Preparing a Holistically Concept for the Materials Management for the DB Regio AG with an Emphasis on the Optimization of the Material Logistics
The sub-department has been working on the project "Creating a holistic materials management concept for DB Regio AG, focusing on optimization of material logistics" since April 2011. Central to this project is the aim to increase the availability of spare parts during maintenance activities, thereby reducing vehicles' non-productive idle time. With regard to more than 80,000 different materials, from small parts to operating materials through to major components, materials management is tasked with providing materials at the right time, at the right place and in the right quantity and quality, finding an optimum compromise between material availability and inventory costs. At DB Regio AG, it also performs a coordination function between planning, purchasing, reworking and maintenance for over 60 locations distributed across Germany.
In an attempt to solve the problem, project team member Gerhard Aust is applying methods and tools such as process analyses, portfolio models, multivariate methods and key performance indicator systems to highlight possibilities of improvement. The external perspective also enables existing decentralized best-practice solutions to be identified and established across the group. In the context of extending the collaboration by a further two years, it was decided to place the focus of the project on the material cycle of wheelsets, in addition to the implementation of the measures formulated so far. The aim is to extend the collaboration to other production business issues.
DB Regio AG, Bereich Produktionssteuerung
04/2011 - 03/2014