Jun 21, 2018
"Dresden isst bunt 2018" on Dresden's Neumarkt
"Mastering diversity is not easy, but diversity is a reality. Diversity is our research subject. This means that we research close to and with practice. The guest banquet is an excellent opportunity for exchange between science and practice. That's why the Centre for Integration Studies at TU Dresden is pleased to host "Dresden isst bunt 2018"."
On 19 June 2018, the time had come again: the third "Dresden is(s)t bunt" guest banquet took place on Neumarkt between 5 and 8 pm. Once again, the Cellex Foundation and the Dresden.Respekt alliance cordially invited institutions, associations, citizens and guests of Dresden to join together in a colourful, cheerful summer festival with culinary delicacies, many conversations and cultural surprises.
The Centre for Integration Studies at the TU Dresden also took part in the event: What is integration? How do we live together? What does tolerance mean? How do we live diversity? We tried to answer all these questions and many more at the Centre for Integration Studies. Researchers were available to answer your questions and inform you about the work of the Centre. Together we discussed what keys we need to master an inclusive and diverse society.
Further information here.