Color technology, interior design and surface technology
The degree course in the vocational department "Color Technology, Interior Design and Surface Technology" qualifies you to complete your teacher training at a vocational school (vocational school, vocational college, technical college, vocational grammar school, etc.) in the vocational field[1] "Color Technology, Interior Design and Surface Technology" after the first state examination and then teach as a teacher in the vocational field. This means that you can teach in the assigned professions after completing your studies.
Building and object coater
Floor layer
Stage painter
Enamel painter
Vehicle painter
Vehicle interior decorator
Visual marketing designer
Glass and porcelain painter
Glassblower, Department of Glass Design
Glass finisher in the Department of Glass Painting
Industrial ceramist specializing in decoration technology
Industrial ceramist in model technology
Painter and varnisher
Digital and print media designer
Surface coater
Parquet layer
Upholstery and decoration seamstress
Interior decorator
Window/display designer
Sign and illuminated advertising maker
Technical product designer
Textile and fashion seamstress
Process mechanic for coating technology
bold = "core occupations"; normal = other frequently assigned occupations
A special feature of the "Color Technology, Interior Design and Surface Technology" field of study is that there is no corresponding (i.e. related) engineering discipline that clearly shapes the university education, such as Civil Engineering in Construction Technology. Students who decide to study in the vocational department of "Color Technology, Interior Design and Surface Technology" will find references to architecture, Civil Engineering and the fields of graphics and design in addition to the vocational education, vocational didactics and vocational science components. For example, the subject areas include chemistry, color theory and design, type design, materials technology and surface technology, building materials and building construction.
The aim of vocational didactics as a core element of teacher training is to enable you to systematically prepare the diverse (teaching) content and to plan, implement and reflect on lessons in a way that is appropriate for the target group.
(cf. Pahl, J.-P./Herkner, V. (eds.) (2010): Handbuch berufliche Fachrichtungen. 2nd, uned. Edition. Bielefeld. 402-408.)
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You can find further information on the teacher training program for vocational schools on the page Student guidance/information
[1] Although the Vocational Department and the Vocational Field are called the same thing, there is an important difference. While the vocational department refers to the field of study and thus the structure of teacher training at universities, the term occupational field refers to the assignment of individual (related) professions. Consequently, the degree program prepares you to teach in the assigned professions - regardless of the current lack of a systematic and formally valid classification. This is a key difference compared to general education, which prepares you for a subject.