Presentations and events
Conquering the Jet Lag Era: Experiences from Virtual Interdisciplinary Collaboration across Continents Clauss, A. (Participant), Lenk, F. (Participant), Reeb, S. M. (Participant), Rummel, M. S. (Participant), Safavi, A. A. (Participant), Schmidt, S. (Participant), Schulze-Stocker, F. (Participant), Westhuizen, S. (Participant) 2021 → ... Activity: Other activities > Other activity
Wissen als Ware. Spuren weltumspannender grammatikographischer Gelehrtennetzwerke Lasch, A. (Speaker) 26 Sep 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Kleinwelka. Regional verwurzelt, global vernetzt Lasch, A. (Speaker) 8 Sep 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Blended Learning auf Basis virtueller Exkursionen Schuppe, R. C. (Speaker) 8 Aug 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Automatische Transkription von Podcastfolgen für korpuslinguistische Untersuchungen. Ein Projektbericht. Sahlbach, V. (Speaker) 28 Jun 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Soll die Linguistik einen Beitrag leisten zu einer diversitätssensiblen Gesellschaft? Lasch, A. (Speaker) 28 Jun 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Calling the Mountains in East and West: A Contrastive Corpus Analysis on the Language of German Clinbing Communities Schuppe, R. C. (Speaker) 22 Mar 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Tempus. Ein konstruktionsgrammatischer Blick in die Kerngrammatik Lasch, A. (Speaker) 31 Jan 2024 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
A woman becomes poeta laureata: a disruptive event in the literary discourse of the German Enlightenment. Roth, K. (Speaker), Worms, K. (Speaker) 17 Nov 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
"No Experiments!" - Exploring the Public Discourse on Educational Transformation Seemann, S. M. (Speaker), Lasch, A. (Speaker) 16 Nov 2023 Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/events > Talk/Presentation > Contributed
Lecture: Robert C. Schuppe. blended learning on the basis of virtual excursions. Lecture at the Lessons Learned VI- Spin Offs digital teaching experiences, Dresden, 08.08.2024
Lecture: Veronika Sahlbach. Automatic transcription of podcast sequences for corpus linguistic studies. A project report. Presentation at the Text+ task area, Munich, 28.06.2024
Lecture: Robert C. Schuppe. Calling the Mountains in East and West: A Contrastive Corpus Analysis on the Language of German Clinbing Communities, Dresden, 22.03.2024.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Tempus. A construct grammatical look at the core grammar. Lecture at the Linguistic Colloquium at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, 31.01.2024
Lecture: Kerstin Roth & Katharina Worms (University of Heidelberg). A woman becomes poeta laureata: a disruptive event in the literary discourse of the German Enlightenment. Lecture in the context of Discourses in/of Disruption, Dresden, 17.11.2023
Lecture: Sophia Seemann & Alexander Lasch. "No Experiments!". Schooling and Digital Transformation. Lecture in the context of Discourses in/of Disruption, Dresden, 16.11.2023
Lecture: Veronika Sahlbach. Constructing reality in conversation. Lecture as part of the Text+ plenary, Göttingen, 28.09.2023.
Lecture: Do not disrupt me. Homo ludens and AI in interaction in The Captain. Disruptive Imaginations, Dresden, 15-19.08.2023. Presentation (together with Alexander Bärtl).
Lecture: Kerstin Roth & Marleen Schindler. "Lieder als Brückenbauer - Zur identitätsstiftenden Funktion von Herrnhuter Liedern in der Diasporaarbeit". Lecture as part of the conference "Brüderische Gemeinschaft als universales Lebensmodell? The Moravian Church in the 18th and 19th centuries between uniformity and plurality", Hamburg, 27/28.07.2023.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. hybrid teaching and course development. lessons learned 5, Dresden, 19-21.07.2023. presentation.
Panel: Katherine Faull, Alexander Lasch & Philipp Tögel. Transforming the Pietist Tradition: Disciplinary Innovation through Linked Digital Engagement. DH2023 Collaboration as Opportunity. Graz, 10-14.07.2023. Presentation: Alexander Lasch. Exploring Moravian (Text) Worlds. presentation.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Counting and Narrating. Are grammatical constructions the measure of all things? Paderborn, 19.06.2023. Presentation & recording.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Constructionalization & Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics. 38th Romance Studies Colloquium, Jena, 08.-10.06.2023. Presentation.
Lecture: Kerstin Roth & Maria Fritzsche. Opfer - ein Lexem voller Polysemie. Lecture at the conference "Sprache und sakrale Kommunikation im Zeichen der Ökumene". Budapest, 2023.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Virtual and hybrid - new approaches and challenges for (academic) teaching. Microsoft Education, 25.05.2023.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Handwriting, keyboard, dictation. On the future of writing. Evening of the DGfS regional group Dresden, 22.05.2023. Presentation.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Herrnhut and our view of the world. Evening lecture at the G. E. Lessing City Library, Kamenz, 17.04.2023.
Workshop: Henriette Greulich & Alexander Lasch. students, take over! virTUos-Hybrid Lab III. Dresden, 03.04.2023.
Workshop: Alexander Lasch. Moravian Knowledge Network: Current research and perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023.
Alexander Lasch. "Moravian sources as a basis for construction grammatical analysis". Lecture at the workshop " Moravian Knowledge Network. Current research and perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023. Presentation.
Marleen Schindler & Kerstin Roth. "Sprache und Klang - die Herrnhuterische Liedüberlieferung." Presentation at the workshop Moravian Knowledge Network: Current Research and Perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023. Presentation.
Dominik Hetjens & Robert C. Schuppe. "Virtual models for teaching - a travel diary". Presentation at the workshop Moravian Knowledge Network: Current research and perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023. Presentation.
Kerstin Roth. "Insurance in my soul. About Neuwied life descriptions". Presentation at the workshop Moravian Knowledge Network: Current research and perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023. Presentation.
Josefine Salomo. "The natural history education at the Pädagogium
and the boys' school in Niesky and their
gardens". Presentation at the workshop Moravian Knowledge Network: Current research and perspectives. Dresden, 06./07.03.2023. Presentation.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. "Trust" as a collective resource in Herrnhut rituality. Lecture as part of the public lecture series "Vertrauen und Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart". Hamburg, 15.12.2022
Lecture: Kerstin Roth. Historical German technical and scientific languages. Guest lecture. Innsbruck, 27.10.2022.
Lecture: Kerstin Roth/Katharina Worms. Authorization and legitimation strategies of female authors of the early modern period: the Brennerin, the Unzerin, the Cunitz and the Merian. Guest lecture at the literary studies colloquium. Graz (Austria), 19.10.2022.
Conference: 14th Annual Conference of the German Society for Language History on Historical (Morpho)-Syntax. Dresden, September 28 to 30, 2022.
Lecture: Sophia Seemann/René Dutschke. Open(ing) Knowledge - Concepts and Discourses regarding Open Science. 15th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society: Understanding Minds. Freiburg, September 08, 2022.
Workshop: Summer Workshop II: Herrnhut in the Wikimedia Universe - Standard Data and Wikidata. Dresden, September 01 and 02, 2022.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Kleinwelka as a knowledge archive. Kleinwelka, 17.07.2022. Together with Nora Kindermann and Sarah Wagner.
Symposium: Alexander Lasch. Simple language. Symposium on barrier-free administration. Dresden, 17.06.2022
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Looked in the mouth: Language and reformation. "In the beginning was the word: language, religion and politics." Meissen, May 20 to 22, 2022
Conference: Construction Grammar of Germanic Languages: State of Research - Desiderata - Perspectives. Dresden, March 24 and 25, 2022.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. At the grave and beyond. Funeral sermons and Herrnhut life descriptions in (construction grammatical) comparison. T.EVO-Workshop "From the surface to the pattern: Quantitative and qualitative methods for the collection of text patterns". Paderborn, March 22 and 23, 2022.
Presentation: Alexander Lasch. Multimodal and agile corpora in the research hub #DigitalHerrnhut. Annual conference of the IDS Mannheim "Corpora in German linguistics - oral, written, multimedia". Mannheim, March 15 to 17, 2022.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Language and religion: Herrnhut in focus. Sorbian Institute Bautzen, March 9, 2022.
Workshop HYBRID Lab II
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Hamlet barrier-free and digital. Contribution to the symposium "Digitale Chancen - Chancen digital" on December 1 and 2, 2021.
Conference: Fifth Workshop "Religious Linguistics" on the topic"Interferences between religious and political language use" on November 26, 2021.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Broadcast. Lecture at the fifth conference "Religionslinguistik" on the topic"Interferenzen zwischen religiösem und politischem Sprachgebrauch" on November 26, 2021.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Open Educational Resources (OER) - Collaboration needs open resources. Presentation at the theme day of the Dresden OpenSource UserGroup (DDOSUG) "Open Source in Education". Dresden, November 20, 2021.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. Shaping the world with language. Herrnhuter:innen as observers. Lecture at the conference "Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine als Impulsgeber für religiöse und kulturelle Innovation im 18. Jahrhundert. " Herrnhut, November 18-21, 2021.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch, Marlene Rummel & Robert C. Schuppe. Virtual excursion Kleinwelka. Lecture at the "Lessons Learned 3". Dresden, October 2021.
Workshop HYBRID Lab I
Lecture: Alexander Lasch Predestination. How trust becomes certainty. "Language and Trust", Annual Conference of the Research Network "Language and Knowledge". Heidelberg, September 2021.
Lecture: Marlene Rummel & Alexander Lasch. #DigitalHerrnhut: German language history in virtual, collaborative, interdisciplinary and international learning environments. "Language history and education". Annual conference of the GGSG 2021 in Innsbruck, 21.09.2021.
Summer workshops: Juan Garcés (SLUB) & Alexander Lasch (TUD). Digital Herrnhut in text-scientific, garden-historical and botanical contexts. 5th and 6th workshop "Digital Humanities". Dresden, 05. and 06.08.2021 as well as 07. and 08.09.2021.
Lecture: Marlene Rummel. Causal connectors from a construction grammatical perspective. Düsseldorf on 22.06.2021.
Workshop: Construction grammatical annotation practices. Bochum, 15.06.2021.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. And at the end of the road, if I have to, I'll carry you across the river. Founding event of the Saxon Children's Palliative Care Center (SKPZ) at the University Hospital Dresden, 14.06.2021. Stream and recording.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch, Open Educational Resources. Environmental lecture "Rethinking education". Dresden, 16.05.2021. Recording.
Lecture: Alexander Lasch. DigitalHerrnhut: Potentials of a research hub I and II. Dresden, 11.05.2021 and 08.06.2021. Recording.