REXKLIMA regularly organizes scientific conferences and public lectures. This includes co-organizing the large international conference "Dimensions of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe" in Bielefeld in February 2024, where REXKLIMA benefited from cooperation with renowned German and international academic institutions.
REXKLIMA events:
28.11.-29.11.2024: 1. REXKLIMA workshop: Far-right Politics in the Context of the Climate Crisis
22.05.2024: Lecture "Die AfD und die deutsche Wirtschaft - Konfrontation oder Kooperation?" by Dr. Matthias Diermeier
28.02.2024: Lecture "Die Neue Rechte und die Natur: Eine transeuropäische Ideengeschichte" by Prof. Aron Buzogány
13.02.-15.02.2024: Conference "Dimensions of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe" at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University, organized together with C-REX (Center for Research on Extremism) at the University of Oslo, the Conflict Academy (ConflictA) at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Conflict and Violence Research (IKG) at the University of Bielefeld, the Knowledge Network Right-Wing Extremism Research (Wi-REX) in Bielefeld and the Research Focus Right-wing Extremism/Neonazism (FORENA) at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf.
16.01.2024: "Double Guest Lecture" with the lectures "Nature and Nationalism? Far-right politics and the environment" by Prof. Jonathan Olsen and "Conspiracy in the Age of Respiratory Distress: Unearthing the Promise of a Contested Political Mode" by Prof. AK Thompson, organized together with Prof. Moritz Ingwersen
30.11.2023: Lecture "The wolves are coming back: Zur Politik der Angst in Ostdeutschland" by Dr. Julia Leser