Aug 31, 2023
PD Dr Jörg Sonntag Deputy Head of Chair of Medieval History from Winter term 2023/24
PD Dr. Jörg Sonntag, department head of the project Klöster im Hochmittelalter. Innovationslabore europäischer Lebensentwürfe und Ordnungsmodelle, will assume the role of Deputy Head of the Chair of Medieval History at the Technische Universität Dresden starting in the winter semester 2023/24.
PD Dr. Jörg Sonntag completed his doctorate in 2007 on "Klosterleben im Spiegel des Zeichenhaften. Symbolisches Denken und Handeln hochmittelalterlicher Mönche zwischen Dauer und Wandel, Regel und Gewohnheit" and edited, among other things, the statutes of the Wilhelmites (1251–1348) and the legislation of the Caulites in the 13th century. His habilitation thesis "Der spielende Gott im Mittelalter. Eine kulturhistorische Annäherung" is currently in print. Due to his numerous fellowships abroad, amongst others at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA, and Tel Aviv University, Israel, he enjoys an international reputation.
In addition to the comparative history of religious orders, his research focuses on games in the Middle Ages, imitations as a cultural technique, and the body and hair as cultural anthropological topics.
In the winter semester, he will offer four courses: a lecture on central topics of medieval cultural history, the colloquium on current topics in medieval history, an advanced seminar on the power of hair in the Middle Ages and a practical session on the Vikings.