FLEX - Flexibilization of access to vocational academy studies for prospective students with different admission requirements and ensuring the study ability of first-year students and students
Brief description:
It is not only since the PISA studies that employers and universities have complained about a lack of knowledge in basic subjects and deficits in key qualifications among high school graduates. Discussions have often focused on the ability to study. However, while on the one hand the ability of school leavers to study was criticized, on the other hand there were calls for universities to be opened up to people without a university entrance qualification. The background to these efforts was to increase participation in education, equal opportunities, employability and the permeability of the education system in order to achieve a higher level of qualification in society as a whole. In eastern Germany, and especially in Saxony, the predicted shortage of academic workers also spoke in favor of less rigid access to academic education.
The Flex project addressed this problem by developing, implementing and scientifically evaluating adaptation modules in the basic subjects of mathematics, English, economics and technology/physics. The Staatliche Studienakademie Dresden served as a test location. Prospective BA students with completed vocational training who did not have a university entrance qualification or a master craftsman's certificate were thus given the opportunity to prepare themselves optimally for the entrance examination and the course. The modules were also open to students with traditional entry requirements in order to generally support their ability to study at the University of Cooperative Education.
Staff members:
- Dipl.-Psych. Elisa Haustein
- Dipl.-Soz. Diana Bischof
- Dr. Mandy Pastohr
- Dipl.-Soz. Anne Röder
- Dipl.-Psych. Cynthia Heller
- 05/2009 - 12/2013
Scientific cooperation:
- Berufsakademie Sachsen, Dresden State University of Cooperative Education
Funding: European Social Fund
- European Social Fund