As (future) teachers, we want to make food tangible and encourage students to eat a balanced and wholesome diet. In the specialist teaching kitchen, we can offer pupils the opportunity to acquire nutritional knowledge situationally through practical exercises, taste experiences and group experiences and sensitize them to their personal eating habits.
Accordingly, the BROMATICS practical seminar follows the principle of complete action in relation to food preparation according to scientific and economic principles. The students deepen their knowledge of the composition of food and its kitchen-technological properties and acquire knowledge and skills about the complete process of food planning, preparation and consumption and the corresponding evaluation and reflection. They have the opportunity to expand, deepen and reflect on their practical skills.
The basic teaching objectives can be summarized as follows
- Skills acquisition in the scientific principles of food processing in domestic and commercial kitchens
- Select recipes according to nutritional, ecological and economic aspects and design them in a student-friendly way
- Evaluating and reflecting on work processes and products with regard to possible applications in the classroom