Management and committees
Prof. Dr. Natalja Menold has been the managing director of the Institute since winter semester 2020/21. She is also the Chair of Methods in Empirical Social Research.
The professorial board consists of Prof. Greschke, Prof. Kupfer, Prof. Lenz, Prof. Menold, Prof. Rehberg and Prof. Schrage. The above-mentioned persons take part in meetings of the professorial board. Meetings of the Institute's board are attended by both the professorial board and the representatives of the non-professorial academic staff as guests.
The representatives of the non-professorial academic staff are Viktoria Rösch and Robert Neumann.
The Council of the Institute discusses Institute matters twice a semester. It is attended by the professorial board, the staff, and the student representatives.
Contact persons for students with special concerns, questions or problems are the student representatives and the trust lecturers.
The Academic Advisors are Dr. Andreas Höntsch, Dipl.-Psych. Oliver Brust and Dr. Hein.
The Academic Affairs Committee (ASK) discusses matters relating to the degree programmes. Its members are the professorial board, the Academic Advisors, and the student representatives.