May 29, 2024
FOVOG Newsletter 01/2024 published
The first Newsletter of the Research Center for Comparative History of Religious Orders (FOVOG) 2024 has been published. FOVOG informs subscribers to its newsletter at least twice a year about its current activities, new publications and events.
A highlight of the current newsletter are the short reports on past workshops, including the workshop "Neue Forschungen zu Klöstern und Orden im Ostseeraum | Current Studies to Monasteries and Orders in the Baltic Area", which took place from 02.11.2023–03.11.2023, and a workshop report from the DAAD project "Saints and Shaping of Religious Identities", which is being carried out in cooperation with the University of Zagreb.
The current newsletter is available here. If you would like to be regularly informed about FOVOG, you can subscribe to the newsletter here. Past newsletters can be read here.