AI-ROM-III Conference 2025
“Automated texts in the Romance and Germanic languages” (AI-ROM-III)
3rd International Conference, TU Dresden, 4-5 September 2025
General Information
When: 4th & 5th September 2025
Where: Technische Universität Dresden
Organization Committee (Chair of Romance Linguistics, TU Dresden): Anna-Maria De Cesare, Michela Gargiulo, Tom Weidensdorfer
Call for Abstracts
We are pleased to announce the third international conference on automatically generated texts in Romance and Germanic languages to be held on September 4th and 5th, 2025 at the Technische Universität Dresden. AI-ROM-III aims to bring together researchers in linguistics and related disciplines to discuss two general issues: (i) the features of automatically generated texts and (ii) the challenges and opportunities related to the tools available to create them. We are interested in tools as diverse as Large Language Models (LLMs), AI-smart agents (i.e. chatbots, voice assistants, social bots, etc.), writing assistance tools, template-based software and neural machine translation systems.
Potential topics of interest to the AI-ROM-III (2025) Conference include, but are not limited to, the following thematic areas:
I. Features (forms, functions, frequencies) of automatically generated texts at all levels:
- lexical (loanwords, calques, neologisms);
- morphological and (morpho)syntactical (creation and/or spread of new or obsolete morphemes; word orders, syntactic complexity vs simplicity, parataxis vs hypotaxis);
- graphic and semiotic (use of punctuation and its stylistic or functional implications; integration and interpretation of emojis, emoticons, or other semiotic markers);
- textual (structuring of textual units at both micro- and macrolevel; nature and distribution of cohesive markers; expression of thematic progression; genre reproduction and classification);
- pragmatic and stylistic (discourse markers, implicit communication, style variation, audience targeting, speech acts).
II. Opportunities and challenges of the technologies available for:
- (smaller) Romance and Germanic varieties (language documentation, preservation, or revitalization; difficulties of smaller linguistic communities in using and adapting these technologies);
- linguistic theory and language description (production of new insights in relation to different linguistic theories; testing hypotheses using large-scale datasets; quality of the data and output for comparative and contrastive linguistic studies);
- didactics and language teaching (advantages of integrating these technologies into (foreign) language education and multilingual classrooms; successful practical applications; language biases).
Submission Guidelines: We welcome theoretical, empirical, and methodological contributions from linguistics, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, and language education. Comparative and contrastive analyses are particularly encouraged. Abstracts should be written in a Romance language (preferably Italian, French or Spanish), German or in English. Submissions should clearly state the research question, the methodology, and present some (preliminary) results.
Abstract submission and notification of acceptance: Abstracts should be submitted by April 30, 2025 to . Please state the name of the paper in the title of the message. Abstracts must be anonymous and include between 400 and 500 words (references excluded). Acceptance / Rejection of proposals will be communicated by May 23, 2025.
Keynote Speakers (confirmed):
- Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer (Universität Zürich)
- Prof. Rachele Raus (Università degli Studi di Bologna)
Scientific committee: to be announced
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of the diamond open-access journal AI-Linguistica. Linguistic Studies on AI-Generated Texts and Discourses (Ai-Ling)
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us by email at .