educationalist from Bochum, will look at teachers' experiences of discrimination and racism. In his lecture on 21.11. at 18.15, Kerim Fereidooni, an educationalist from Bochum, will look at teachers' experiences of discrimination and racism. Emily Ngubia Kessé from the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at HU Berlin will give an insight into racism at German universities in her lecture on 09.12. at 6:30 pm.
A cultural programme with readings, films, a poetry slam and much more invites reflection and opens up new perspectives on discrimination and how to deal with it.Highlights include the reading with Ulrike Draesner, Lucy Fricke and Senthuran Varatharajah at the Literaturhaus Villa Augustin on 23 October (in cooperation with KAMA e.V.), the poetry slam by I-Slam in cooperation with the Jewish Music and Theatre Week on 31.10. at the Societaetstheater and the documentary film "Die Arier" in the presence of director Mo Asumang on 13.12. at the Kino im Kasten (in cooperation with the Move-it Film Festival).
Highlights include the reading with Ulrike Draesner, Lucy Fricke and Senthuran Varatharajah at the Literaturhaus Villa Augustin on 23 October (in cooperation with KAMA e.V.), the poetry slam by I-Slam in cooperation with the Jewish Music and Theatre Week on 31.10. at the Societaetstheater and the documentary film "Die Arier" in the presence of director Mo Asumang on 13.12. at the Kino im Kasten (in cooperation with the Move-it Film Festival).
The event series is organised in cooperation with Aktion Zivilcourage e.V., Amnesty International University Group Dresden, Jüdische Musik- und Theaterwoche Dresden, KAMA e.V., Kino im Kasten e.V., Literaturhaus Villa Augustin, Move-it Filmfestival, Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage e.V., PoKuBi - Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft politisch-kulturelle Bildung Sachsen e.V., RAA Berlin (Regionale Arbeitsstelle für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie e.V.), Straßengezwitscher.
Funding is provided by the initiative budget of the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts.