17.10.2022 - 30.01.2023; Veranstaltungsreihe
Ringvorlesung "Image Protests / Bildproteste"
The digital lecture series “Image Protests / Bildproteste” investigates how images play, and have played, a decisive role in shaping protest movements worldwide. It includes speakers - both academics and artists - who focus on current image practices online, but also invites historical perspectives on this topic. The lecture series will be held in the coming winter semester 22/23 and takes place via Zoom, weekly Monday, 6:30-8:00 pm (CET) and will include talks in English and German.
„Frau Leben Freiheit“: Die revolutionäre Bewegung in Iran in den sozialen Netzwerken
Phantasmeme: suspicious unit of truth.
From Meme Magic to TikTok Realness: How Platforms keep changing the Game of Online Propaganda
(FÄLLT AUS) Sharing, Tracking und Tracing im Datenfluss
Atomangst: Bilder und die kollektive Formung von Emotionen in der deutschen Anti-Atombewegung