Apr 27, 2023
The 17 global goals for sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs for short) are considered a "roadmap" for the future.
Various people at TU Dresden and in the city are also working towards these SDGs with their projects and their commitment. From April 18, we will be introducing people who have taken on the patronage of one goal each week - from CIPSEM, the Chair of Building Energy Technology, OLGA, Diversity Management to Amnesty International Dresden, the Refugee Law Clinic and many more. Here, people who are committed to the SDGs and help shape them at TU Dresden or in the city have their say.
The SDG campaign will be launched on both the Green Office and the TUD Instagram channel. At the same time, from April 18, the patrons will gradually be presented on this website: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/nachhaltigkeit/sdg or the educational projects here: https: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/nachhaltigkeit/bildung/lehrveranstaltungen-good-practice.
You can find the original news articlehere .