
NameMr Prof. Dr. Alexander Lasch
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- since 10/2017: Chair of Linguistics and History of German; Technische Universität Dresden
- 2016: Habilitation - Venia Legendi for German Linguistics; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- 2012-09/2017: Research and teaching associate; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- 2011-2012: Deputy Head of Chair of Applied Linguistics; Technische Universität Dresden
- 2006-2011: Research and teaching associate; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- 2004-2006: Research and teaching associate; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 2001-2004: Promotion - Doctorate in German Linguistics; Technische Universität Dresden
- 1995-2000: Teaching degree German/History Gymnasium (secondary school); Technische Universität Dresden
- Construction grammar and grammar of contemporary German; founding member of the Research group "Konstruktionsgrammatik des Deutschen"
- History of German ( 13th to 20th century); foundation and board member of the "Gesellschaft für germanistische Sprachgeschichte" (GGSG), since September 2018 first chairman of the Society
- Digital Humanities: Exploration and automatic analysis; member of the research group "German Philology" (F1) at clarin-D
- Discoursive semantics / discourse specific communication ("Speech and Religion"); head of the domaine "Religion" at Research network "Language and Knowledge" (SuW) at Universität Heidelberg (together with Wolf-Andreas Liebert) and member of the "Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft" (KWG)
- Functional and regional varieties
- Subjects of applied linguistics (Forensic Linguistics, Corporate Communications, Accessible communication)
- Historische (Morpho-)Syntax. 14. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für germanistische Sprachgeschichte. 28., 29. und 30. September 2022 in Dresden.
- Konstruktionsgrammatik germanischer Sprachen. Forschungsstand - Desiderata - Perspektiven. 24. und 25. März 2022 in Dresden.
Sprache und Religion. 4. Arbeitstagung Religionslinguistik. 3. und 4. Dezember 2020 in Dresden.
- Opfer. 3. Arbeitstagung Religionslinguistik. 17. und 18. Oktober 2019 in Dresden.
- Sprache und Vermittlung – Kommunikation in Ausstellungen. Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, 11. und 12. Oktober 2018.
- Historische Konstruktionsgrammatik. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 17. und 18. Februar 2016 (gemeinsam mit Alexander Ziem [Düsseldorf]). Förderung: DFG.
- Deutsch im Norden. Varietäten des norddeutschen Raumes im Spiegel der germanistischen Sprachgeschichtsschreibung. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für germanistische Sprachgeschichte (GGSG) e.V. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 25.-27. September 2014 (gemeinsam mit Markus Hundt).
- Konstruktionen – Wissen – Diskurs. Internationales Kolloquium der Graduiertenplattform des Forschungsnetzwerks »Sprache und Wissen«, des Internationalen Wissenschaftsforums und des Germanistischen Seminars der Universität Heidelberg am 11.-12. September 2012 (gemeinsam mit Marcus Müller [Heidelberg] und Alexander Ziem [Düsseldorf]).
- Konstruktionen als soziale Konventionen und kognitive Routinen. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 31. August bis 1. September 2011 (gemeinsam mit Alexander Ziem [Düsseldorf]).
- Konstruktionsgrammatik: Neue Perspektiven zur Untersuchung des Deutschen und Englischen. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 18.-20. Februar 2010 (gemeinsam mit Alexander Ziem [Düsseldorf]). Förderung: FTS.
- perceptual dialectology – Neue Wege der Dialektologie. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 22.-24. Mai 2008 (gemeinsam mit Markus Hundt & Christina A. Anders). Förderung: FTS.
Beispiele des kollaborativen Lernens im virtuellen Raum und Ausblick einer Lernkultur der Digitalität , 2020, p. 63-72, 10 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Kein Reicher war nicht dabei. Konstruktionen der Negation als Herausforderung für die Konstruktionsgrammatik , 2020, Konstruktionen, Kollokationen, Muster - Geerbte Strukturen, Übertragung in neue RealitätenResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Partizipationswunsch oder Prokrastinationsverdacht? , 2020, Deutsch in Sozialen MedienElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Partizipationswunsch oder Prokrastinationsverdacht?: Wissenschaftsvermittlung auf Blogs , 2020, Deutsch in Sozialen Medien. Marx, K., Lobin, H. & Schmidt, A. (eds.). De Gruyter, Berlin [u. a.], p. 233–246Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Sind die Lichter angezündet. Weihnachtslieder als seltene linguistische Analyseobjekte , 2020, Weihnachtslinguistik. Festliche Texte über Sprache. Marx, K. (ed.). Tübingen: Gunter Narr VerlagResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Bester Manager-Auftritt 2018. , 2019, GLS. Blog der Professur für germanistische Linguistik und Sprachgeschichte im Bereich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften an der TU Dresden.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
„Die Welt wird schwarz”. , 2019, Grenzgänge. Digitale Festschrift für Wolf-Andreas Liebert.. online, p. 1-11, 11 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Maschinelle Stilanalyse im Literaturunterricht. , 2019, 9 p.Research output: Other contribution > Other
Wissenschaftsvermittlung auf Blogs. , 2019, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Other contribution > Other
Konstruktionsgrammatische Zugänge zu narrativen Texten: Ausgangspunkte und Perspektiven , 1 Jun 2018, In: Lili - Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik. 48, 2, p. 389-410, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Publication at Academia and Researchgate
Wissen als Ware. Spuren weltumspannender grammatikographischer Gelehrtennetzwerke Lasch, A. (Speaker) 26 Sep 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Kleinwelka. Regional verwurzelt, global vernetzt Lasch, A. (Speaker) 8 Sep 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Soll die Linguistik einen Beitrag leisten zu einer diversitätssensiblen Gesellschaft? Lasch, A. (Speaker) 28 Jun 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Tempus. Ein konstruktionsgrammatischer Blick in die Kerngrammatik Lasch, A. (Speaker) 31 Jan 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
"No Experiments!" - Exploring the Public Discourse on Educational Transformation Seemann, S. M. (Speaker), Lasch, A. (Speaker) 16 Nov 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Exploring Moravian (Text) Worlds. Lasch, A. (Speaker) 12 Jul 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Zählen und Erzählen. Sind grammatische Konstruktionen das Maß aller Dinge? Lasch, A. (Speaker) 19 Jun 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Konstruktionalisierung & Cognitive Evolutionary Lingustics Lasch, A. (Speaker) 9 Jun 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Virtuell und hybrid - neue Ansatzpunkte und Herausforderungen für die (akademische) Lehre Microsoft 365 Education Lasch, A. (Speaker) 25 May 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Handschrift, Tastatur, Diktat. Zur Zukunft des Schreibens Lasch, A. (Speaker) 22 May 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
- Tempus. A construct grammatical view of core grammar. Linguistic colloquium. Munich, 31.01.2024. Presentation.
Construction grammatical narratives? Kiel, 10.01.3024.
Interface competencies. The study of Digital Humanities (at the TUD). Lecture as part of the lecture series "Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications and Perspectives" (WiSe 2023). Rostock, 18.12.2023. Presentation.
Internal structure of constructions: Meaning and form. IDS-Workshop "Valenzen - Muster - Konstruktionen" Mannheim, 7. and 8.12.2023. Presentation & Recording.
Are there still living people in Germany who were missionaries in America? and what are their names? and where do they live? On the fragility of grammatical networks of scholars at the beginning of the 19th century. International conference "Halle and Herrnhut Pietism: Conflicts - Strategies - Practices". Halle, 22-25.11.2023. Presentation and recording.
No Experiments! Exploring the Public Discourse on Educational Transformation. International conference "Discourses in/of Disruption". Dresden, 16. and 17.11.2023 (together with Sophia Seemann)
● On the loss of interpretative sovereignty. Barrier-free communication and servicelearning. Workshop "Inconceivable interventions in the contact zone. Inclusion at educational institutions", Dresden, 2 and 3.11.2023.
● Hamlet for all. Theater as an inclusive meeting space. Lecture as part of the inclusive cultural festival of the same name. Stadtmuseum Dresden, 13. and 14.10.2023.
● Do not disrupt me. Homo ludens and AI in interaction in The Captain. Disruptive Imaginations, Dresden, 15-19.08.2023. Presentation (together with Alexander Bärtl).
● Hybrid teaching and course development. Lessons Learned 5, Dresden, July 19-21, 2023. presentation.
● Exploring Moravian (Text) Worlds. Presentation for the panel "PN-W2G: Transforming the Pietist Tradition" at the DH2023 ("Collaboration as Opportunity") from July 10-14, 2023 in Graz. The focus is on the virTUos collaboration with Katherine Faull (Bucknell University) and Juan Garcés (SLUB Dresden). Presentation & recording.
● Counting and telling. Are grammatical constructions the measure of all things? Paderborn, June 19, 2023. presentation & recording.
● Constructionalization & Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics. 38th Romance Studies Colloquium, Jena, June 8-10, 2023. presentation.
● Virtual and hybrid - new approaches and challenges for (academic) teaching. Microsoft Education, May 25, 2023.
● Handwriting, keyboard, dictation. The future of writing. Evening of the DGfS regional group Dresden, May 22, 2023. presentation.
● Herrnhut and our view of the world. Evening lecture at the G. E. Lessing City Library, Kamenz, April 17, 2023.
● Herrnhut sources as a basis for construct grammatical analyses. Dresden, March 6, 2023 Presentation.
● "Trust" as a collective resource in Herrnhut rituality. Lecture as part of the public lecture series "Vertrauen und Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart". Hamburg, 15.12.2022.
● Podcasts in and for teaching. Lessons Learned IV, Dresden, 15.07.2022. Lecture recording.
● Kleinwelka as a knowledge archive. Kleinwelka, 17.07.2022 together with Nora Kindermann and Sarah Wagner. Documentation.
● Simple language. Barrier-free administration symposium, Dresden, 17.06.2022.
● Looked in the mouth: Language and reformation. "In the beginning was the word: language, religion and politics". Meissen, May 20 to 22, 2022.
● At the grave and beyond. Funeral sermons and Herrnhut life descriptions in (constructional-grammatical) comparison. T.EVO-Workshop "From the surface to the pattern". Paderborn, March 22 and 23, 2022.
● Multimodal and agile corpora in the research hub #DigitalHerrnhut. Annual conference of the IDS Mannheim "Corpora in German linguistics - oral, written, multimedia". Mannheim, March 15 to 17, 2022.
● Language and religion: Herrnhut in focus. Sorbian Institute Bautzen on March 9, 2022. ● Hamlet barrier-free and digital. Contribution to the symposium "Digitale Chancen - Chancen digital" on December 1 and 2, 2021.
● Broadcast. Lecture at the fifth workshop "Religious Linguistics" on the topic "Interferences between religious and political language use" on November 26, 2021.
● Disruption through empiricism - Consequences of data-driven analyses for the reconstruction of language acquisition processes. Societal Change Forum. Dresden, November 23, 2021.
● Open Educational Resources (OER) - Collaboration needs open resources. Presentation at the theme day of the Dresden OpenSource UserGroup (DDOSUG) "Open Source in Education". Dresden, November 20, 2021.
● Shaping the world with language. Herrnhuter:innen as observers. Lecture at the conference "Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine als Impulsgeber für religiöse und kulturelle Innovation im 18. Jahrhundert". Herrnhut November 18-21, 2021.
● Alexander Lasch, Marlene Rummel & Robert C. Schuppe. Virtual excursion Kleinwelka. Presentation at the "Lessons Learned 3". Dresden, October 2021.
● Predestination. How trust becomes certainty. "Language and Trust", annual conference of the research network "Language and Knowledge". Heidelberg September 2021.
● #DigitalHerrnhut: German language history in virtual, collaborative, interdisciplinary and international learning environments. "Language history and education". Annual conference of the GGSG 2021 in Innsbruck, 21.09.2021 (together with Marlene Rummel).
● Construction grammatical annotation practices. Bochum, 15.06.2021. Recording. Recording.
● And at the end of the road, if I have to, I'll carry you across the river. Founding event of the Saxon Children's Palliative Care Center at the University Hospital Dresden, 14.06.2021. Stream and recording (total), excerpt.
● Open Educational Resources. Environmental lecture "Rethinking education". Dresden, 16.05.2021. Recording.
● DigitalHerrnhut: Potentials of a research hub I and II. Dresden, 11.05.2021 and 08.06.2021. Recording.
● Virtual teaching and learning at TU Dresden in an open source context (virTUos). Lessons Learned II, Dresden, 19.03.2021.
● On the Operationalization of Othering in Linguistics. The description of "others" in multilingual sources of the North American mission in the late 18th century. A.R.T.E.S.-Forum, Cologne, 14.01.2021.
● Talking is not everything. Management communication on the applied linguistic test bench. Vienna, 11.01.2021.
● That has to be communicated [Xer]. Lecture as part of the series "Man in the Digital Age - Linguistic Perspectives". Krupp-Kolleg Greifswald, 09.12.2020.
● The Americans consider the *Indians to be Cananites [...] who should definitely be exterminated. Discourse actor roles in multilingual sources of the North American mission in the late 18th century. Discourse invective, Dresden, November 12 and 13, 2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4568338.
● Collaborative learning in virtual space. A new learning culture of digitality. Microsoft Envision Education, 05.11.2020.
● Open Educational Resources (OER) in Digital University Teaching. Principles Legal foundations Implementation. Dresden, 22.09.2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4568342.
● Scientific culture of digitality. Dresden, 08.09.2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4568345.
● Constructing a Constructicon. Dresden / Trento, 22.05.2020.
● Presentation of the audio guide "Albrechtsburg Meissen: barrier-free - public domain - participatory". Meissen, January 27, 2020. website: Documentation. Presentation: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4568397.
● "The communicative burden of rare diseases". Klagenfurt, January 10, 2020. ● "Einführung in die gebrauchsbasierte Konstruktionsgrammatik". Graz, January 7, 2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4568406.
● "Sacrifice(ing)". Third Workshop on Religious Linguistics on the topic of "Sacrifice". Dresden, 17. and 18.10.2019: Presentation.
● "Das Spiel als Gegner (Man & Machine. Let's Plays in der Forschung)". #LNDWDD Dresden, 14.06.2019: Presentation and recording.
● "Patterns, Schemata, Constructions". Bamberg, 20.05.2019: Presentation and recording.
● "Of norms and rules". Dresden, 29.04.2019: Presentation and recording.
● "Annotation of grammatical constructions (using the example of transfer constructions)". Paris, 06.04.2019: Presentation.
● "Die (syntaktische) Negation im Konstruktionsnetzwerk des Deutschen", Bonn & Dresden, 20.03.2019: Presentation.
● "Between participation and procrastination. Science communication on blogs". Annual Conference of the Institute for German Language, Mannheim, 12.03.2019: Presentation.
● "Society or state? Eine linguistische Framing-Analyse politischer Grundsatzprogramme" at the University of Leipzig, 28.01.2019 (together with Oliver Czulo).
● "Aktuelle Tendenzen in der sprachgebrauchsbasierten Konstruktionsgrammatik des Deutschen" at the CAU zu Kiel, 21.01.2019: Presentation and recording.
● "Annotation of phrasal and transphrastic units: the difficult handling of patterns, schemata and constructions". Lecture at the InterGramm workshop "Challenges in the (grammatical) analysis of historical corpora" at the University of Paderborn 29/30.11.2018: Presentation and recording.
● DEAR HUMANS... || Public evening lecture on the presentation of selected cognitive linguistic foundations for the cooperation "Human AI Affairs". Altana Library of the TUD Dresden University of Technology. 02.11.2018: Presentation and lecture.
● "Easy language in the public space". Conference "SPRACHE UND VERMITTLUNG - KOMMUNIKATION IN AUSSTELLUNGEN" at the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin in cooperation with the TUD Dresden University of Technology. 11/12.10.2018 // DHM Berlin: Presentation and recording.
● "Fear of the dark. Linguistic confrontation with difference as a source of the religious". Conference of the research network "Language and Knowledge" on the topic of "Language and Fear". 04/05.10.2018 // Heidelberg University: Presentation and recording.
● "Corpus linguistic modeling of the archiving of linguistic patterns". Annual conference of the GGSG "Historical Corpus Linguistics". 20-22.09.2018 // University of Bamberg: Presentation and recording of the talk.
● "Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics. Proposals for the annotation of machine-readable corpora". Workshop "Identification and Analysis of Frames, Patterns, Schemata and Constructions using Quantitative Methods". 09.07.2018 // TU Dresden: Presentation and recording of the talk.
● "Digitalization - Challenges and Opportunities in Academic Teaching". Scientific Area Network (SAN) "Change Through Digitalization". 6 June 2018 // TU Dresden: Presentation (*.pdf)
● "Open Access -- more than a funding requirement?". Workshop of the Graduate Academy of TU Dresden. 30.05.2018 // TU Dresden: Presentation (*.pdf).
● "Narratives of revival". Second Workshop on Religious Linguistics "Autobiographical Narratives of Transcendence. Conversion, revival, awakening". 24. and 25.05.2018 // University of Koblenz: Presentation and recording of the lecture.
● "Language and Racism". 07.02.2018 // Lecture as part of the academic week at the Landesgymnasium "St. Afra" Meißen (invitation).
● Literary studies meets linguistics. 30.01.2018 // University of Leipzig (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf), (unedited) lecture notes (*.pdf) and recording.
● Constructional resources of language use. 29.01.2018 // GSW Lightning Talks // TU Dresden: Recording.
● Experiences with pediatric outpatient palliative care. PPC 2018, 18.01.2018 // Palliative Center Dresden (invitation).
● Nonagentive constructions of German. Workshop "Construction grammar". 15.01.2018 // University of Regensburg (invitation): (Unedited) lecture notes and presentation (*.pdf) as well as recording.
● Construction site of early New High German: Luther's revisions of his own Bible translation. 10.01.2018, 19.00 // TUD, SLUB (invitation): (Unedited) lecture notes and presentation (*.pdf) as well as recording.
● "No rich person was not there". Constructions of negation as a challenge for a variety-linguistically oriented KxG. Workshop "Konstruktionen, Kollokationen, Muster - Geerbte Strukturen, Übertragung in neue Realitäten". 16.11.2017. Montpellier (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf) of the lecture.
● Luther as puer robustus. On the significance of invectives for the positioning of threshold walkers. 35th Annual Conference of the International Working Group for Historical Urban Language Research "Stadtsprache(n) im Zeitalter von Reformation und Konfessionalisierung". Dresden, 05.09.2017.
● "I have 1 Mission:Impossible for you vong Challenge her". When does construction grammar speak of a construction? Kiel, 17.05.2017 (inaugural lecture). Lecture notes (*.pdf; not edited) and presentation (*.pdf).
● Easy or simple language? An empirical foundation. Berlin, 30.03.2017 (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf).
● Language use-based construction grammar. Theory - method - application. Düsseldorf, 6.12.2016 (invitation).
● Grammatical constructions as the basis of narrative routines. 25th German Studies Conference on the framework topic "Narration". Bayreuth, 27.09.2016. Lecture notes and presentation (*.pdf).
● Forgetting and remembering. Mission reports as a (forgotten) corrective of colonial history. Düsseldorf, 15.06.2016 (invitation).
● "Easy language" as a challenge for knowledge transfer processes. Cologne, 08.06.2016 (invitation).
● "Deutschlandfunk for idiots?" Functional varieties of 'easy' or 'simple language' between comprehensibility and social acceptance. Lecture in the habilitation process. Kiel, 01.06.2016.
● "The world is turning black" (Achille Mbembe). Analysis of discourse-pragmatic evidence for the revival of racist thinking with regard to an expansion of the 'alterity' concept. Dresden, 27.04.2016: Lecture notes (*.pdf) and presentation (*.pdf).
● An 'easy or simple language' as a functional variety. International conference "Leichte Sprache" im Spiegel theoretischer und angewandter Forschung, 14.04.2016, University of Leipzig (invitation).
● Entanglement of abstract grammatical constructions. On the 'Perfect Gap' in Early New High German. Workshop Historische Konstruktionsgrammatik, 18.02.2016, HHU Düsseldorf: Presentation of the lecture (*.pdf) and lecture notes (*.pdf).
● Everyday unity. Easy language from a linguistic perspective. Lecture at the German Historical Museum. Berlin, January 21, 2016 (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf).
● Nonagentive constructions of German. Results of the usage-based study on contemporary German. Research colloquium Kiel, January 14, 2016 (invitation).
● From "Closed Access" to "Open Access", from print to digital - a field report. Lecture at the 9th Open Access Days. Zurich on September 7 and 8, 2015 (together with Christa Dürscheid): Presentation (*.pdf).
● How will we talk about the church in the future? Reflections from a linguistic perspective. Conference What is coming? Talking differently about the future. Bonn from December 12 to 14, 2014 (invitation).
● Prospections: What the church of today knows about its role of tomorrow. Conference Discourse Futures of the research network "Language and Knowledge" in Heidelberg from September 18 to 20, 2014.
● "She was beautiful and tall and at the same time seemed powerful, fully grown and yet delicate and almost transparent" (Martin Walser). An analysis of "wirken" + (deverb.) ADJ. Workshop Diachrony of Passive Constructions at the University of Hanover on March 20 and 21, 2014.
● On the compatibility of machine language analysis and discourse linguistic historiography using the example of the "Islamism" discourse. Annual conference of the GGSG, September 26-28, 2013, University of Kassel.
● "If I work restlessly to my end..." - the construction [[wirken] +[VVPP]/[ADJD]]. Workshop on corpus linguistics at the TU Dresden on July 19, 2013 (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf) and recording.
● Do sounds arouse emotions? Reflections on current findings in cognitive linguistics and possible consequences for the analysis of lyrical texts. International Workshop Klang-Spiele in Zurich on May 23 and 24, 2013 (invitation): Presentation (*.pdf).
● Workshop Konstruktionsgrammatik at the University of Vienna on January 12, 2013 (invitation).
● Who is afraid of Islam? Constructions in the service of argumentation. International symposium Konstruktionen im Spannungsfeld von sequenziellen Mustern, Gattungen und Textsorten in Münster from November 14 to 16, 2012: Presentation (*.pdf).
● "But I say to you". Linguistic construction of reality in performative actions in preaching. Conference "Construction - Knowledge - Discourse" of the research network "Language and Knowledge" and the working group "Construction Grammar of German" in Heidelberg from September 10 to 12, 2012.
● Possibilities and limits of construction grammar. Research colloquium at the CAU in Kiel from January 19 to 21, 2012 (invitation).
● Construction Grammar - Perspectives and Outlook. International symposium Constructions as social conventions and cognitive routines at the HHU Düsseldorf on August 31 and September 1, 2011.
● "Tragen" - linguistic dimensions of the concept. HOMO PORTANS. Carrying. Fascination of the self-evident. International symposium at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden from May 19 to 21, 2011 (invitation).
● "The Assassins are said to come from Egypt". Discursivization of knowledge at the turn of the modern era using the example of the League of Assassins. International symposium Making the incomprehensible tangible. Special language research in the field of tension between the arcane and the profane. Karl-Franzens-University Graz. November 17 to 20, 2010: Presentation (*.pdf).
● God is a friend of life. The (discourse) position of the Christian churches on "palliative medicine" and "euthanasia". International symposium "Knowledge generation and collective attitudes in the field of palliative medicine and euthanasia" of the Marsilius-Kolleg, International Science Forum and German Studies Seminar of the University of Heidelberg from October 29 to 31, 2010: Presentation (*.pdf)
● A new perspective on passive voice(s) in German. Fourth International Conference of the German Association for Cognitive Linguistics (DGKL) at the University of Bremen, October 7-9, 2010: Presentation (*.pdf).
● Construction Grammar: new perspectives for the study of German and English - a critical survey. International conference "Construction Grammar: new perspectives for the study of German and English" at the CAU in Kiel from February 18 to 20, 2010.
● The "having-passive" as a nonagentive construction. Research colloquium at the CAU in Kiel from January 21, 2010 (invitation).
● Historical syntax and perspectivization. Construction-grammatical considerations on the relationship between sentence and text. Annual Conference of the GGSG, September 30 to October 3, 2009, Saxon Academy of Sciences, Leipzig.
● "My heart has remained in Africa". The Herrnhut Mission in the 18th and 19th centuries. Lecture as part of the academic week at the Landesgymnasium St. Afra Meißen on June 9, 2009 (invitation).
● "Es sey das Fewer in der Stadt" Funktionale Aspekte einer Historischen Textgrammatik am Beispiel vormoderner Feuerordnungen. International conference "Historische Textgrammatik und Historische Syntax des Deutschen. Traditions, Innovations, Perspectives". May 7-10, 2008 at the University of Graz: Presentation (*.pdf).
● Notes on the "Cologne Window Controversy" with regard to the establishment of a knowledge domain "Religion". Symposium "Sprachliche Formationen des Wissens" of the International Science Forum of the University of Heidelberg and 3rd Colloquium of the Research Network "Language and Knowledge" - Problems of Public and Professional Communication. October 10-12, 2007 at the University of Heidelberg: Presentation (*.pdf).
● Knights without a religious state. Reflections on the Martina (1293) of Hugo von Langenstein. International conference "Textsortentypologien und Textallianzen des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts". June 14-16, 2007 at the University of Erlangen: Presentation (*.pdf).
● Pragmatics of the excuse. Lecture during the academic week at the Landesgymnasium St. Afra Meißen on February 9, 2006 (invitation).
● Jörg Wickram's Rollwagenbüchlein - Polemics in religious contexts. Lecture at the working meeting of the sub-project "Autorität des Nichtigen" at the SFB 573 "Pluralisierung in der Frühen Neuzeit" at the LMU Munich on 27 and 28 October 2005.
● "Intervening thinking". Recipient control from a pragmatic perspective in Hartmann von Aue's 'Erec'. Paper presented at the conference "Imagination und Deixis - Stimulation und Lenkung von Wahrnehmung in mittelalterlichen Texten und Bildern" (= 7th meeting of North American and German junior academics in German medieval studies) in Berlin, September 29 - October 1, 2005.
● 'Simeonsgemüth' and 'Marthanatur'. The values of Pietist communities as reflected in the biographies of their members. Lecture at the International Center for the Study of Pietism in Halle/S. on February 10, 2004 (invitation).
- Overview Evaluation of Teaching (*.pdf)
Overview of Teaching
TU Dresden — Institut für Germanistik
● WiSe2023; [BA/MA-V] Basiswissen Sprachwissenschaft, [BA/MA-S] Was kann Grammatik?, [BA/MA-S] Historische Linguistik und Wikiversum, [BA-Ü] Einführung in die germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
● SoSe2023; [BA/MA-V] Achtung, Metapher!, [BA/MA-S] Textarchive, [BA/MA-S] Barrierefreie Kommunikation
● WiSe2022; [BA/MA-V] Kognitive Linguistik, [BA/MA-S] Konstruktionsgrammatik, [BA/MA-S] Von der Handschrift zur Edition
● SoSe2022; [BA/MA-V] Sprachgeschichte(n), [BA/MA-S] Variantengrammatik, [BA/MA-S] Barrierefreie Kommunikation
● WiSe2021; [BA/MA-S] Auxiliarität, [BA/MA-S] DigitalHerrnhut, [BA/MA-V] Koloniallinguistik
● SoSe2021: [BA/MA-S] Grammatiken des Deutschen, [BA/MA-S] Barrierefreie Kommunikation, [BA/MA-V] Sprache und Raum
● WiSe2020: [BA/MA-S] Koloniallinguistik, [BA-S] Morphologie, [BA/MA-S] Kognitive Grammatik, [BA/MA-V] Reformation(en) und Revolution
● SoSe2020: [BA/MA-S] Barrierefreie Kommunikation, [BA/MA-S] Kleine Textformen, [BA/MA-V] Digitalität
● WiSe2019: [BA/MA-S] Digital Humanities, [BA/MA-S], Medienverbünde, [BA/MA-V] Sprachwandel
● SoSe 2019: [BA/MA-S] Digital Humanities, [BA-S] Barrierefreie Kommunikation, [BA/MA-V] Diskurssemantik: Ideologie und Macht
● WiSe 2018: [BA-S] Linguistik trifft Literaturwissenschaft, [BA/MA-S] Digital Humanities, [BA/MA-V] Konstruktionsgrammatik, [MA-S] Perfektivität: Tempus und Modus
● SoSe 2018: [BA-S] Einfache Sprache, [BA/MA-S] Digital Humanities, [BA/MA-V] Kognitive Linguistik, [MA-S] (Historische) Konstruktionsgrammatik
● WiSe 2017: [BA-S] Funktionale Grammatik, [BA-S] Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, [BA/MA-V] Sprache und Politik, [MA-S] Protestantische Reformbewegungen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Weiter: Oberseminar und Kolloquium sowie [MA-S] Workshop Theorie (EUROS)
● Alle Informationen und Materialien bis zum Wintersemester 2017 können auf meinem Blog "Sprachpunkt" unter der Kategorie "Lehre" eingesehen werden. Sie stehen dort weiterhin zur Verfügung. Ab dem Sommersemester 2018 werden alle Inhalte für die Lehre hier weitergeführt.
CAU zu Kiel — Germanistisches Seminar
● SoSe 2017 Vorlesung „Themenfelder der Angewandten Linguistik“
● SoSe 2017 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2016 Seminar „Maschinelle Sprachanalyse“
● WiSe 2016 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2016 Seminar „Leichte Sprache, einfache Sprache? Funktionale Varietäten der Verständlichkeit“
● SoSe 2016 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2015 Seminar „Synchrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2015 Seminar „Sprache und Macht“
● SoSe 2015 Seminar „Synchrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2015 Seminar (MA) „Textlinguistik“
● WiSe 2014 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2014 Seminar (MA) „Historische Soziolinguistik“
● SoSe 2014 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2014 Seminar „Diskurssemantik“
● SoSe 2013 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2013 Seminar (MA) „Forensische Linguistik“
● WiSe 2012 Seminar „Einführung in die deutsche Sprachwissenschaft“
● WiSe 2012 Seminar „Konstruktionsgrammatik und Korpuslinguistik“
TU Dresden - Institut für Germanistik
● SoSe 2012 Vorlesung (BA) „Einführung in die Angewandte Linguistik“
● SoSe 2012 Seminar (MA) „Pragmalinguistik“
● SoSe 2012 Seminar (MA) „Forensische Linguistik“
● SoSe 2012 Seminar (MA) „Aktuelle Forschungen im Bereich der Angewandten Linguistik“
● WiSe 2011 Vorlesung (MA) „Sprachmedien und Mediensprache im Gegenwartsdeutschen“
● WiSe 2011 Seminar (MA) „Unternehmenskommunikation – Wie umwirbt man Studierende?“
● WiSe 2011 Seminar (MA) „Sprache und Religion“
● WiSe 2011 Seminar (BA) „Diskurslinguistik“
CAU zu Kiel - Germanistisches Seminar
● [Elternzeit WiSe 2010 und SoSe 2011]
● SoSe 2010 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2010 Seminar „Linguistik der Zweifelsfälle“
● WiSe 2009 Seminar „Kommunikation im Web 2.0“
● WiSe 2009 Seminar „Synchrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2009 Seminar „Althochdeutsch“
● SoSe 2009 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2008 Seminar „Grammatische Kategorien des Verbs“
● WiSe 2008 Seminar „Einführung in die deutsche Sprachwissenschaft“
● SoSe 2008 Seminar „(Historische) Textlinguistik“
● SoSe 2008 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2007 Seminar „Grammatik neu denken? Die Perspektive(n) einer Konstruktionsgrammatik“
● WiSe 2007 Seminar „Diachrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● SoSe 2007 Seminar „Linguistik des Gesprächs“
● SoSe 2007 Seminar „Synchrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2006 Seminar „Synchrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“
● WiSe 2006 Seminar „Einführung in die deutsche Sprachwissenschaft“
LMU München - Institut für deutsche Philologie
● SoSe 2006 Proseminar „ez ist nu tac – Tagelieder in der mittelhochdeutschen Lyrik“
● WiSe 2005 Proseminar „Hartmann von Aue: Erec“
● SoSe 2005 Proseminar „Der Nibelunge nôt – alte mæren vom Untergang der Welt“
● WiSe 2004 Proseminar „Von Zeit und Ewigkeit. Jenseitsvorstellungen in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Vormoderne“
TU Dresden - Institut für Germanistik
● WiSe 2003 Seminar „Genesis. Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Zugänge zu den Ursprungsgeschichten des Abendlandes“ (gemeinsam mit Ludger Lieb [nun Heidelberg])
● SoSe 2003 Seminar „Neuere deutsche Sprachgeschichte“
● WiSe 2002 Seminar „Historische Semantik“
● SoSe 2002 Seminar „Sprache und Ritual“
● WiSe 2001 Seminar „Sprachgeschichte des 18. Jh.“
● SoSe 2001 Seminar „Sprache und Medien im 20. Jh.