Mar 08, 2019
Spring Conference "Polarisierung und gesellschaftlicher Wandel"
On 27 and 28 March 2019, the spring conference of the DGS section „Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung“ will take place at the TU Dresden on the topic of „Polarisierung und gesellschaftlicher Wandel – Forschungsfelder, Methoden und wissenschaftliche Positionalität“. The section's spring conference will address the question of in which social fields and in what way social change is generated, promoted or modulated by polarisation. It invites participants to reflect on the social grammar of polarisation and its transformational dynamics in diverse social fields and their repercussions for qualitative social research. The study of polarisation takes place on three levels: 1. empirically: as a research object of qualitative social research; 2. as an analytical perspective of the analysis of structural and cultural processes of change in various social fields, including the sciences; 3. as a methodological/methodological challenge for qualitative social research.
The programme of the conference is now published and can be found here.