Affektive_Archive_Siska © Siska

Affective Archives – Artists' Travels Abroad during the GDR

Freedom of art and travel were severely restricted in the GDR - and yet artists and their works crossed borders before and behind the Iron Curtain. The project "Affektive Archive - Auslandsreisen von Künstler:innen zur Zeit der DDR" (Affective Archives – Artists' Travels Abroad during the GDR), funded by the Thyssen Foundation, is dedicated to the recollections of trips undertaken, imagined, and prevented, and searches for their archival traces and artistic testimonies.

learn more Affective Archives – Artists' Travels Abroad during the GDR

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Teamfoto_Kerstin, Nora, Jule © Sven Ellger/TUD
Professur für Bildwis­senschaft im globalen Kontext