Dec 08, 2020
New board elected - Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS) bundles the scientific expertise of Saxony's lightweight construction sector
After the three-year founding phase, the general meeting of the Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS) on December 3, 2020, the board of directors was newly elected. The future board of directors will then consist of Hubert Jäger (Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology at TU Dresden), Lothar Kroll (Institute for Structural Lightweight Construction at TU Chemnitz), Rudolf Kawalla (Institute for Metal Forming at TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Jens Ridzewski (IMA Material Research and Application Technology GmbH) and Robert Böhm (HTWK Leipzig). In the immediately following constituent meeting of the board of directors Hubert Jäger and Lothar Kroll were jointly elected as chairmen. Gerhard Rödel (TU Dresden) did a very good job in the founding phase of the LAS and did not run for the board elections due to his age. The new executive committee appreciated its merits in the structure phase of the association and wishes it for its further life way all property and much health.
To the Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS)
The aim of the Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS) is to further bundle the experts based in Saxony and researching in the field of lightweight construction technologies, because this networking strengthens science and increases Saxony's visibility as a leading international lightweight construction research region. As the scientific contact for the Saxon economy, we cooperate closely with companies in the relevant sectors and existing associations and networks. The Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS) invites all scientific institutions, centers and clusters active in lightweight construction research to benefit from this Saxon networking and to help shape Saxony's position in lightweight construction.
The Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS) was initiated in the summer of 2016 as a network of the three technical universities in Chemnitz, Dresden and Freiberg. This was followed at the end of 2017 by the founding of the association of the same name, which now has over 50 institutional and personal members. The members of the association are comprehensively supported both in establishing contacts and transfers as well as in the representation of interests, public relations work, research and advice on public financing possibilities and numerous events. About the association, its goals as well as current projects, members and events the website informs.
Press contact:
Leichtbau-Allianz Sachsen e.V. (LAS)
Julia Bachmann
c/o TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Prüferstraße 1a
09599 Freiberg
Phone +49 3731 39-2341
fax +49 3731 39-3323