REXKLIMA publishes research in academic journals and edited volumes. A key publication at the beginning of the project period is the volume Contemporary Germany and the Fourth Wave of Far-Right Politics. From the Streets to Parliament, which includes contributions by a large number of leading German and international experts.
Publications during the funding period:
Far-right movement-party activism as strategy: Germany’s ’peace movement’ during Russia’s war against Ukraine (2024, Acta Politica), by Manès Weisskircher.
Love as a key emotion for the far right? Environmentalism, affective politics and the Anastasia ecological settler movement in Germany (2024, Environmental Values), by Manuela Beyer and Manès Weisskircher.
Breite Zustimmung zum Ausbau der Erneuerbaren - Widerstände im ländlichen Ostdeutschland (2024, IW-Kurzbericht 59/2024 together with REXKLIMA), by Matthias Diermeier and Manès Weisskircher
Contemporary Germany and the Fourth Wave of Far-Right Politics. From the Streets to Parliament (2024, Routledge), edited by Manès Weisskircher.
Reaching out beyond the national border? How far-right actors in Germany and Norway evaluate transnationalism (2024, Nations and Nationalism), by Katrine Fangen and Manès Weisskircher.
Die neuen Themen Klima und Krieg: Die AfD als Krisenprofiteur der Zeitenwende (2024, Transformationspolitik. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der Ampel-Koalition), by Manès Weisskircher.
Fifty Years after Peter Singer's Animal Liberation: What has the Animal Rights Movement Achieved so Far? (2024, The Political Quarterly), by Manès Weisskircher.
Austria. “Protecting democracy” in the context of an established far-right Lager – counterprotest against a far-right ball (2024, Civil Democracy Protection. Success Conditions of Non-Governmental Organisations in Comparison), by Manès Weisskircher.
Anastasia als Brückenspektrum zwischen extremer Rechter und alternativen Milieus (2024, Brennpunkte der »neuen« Rechten. Globale Entwicklungen und die Lage in Sachsen), by Manuela Beyer.
Subnational Politics and Far-Right Strength in Germany. The Importance of the East-West Divide (2023, The Routledge Handbook of Far-Right Extremism in Europe), by Sabine Volk and Manès Weisskircher.
Direct Democracy and the Impact of the Alternative for Germany (AfD)? “Populist” Demand for Popular Sovereignty as Latent Political Conflict (2023, Sovereignty in Conflict. Political, Constitutional and Economic Dilemmas in the EU), by Manès Weisskircher.
Defending democracy against the ‘Corona dictatorship’? Far-right PEGIDA during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023, Social Movement Studies), by Sabine Volk and Manès Weisskircher.
Far-Right PEGIDA. Non-violent Protest and the Blurred Lines Between the Radical and Extreme Right (2023, Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism), by Sabine Volk und Manès Weisskircher.
Global warming and polarization. Wind turbines and the electoral success of the greens and the populist radical right (2022, European Journal of Political Research), by Cyrill Otteni and Manès Weisskircher.
AfD gegen die Grünen? Rechtspopulismus und klimapolitische Polarisierung in Deutschland (2022, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen), by Cyrill Otteni and Manès Weisskircher.
What is the relationship between the far right and environmentalism? (2022, C-REX Compendium), by Iris Beau Segers and Manès Weisskircher.