CT and chemistry - how do they fit together?
The Vocational Specialisation in Chemical Technology (BFR CT) is responsible for academic training for the higher teaching profession at vocational schools in the BFR CT with the specialisations of chemical technology and environmental technology as well as didactic training in the subject of chemistry for teaching at secondary schools and grammar schools.
The focus of the teacher training programme for both CT and the subject of chemistry is the design of chemistry-related teaching/learning processes in the laboratory, production and living environment.

Our core competence is the subject-specific and vocational didactic design of educational processes in the various types of schools, qualification levels and at all learning locations, based on the principle of competence orientation. Educational design encompasses all areas of activity, from the formulation of objectives, the selection and structuring of educational content and the methodological design of various teaching and learning processes, including the means used to support knowledge, to the process- and result-related evaluation of teaching and learning processes.
The Department has many years of experience in national and international project work, focusing on the one hand on the analysis and logical structuring of educationally relevant content and on the other hand on the design of problem-based and thus context-related learning and teaching. While the learning content in LPT relates to chemistry-related work in the laboratory and production, in chemistry it is primarily the reality of life that is to be explored from a chemical perspective.
Teaching and research are closely interlinked.