Sociology in Dresden - History and Profile
Sociology in Saxony's capital has a long tradition. As early as 1926, an extraordinary professorship in Sociology was established at the Department of Cultural Studies of the then "Technische Hochschule Dresden". The Department included teacher training as well as economic studies and the extraordinary professorship was held by Fedor Stepun (1884 - 1965). TU Dresden was thus one of the first universities in Germany to establish a professorship exclusively in 'Sociology'. The Institute currently comprises five Chairs, one Junior Professorship, one Senior Professor, an Extraordinary Professor, and an Honorary Professor.
Sociology in Dresden is particularly interested in cultural phenomena (in a broad sense), and a pluralistic approach is taken with regard to sociological theories. Our objective is not a 'school and paradigm education', but a critical and comparative teaching of sociological theories. With this approach, the Institute is also embedded in one of the Research Priority Areas of TU Dresden, which is addressing cultural and societal change.