Table of contents
General information about stays abroad can be found HERE.
You are studying at the Faculty of Education and want to complete an Erasmus semester at another university (OUTGOING)?
1. Benefits
ERASMUS+ offers the possibility to spend a semester abroad at a host university in another European country. The duration of stay for our partner universities is usually 6 months. In addition, an internship can also be done.
For a study abroad program within the framework of Erasmus, you will be exempted from tuition fees at the host university.
The academic achievements you make during your stay abroad will usually be recognized. For this purpose, we will work out a so-called "Learning Agreement" with you in advance, in which the intended learning goals or courses are listed.
2. Financial Security
In order to support you with regard to the additional financial expenses incurred during your stay abroad, you are also entitled to receive a mobility allowance. The exact amount of the mobility allowance will be determined each year.
In addition, you have the possibility to apply for AuslandsBAföG. Even if you do not receive BAföG in Germany, it is advisable to apply for AuslandsBAföG, as funding abroad is still possible. You can find more information here.
3. Planning/Roadmap
You will receive support in planning and implementing your stay abroad from the respective subject coordinator as well as at the faculty of the corresponding host university.
If you are interested in the conditions in your host country you can contact TU Alumni worldwide, the International Regional Ambassadors.
4. Requirements
To be able to study or do an internship at one of our partner universities within the framework of ERASMUS+, the following conditions apply:
You should
- be at least in the 3rd semester of your studies
- have not received any Erasmus funding so far
- be enrolled at the TU Dresden
- be a citizen of the EU or another contracting party in the European Economic Area or have a corresponding permanent residence permit and
- have sufficient language skills, depending on the chosen host university.
Please note that we can only award exchange places for ERASMUS+ studies at universities with which we have a partnership agreement. You can find them here.
5. Application Modalities
The current deadline for the winter and summer semester is March 15th.
Please apply via the online application form.
Complete application documents must be submitted via the Mobility Online application portal.
Please note:
- To select the places in Switzerland, please click on the exchange program Swiss-European Mobility Programme.
- All other places can be found in the Erasmus+ Study (Europe) exchange program.
Information about the application modalities of the partner universities can be obtained from the respective websites and the contact persons. The partner university will be contacted by you after a successful nomination by the ERASMUS+ coordinator.
When preparing the learning agreement, please compare the study contents of the partner university with those of your study program at the TU Dresden, if necessary. Your lecturers and the ERASMUS+ coordinator can help you with this.
You are studying at another university and are interested in an Erasmus semester at the Faculty of Education (INCOMING)?
1. ERASMUS+ Studies at the Faculty of Education
In the following, we would like to provide foreign students who are interested in studying at the Faculty of Education within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program with important information about the study program, the application modalities as well as further questions regarding their stay in Dresden.
Of course, this information can only give a first overview. In case you plan to study in Dresden, it is advisable to contact the subject coordinator of your home university and/or our institutes as early as possible in order to clarify questions regarding the application, study organization or the stay in Dresden.
Further detailed information can be found on the pages of the International Office.
2. Studies and Courses
ERASMUS+ students choose various seminars and lectures from our course offerings as part of their application to the host university. These are then recorded in the so-called Learning Agreement, the study plan agreed upon with the student's home university.
Since the course catalog for the semester in question is not published until the month before the semester begins, but the Learning Agreement is submitted much earlier, the current overview of courses (or the overviews from previous semesters) can only serve as a rough guide. After your arrival, your study plan will be updated again and coordinated with your home university.
For lectures, no enrollment is required. For seminars, only partial registrations are required. Please read the comments on the individual courses in the course catalog.
3. Language
The language of instruction is German. Therefore, in order to study with us within ERASMUS+, you should have sufficient knowledge of the German language to be able to follow the course content. This should be proven in the application documents.
There is also the possibility of attending an intensive language course for which a fee is charged. This takes place in the month before the start of the semester. You can find more information here.
In addition, free language courses are offered during the course of study. For this purpose, you must first take a placement test, the date of which will be announced at the time of your enrollment.
4. Application
All students who are enrolled at a university that has a partnership agreement with our faculty can apply to study at our university.
Further information can be found here.
5. Housing
You can either rent a private apartment or a room in a shared apartment or apply for a room in a student dormitory or in the International Guest House at the Studentenwerk Dresden. If you wish to rent a room through the Studentenwerk, it is advisable to apply as soon as possible after you have been admitted.
6. Semester Fee and Tuition
A semester fee is charged to all regularly enrolled students per semester. This includes the costs for the semester ticket (bus & train ticket) and a contribution to the student services and student council.
At the TU Dresden, tuition fees are only charged in certain cases. This is not relevant for INCOMING students.