May 04, 2023
11.5.23 Lecture: "Bildproteste – Neue Forschungen zu ästhetischem Widerstand im Social Web"
As part of the lecture series "Von der Ikone zum Digitalen. Mediale Lebensformen – Kritik und Geschichte" (" From the icon to the digital. Media Forms of Life - Critique and History"), Kerstin Schankweiler will give a lecture on new research on aesthetic resistance on the social web at the Chair of Art History at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Digital images and their circulation in social media play a central role in protest movements worldwide. The term "image protests" does not simply refer to the representation of protest in images, but primarily raises questions: How do images become the cause of protests? How do people protest with images? What momentum do images develop; how do they themselves become actors of protest? Closely linked to this are problems of the visibility or invisibility of resistance and the attention economies and power structures with which it has to reckon. Using examples from the social media of the recent past, the lecture will examine the connection between aesthetics, affects and algorithms.
If you are interested, please contact the office of the Chair of Art History (please send an email to - you will then be sent the necessary access data for the Zoom conference.
Poster Image protests-research on aesthetic resistance on the social web