Teaching-learning locations
Since the summer semester 2022, the BildungsAcker in the Botanical Garden of TU Dresden has been a learning location for practical education as sustainable development (ESD). The project seminar is currently aimed at students of the general (mainly geography) and vocational teaching profession (mainly vocational department of nutrition and home economics) and is offered in the supplementary area (EGS) as an in-depth option for subject didactics.

Der BildungsAcker im Botanischen Garten der TU Dresden
In terms of a research-based, action-oriented approach, the project seminar aims to combine students' own experiences in the cultivation of arable land with theoretically based, reflective practices and to transfer the knowledge gained about the educational field as a place of learning into their own approaches and concepts for the integration of ESD in school and other educationally relevant professional contexts. By participating in the seminar, students are sensitized to the possibilities that arise from the cultivation of arable land for integration into educational contexts of ESD. The learning process is accompanied by various thematic focus seminars that flank the activities on the field.
Contributors: Prof. Nicole Raschke (Geographical Education), Prof. Jana Markert (Nutritional and Household Sciences and Didactics of the Professional Field), Prof. Christoph Neinhuis (Director Botanical Garden TUD), Dr. Barbara Ditsch (Scientific Director Botanical Garden TUD), Alexandra Seifert(GreenOffice TUD)
Initially, the agricultural practice was guaranteed by Acker e.V. Berlin. The course has so far been financially supported by the Society of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden (SoSe22 & WiSe22) and the Environment Commission of TU Dresden (SoSe23 & WiSe23).
The BildungsAcker in the public eye:
Sustainability exhibition of the Cosmo Science Forum in the Kulturpalast Dresden
Saxon State Exhibition on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Short question "BildungsAcker" - Discover TU Dresden
Further teaching and learning locations of the Chair:
-Teachingand experimental kitchen