Jul 22, 2022
Double Marginalisation - Deutschlandfunk Report on the "MigOst" Project
East Germany has a history of migration - Even if it has not been talked about much so far and the West German history of immigration dominates the discourse in research. Since 2021, the Citizen Science project "MigOst - Ostdeutsche Migrationsgesellschaft selbst erzählen" has therefore set itself the goal of creating opportunities for joint discussion and allowing East German migrants to speak for themselves in order to collect their stories and make them more visible.
In a contribution to the Deutschlandfunk programme "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften" from 21.07.2022, the project is now presented in more detail. Under the title „Doppelte Marginalisierung. Citizen Science zur Migrationsgeschichte der DDR“, the programme not only shows how the project works and proceeds and what possibilities arise from the experiences and findings, but also Emiliano Chaimite (Co-managing director of the Dachverband Sächsischer Migrantenorganisationen e. V. and member of the project's advisory board), Dr.in Karoline Oehme-Jüngling (project manager) and Paolo Le van (project staff) have their say in the contribution.
The complete Deutschlandfunk programme "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften" from 21.07.2022 can be accessed here; the contribution on the "MigOst" project begins at minute 01:30. The individual contribution can be found under this link.