(2 SWS)
The course RPTE-Lessons provides a platform for presenting and discussing selected aspects of foreign language teaching in preparation for or in support of the course/module RPTE-SPÜ (Reflected Practice of Teaching English - Schulpraktische Übung). Thus it assists participants both in dealing with issues coming up in daily classroom situations and in deepening their theoretical understanding of learning and teaching processes.
This course (RPTE-Lessons) represents one of the two courses offered in the module RPTE (Reflected Practice of Teaching English). In combination with the course RPTE-Survey it develops the competences required for the subsequent module RPTE-SPÜ.
The Prüfungsleistung RPTE-Portfolio integrates tasks related to the courses RPTE-Survey and RPTE-Lessons.
Details on course contents, target competences, organization, tasks and requirements will be made available in the context of the first sessions of the RPTE courses.
Previous registration via OPAL is required.
Cameron, Lynne (2001). Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: CUP. Elsner, Daniela (2015). Englisch 1-4. München: Oldenbourg.
Gehring, Wolfgang (2015): Praxis Planung Englischunterricht. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
Grimm, Nancy; Meyer, Michael; Volkmann, Laurenz (2015). Teaching English. Tübingen: Narr.
Hass, Frank (2006). Fachdidaktik Englisch. Tradition - Innovation - Praxis. Stuttgart: Klett.
Legutke, Michael K.; Müller-Hartmann, Andreas; Schocker-v. Ditfurth, Marita (2009). Teaching English in the Primary School. Stuttgart: Klett.
Thaler, Engelbert (2012). Englisch unterrichten: Grundlagen – Kompetenzen – Methoden. Berlin: Cornelsen.