Oct 05, 2020
7th Diversity Days at TU Dresden from 9 to 11 November 2020 - „Vielfalt wertschätzen. Vielfalt leben“

Digitale Diversity Tage 2020
„Vielfalt wertschätzen. Vielfalt leben“
7th Diversity Days at TU Dresden from 9 to 11 November 2020
TU Dresden is a meeting place for the diversity of life situations - both those of students and employees. In order to make the diversity of life situations at our university visible and also tangible for everyone, the Diversity Days take place annually under the auspices of the Diversity Management Office, this year under the motto „Vielfalt wertschätzen, Vielfalt leben“.
"Wertschätzung von Vielfalt bedeutet, ohne Angst verschieden sein zu können.“
(Theodor W. Adorno, 1903 – 1969)
This year, only digital formats will take place.
The event series is being held in cooperation by the Centre for Integration Studies, with the Diversity Unit and the HSG Gender Equality now at TU Dresden.
The programme and further information can be found here: https://tu-dresden.de/diversity_tage.