May 01, 2019
Conference: Diversität in der Archäologie - erforschen, ausstellen, vermitteln
On 1 June 2018, the project "Change the smac" started at the State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz. This is funded within the framework of the programme "360° - Fonds für Kulturen der neuen Stadtgesellschaft" of the Federal Cultural Foundation. The aims of the project include initiating processes of change within the thematic field of cultural diversity in the museum and reducing exclusion mechanisms. This process should then influence the discourse on diversity within the urban society. The smac would like to achieve this through events oriented towards the contents of the museum.
With the conference "Diversität in der Archäologie: erforschen, ausstellen, vermitteln", the scientific foundations of the future programmatic work of the smac are to be illuminated, critically questioned and opportunities and limits highlighted. Topics such as ethnos, migration and intercultural contact have long been discussed in archaeology. Since the 1990s, the term "identity" has played an increasing role.
The first part of the conference will deal with the questions: What is the state of research, which positions exist and what research potentials can be expected in the future? The second part is about curating: How has the topic of origin-related diversity been dealt with in an exhibition so far, what are curators allowed and able to exhibit, should/must something change? The third part of the conference will be dedicated to the question of museum education, how we can convey the content to our visitors and which concepts are suitable to address as many parts of society as possible.
Further information on the conference can be found at