Oct 09, 2020
Conference on 28-30 October 2020 at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences „Im Osten was Neues? ¬Intersektionale– Migrantische– BIPoC Perspektiven auf 30 Jahre (Wieder-) Vereinigungsprozess in Ostdeutschland“
das wieder vereinigte deutschland
feiert sich wieder 1990
ohne immigrantInnen flüchtlinge jüdische
und schwarze menschen
es feiert im intimen kreis
es feiert in weiß
doch es ist ein blues in schwarz-weiß
(from: blues in schwarz weiss by May Ayim, 1990)
Thirty years ago, the black poet and activist May Ayim wrote these thoughts about German unity and the unification process. The conference aims to initiate a space for reflection and design for people who have often remained invisible in the dominant, normative, often linear narratives of remembrance and transformation of thirty years of German-German unification.
The TU Dresden, the Centre for Integration Studies and the science transfer project „Vielfalt im Dialog“ are participating in the conference with the panel discussion on „Erinnerungsräume von Bewegungsgeschichten- BIPoC Kollektive im Transformationsprozess“ (29 Oct, 4 pm).
Information on the conference and registration can be found here.
Information on the panel discussion in cooperation with TU Dresden here.