Research at the Faculty of Education
Education as a modern empirical science follows rigorous methodological criteria and ethical research standards. The diversity both of research topics and of empirical approaches is as wide as the diversity of our two dozen Chairs.

Diversity of topics and empirical approaches
Given the variety of educational topics and phenomena, in order to meet the complexity of the subject, psychological and sociological aspects always have to be analysed as well.
Culture and Societal Change
This is the name of one of the trans-faculty Research Priority Areas (RPA) of Technische Universität Dresden (Research Priority Area 5). These key words, moreover, create a meta-theoretical framework. Research at the Faculty of Education is therefore not limited to the obvious teaching and learning research. Our research topics originate in education spheres of the complete lifespan, at all times embedded in most diverse social systems. The focus of research is thus both on education at school and outside school, on training and counselling, the promotion of pedagogical and socio-pedagogical employment, as well as on continuing and vocational education research.
Which projects are currently in focus?
The focal points of research and current projects are presented where the research is conducted – at the Chairs. It is envisaged to regularly present projects on this site as well, to outline our research strategy, and to discuss methodical and ethical questions of research. In order to optimise our work, for the term 2018-2021, a Dean of Research is reinforcing our Dean’s Office. Since January 2019, Prof Dr Stephan Abele is our Vice-Dean of Research.
The Research Information System of TU Dresden
Our research projects are documented in a browser-based data base application with a public search interface (projects, publications, dissertations, masters' theses). In the context of the Excellence Initiative, a completely new research information system based on PURE (Elsevier) is under implementation. This will provide a better and real-time representation particularly of research and transfer at the Faculty of Education, further professionalising documentation and public and effective reporting of research.