The Chair of Social and Economic History analyses social and economic developments in societies and asks about the conceptions, ideas, and theories on which they are based. The Dresden Chair explicitly combines such questions with those of women's and gender history. Get to know the focal areas of research and teaching on our website.

The Chair of Social and Economic History
Economic and social history primarily focuses on economic and social developments, on the economic and social composition of societies, on the economic and social conceptions, ideas and theories on which they are based, and on people's actual economic and social activities - in this sense, it appears to be a clearly defined sub-discipline of the science of history.
It is a so-called systematic discipline whose object of knowledge is not linked to any particular period. Although the term economic and social history suggests that it is a special discipline that analyses both economic and social developments as well as their interrelation, in practice this is rarely the case. At the currently existing chairs in Germany, research is dominated mainly by economic history. Their most common shared topics are the history of industrialisation, the history of companies and/or the history of globalisation.
You may find the detailed profile of the Dresden Chair of Social and Economic History here.