Self-organized continuing education! - Development of further education didactics for self-organized learning processes
Self-organized and self-directed learning is becoming increasingly important, particularly in the context of lifelong learning and the individual shaping of educational and employment biographies. Digital media are playing an important role in the digitalization of the world of work. The aim of the project is therefore to strengthen self-organized and self-directed learning supported by digital media in continuing vocational training.
To this end, a current continuing education didactic for self-organized learning processes is being developed and tested as an example for the lecturers of the Volkshochschule Dreiländereck in vocational continuing education courses. In order to enable the implementation of continuing education didactics in everyday education, a method kit for lecturers in continuing vocational training as well as recommendations for action and a field report for continuing education providers will be produced as project results.
- The results of the project are summarized in the publication "Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. A handbook for theory and practice" and prepared for academic discussion and suggestions for transfer into continuing education practice.
- The method kit is available online at
- The experience report and the recommendations for action were published in the "Edition VHS AKtuell" series of the Saxon Adult Education Association. You are welcome to request a copy from us.
The development and testing of the didactics and other materials produced in the project is based on a comprehensive research design consisting of two sub-studies.
The long-term goal of the project is to anchor the didactics of self-organized learning in various providers of continuing vocational training. To this end, close cooperation with representatives from continuing education practice will be sought during the course of the project within the framework of a scientific advisory board.
Information on the course of the project
Das Forschungsdesign zur Entwicklung und Erprobung der Didaktik selbstorganisierten Lernens in der beruflichen Weiterbildung und der weiteren im Projekt entstehenden Materialien basiert auf zwei Teilstudien.
Teilstudie 1 beschäftigt sich im Rahmen eines Literatur-Reviews, einer Dokumentenanalyse sowie qualitativen und quantitativen Befragungen von Dozierenden, Teilnehmenden und Leitungspersonal verschiedener Weiterbildungseinrichtungen mit dem Status Quo des selbstorganisierten Lernens in der beruflichen Weiterbildung.
Teilstudie 2 dient der Erprobung der aus dem Literatur-Review abgeleiteten Didaktik und dem Methodenkoffer in den beruflichen Weiterbildungsangeboten der VHS Dreiländereck. Diese Erprobung wird flankiert von einem Weiterbildungsangebot für Dozierende und wissenschaftlicher Begleitforschung. Die Generalisierung der Erkenntnisse wird durch die enge Verschränkung und Rückspiegelung der beiden Teilstudien ermöglicht.
01/2016 - 12/2018
Deputy head of research group
NameMs Dr. Jana Riedel
Participant in the graduate program „Education & Technology“
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BSS, 4th floor, room 446 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Deputy Head of Research Group
NameMr Jonathan Dyrna M.Sc.
Research associate
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 449 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameMs Dr. Sylvia Schulze-Achatz
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4. OG, Raum 471 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Research associate
NameMs Kathrin Möbius M.A.
Acting director of the Office of Equal Opportunity at CODIP.
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 453 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Research associate
NameMs Dr. Nadine Schaarschmidt
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 447 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Research assistant
NameMs Judith Neubert
Contact person for Coding for Tomorrow
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4. OG, Raum 456 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden