Zeitschriften und Konferenzen
- L. Lowski, J. Kienast, A. Hoffmann and S. Bernet, "New Tolerance Band Modulator for Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter," 2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe), Darmstadt, Germany, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ECCEEurope62508.2024.10751980.
- S. Puteanus, S. Wettengel, M. Meißner and S. Bernet, "Multipulse Rectifiers for Large Scale Water-Electrolysis - Reactive Power and Harmonics," 2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe), Darmstadt, Germany, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ECCEEurope62508.2024.10751917.
- J. Kienast, S. Bernet, G. Sturm, A. Hoffmann, X. Zhu and B. Ponick: "Contributing significant Short Circuit Current with Modular Multilevel Matrix Converters in Flywheel Energy Storage Systems" 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Napoli, Italy, 2024, pp. 509-514, doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM61530.2024.10609204
- G. Sturm, W. Hofmann and J. Kienast: "Grid Synchronization of a Grid Stabilizer with Doubly Fed Induction Generator and Flywheel" 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Napoli, Italy, 2024, pp. 282-289, doi: 10.1109/SPEEDAM61530.2024.10609144
S. Wettengel, A. Hoffmann, J. Kienast, L. Lindenmüller and S. Bernet: "Modular 100kA Surge Current Source with Programmable Current Shape" in Bodo's Power Systems, vol. 8/24, pp. 40-41, August 2024
G. Sturm, W. Hofmann, J. Kienast, S. Bernet:
"Regelung der doppelt gespeisten Drehstromasynchronmaschine mit Multilevel-Matrixumrichter für einen Schwungradspeicher zur Sicherung der Momentanreserve in trägheitsarmen Netzen", in e+i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Springer Verlag GmbH, Volume 141, pages 135–144, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00502-024-01209-w
C. Liebermann, L.Gnärig, R. Herrmann, R. Weiß, A. Hoffmann, S. Bernet: "Selektive Fehlerklärung durch angepasste Stromrichter-Strombegrenzung"
ETG/FNN-Tutorial Schutz- und Leittechnik, Leipzig, März 2024
- S. Wettengel, A. Hoffmann, J. Kienast, L. Lindenmüller and S. Bernet: "Topology, Design, and Characteristics of a Modular, Dynamic 100 kA Surge Current Source With Adjustable Current Shape," in IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 5, pp. 29-42, 2024, doi: 10.1109/OJIA.2024.3353328
- R. Weiß, S. Rode, N. Schwingal and S. Bernet, "Comprehensive Multi-Stage Filter Design of an Active Three-Phase Two-Level Rectifier for Aircraft Application," 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe), Aalborg, Denmark, 2023, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.23919/EPE23ECCEEurope58414.2023.10264639
- J. Kienast, S. Bernet and G. Sturm et al., "A new grid-stabilizing component: a flywheel energy storage system based on a doubly fed induction generator and Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter," 19th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2023), Glasgow, UK, 2023, pp. 246-253, doi: 10.1049/icp.2023.1336.
- G. Sturm, W. Hofmann, J. Kienast, S. Bernet: "Regelung eines Schwungradspeichers mit doppeltgespeister Drehstromasychronmaschine und Multilevel Matrixumrichters zur Sicherung der Momentanreserve in trägheitsarmen Netzen", VDE Antriebssysteme Wien 2023
- J. Kienast, S. Bernet and G. Sturm: "Operation, Design and Losses of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter in a Flywheel Energy Storage System," in IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, doi: 10.1109/OJIA.2023.3323855
- L. Gnärig, R. Weiß, A. Hoffmann and S. Bernet: "Efficient Control Parameter Improvements for Inverter-Based Island Grids by Means of Eigenvalue Analysis," 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe), Aalborg, Denmark, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.23919/EPE23ECCEEurope58414.2023.10264542
- J. Kienast, S. Bernet, G. Sturm and W. Hofmann: "Doubly Fed Induction Generator in a Flywheel Energy Storage with Stator Harmonic Compensation," 2023 IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/IEMDC55163.2023.10239040
- J. Kienast, A. Hoffmann, M. Höer and S. Bernet: "Novel Distributed Control Platform and Algorithm for a Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 8089-8101, July 2023, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3260241
- F. Eichler, M. Meissner, M. Meissner, S. Bernet and A. Giessmann: "Voltage Stress Reduction for New 3L-ANPC Modulation Scheme Using Both Current Paths in Zero State," PCIM Europe 2023; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.30420/566091322.
- S. Puteanus, C. Stackler, B. Niemann and S. Bernet: "Utilizing Dual Active Bridges to Integrate Battery Storage Systems into Medium Voltage MMC STATCOMs - A Feasibility Study," PCIM Europe 2023; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.30420/566091258.
- J. Schmitz, M. Meissner and S. Bernet: "Characterization of Short Circuit Behavior of Parallel Connected GaN HEMT Power Semiconductors," PCIM Europe 2023; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.30420/566091362
- Liebermann, C., Gnärig, J. L., Weiss, R., Hoffmann, A., Zhang, Y., Herrmann, R., Schegner, P., Bernet, S.: "Current Limiting of Virtual Synchronous Machines on Unbalanced Faults Considering Grid Protection," PESS + PELSS 2022; Power and Energy Student Summit, Kassel, Germany, 2022, pp. 1-6.
- L. Gnärig, A. Gensior, S. B. Laza, M. Carrasco and C. Reincke-Collon: "Model Reduction using Singular Perturbation Methods for a Microgrid Application," 2022 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany, 2022, pp. 1-10.
- Schmitz, J., Meissner, M. and Bernet, S.: Rugged and fast short circuit detection method for GaN HEMT based on saturation detection, CIPS 2022; 12th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, 2022, pp. 1-6.
- Wettengel, S.; Ziegler, O.; Kluge, A.; Lindenmüller, L.; Bernet, S.; Fischer, G.: Enhancement of the Critical Heat Flux During the Cooling of Power Electronics – Part 2. 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 10.-14. Juli 2022
- Hu, Y.; Ziegler, O.; Thomas, C.; Hesse, U.; Wettengel, S.; Kluge, A.; Lindenmüller, L.; Fischer, G.: Enhancement of the Critical Heat Flux During the Cooling of Power Electronics. 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 24.-27. Mai 2022
- Rode, S.; Weiss, R.; Schwingal, N.; Bernet, S.: Thermal Design Comparison of Various Natural Convection Cooling Concepts of Discrete SiC-MOSFETs Publisher: IEEE PDF, 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe), 2021, pp. P.1-P.9.
Schwingal, N.; Weiss, R.; Barth, T.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of Modulation Strategies for Common-Mode Distortion Reduction in Aircraft AC Converter Applications, PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 2021, pp. 1-9.
Weiss, R.; Rode, S.; Schwingal, N.; Barth, T.; Bernet, S.: Application and Verification of Effective Heat Spreading Angles on a Multi-Layer Thermal Design, PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 2021, pp. 1-8.
Fuentes, C. D.; Mueller, M.; Bernet, S.; Kouro, S.: SiC-MOSFET or Si-IGBT: Comparison of Design and Key Characteristics of a 690 V Grid-Tied Industrial Two-Level Voltage Source Converter, Energies 2021, 14, 3054
Lopez, M.; Fehr, H.; Perez, M.A.; Gensior, A.: Pareto Frontier of the Arm Energy Ripple and the Conduction Losses of a Modular Multilevel Converter, Energies 2021, 14, 392
- Gensior, A.; Fehr, H.: Modeling and Energy Balancing Control of Modular Multilevel Converters Using Perturbation Theory for Quasi-Periodic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 36, Nr. 2, S. 2201-2217, Februar 2021
- Schmitz, J.; Meissner, M.; Bernet, S.: Limits of enhanced desaturation detection method with adaptive blanking for GaN HEMTs; European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), Lyon, Frankreich, September 2020
Gensior, A.: Approximated sliding-mode control of parallel-connected grid inverters, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), Lyon, Frankreich, September 2020
- Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.: Online Trajectory Planning During Low-Voltage FRT of a Modular Multilevel Converter, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), Lyon, Frankreich, September 2020
- Gui, Q.; Gnärig; Jan L.; Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.: Energy-Balancing of a Modular Multilevel Converter Using an Online Trajectory Planning Algorithm, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe), Lyon, Frankreich, September 2020
Fuentes, C.D.; Kouro, S.; and Bernet, S., Comparison of 1700-V SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Modules Under Identical Test Setup Conditions, in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 7765-7775, November-Dezember 2019
- Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.: Eigenvalue Optimization of the Energy-Balancing Feedback for Modular Multilevel Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 34, Nr. 11, S. 11482-11495, November 2019
- Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.: Model-based circulating current references for MMC cell voltage ripple reduction and loss-equivalent arm current assessment, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), Genua, Italien, September 2019
- Wettengel, S., Lindenmüller, L.; Bernet, S.: Simulative Analysis and Design Considerations for a Novel Thyristor-based Pulsed Current Converter, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '19 ECCE Europe), Genua, Italien, September 2019
- Meissner, M., Schmitz, J.; Weiss; F. and Bernet, S.: "Current measurement of GaN power devices using a frequency compensated SMD shunt", PCIM Europe 2019; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, 2019
- Schmitz, J.; Meissner, M., Weiss, F. and S. Bernet, "New fast short circuit detection method for SiC and GaN HEMT power semiconductors", PCIM Europe 2019; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, Germany, 2019
- Wettengel, S., Lindenmüller, L., Lässig,F.; Bernet, S., Stelte, M., Drilling, C.; Leifeld, M.; Schiele, J.; Schenk, M.: Rectifier Design for Frequency Converters using Thyristor or Diode Modules in Parallel Connection, PCIM Asia, Shanghai, China, Juni 2019
- Rojas, S.; Gensior, A.: Instantaneous average prediction of the currents in a PWM-controlled two-level converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 397–406, Jan. 2019
P. Ritter, F. Wieland, D.J. Skene, A. Pfennig, M. Weiss, M. Bauer, E. Severus, H. Güldner, C. Sauer, B. Soltmann, S. Neumann: Melatonin suppression by melanopsin-weighted light in patients with bipolar I disorder compared to healthy controls", Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience 2019,44 (5).
- Fehr, H.; Gensior A.: Improved Energy Balancing of Grid-Side Modular Multilevel Converters by Optimized Feedforward Circulating Currents and Common-Mode Voltage, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 33, Nr. 12, S. 10903-10913, Dezember 2018
- Barth, T.; Weber, J.; Woywode, O.; Bernet, S.: A new flatness based control of a high voltage generator for medical X-ray applications, IET - The Journal of Engineering, Stevenage, UK, 2018
- Hoeer, M. ; Meissner, Markus ; Bernet, S.: Measurement of temperature-sensitive electrical parameters of a high-power 4.5 kV IGBT module, 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe), Riga, 2018
- Ditmanson, C.; Larsen, N.; Hein, R.; Hein, P.; Kolb, S.; Bernet, S.: A Prototype 3.2 MW Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Drive for Large Wind Turbines; IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2018), Portland, Oregon, USA, September 2018
- Krishnan, J.; Wettengel, S.; Güldner, H.: A Modular Hybrid Circuit Breaker for Medium and High Voltage DC Networks, ECCE 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA, September 2018
- Wettengel, S.; Lindenmüller, L.; Bernet, S.; Schramm, U.; Kroll, F.; Brack F.-E.; Pawelke, J.: Novel Thyristor-Based Pulsed Current Converter for a Medical Application - a Conceptual Introduction, PCIM Europe, Nürnberg, Deutschland, Juni 2018
- Aceiton, R.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Validation of a State Composer Algorithm for a Cascaded Multicell Converter via Real-Time Simulation, Konferenz Speedam, Amalfi, Italien, Juni 2018
- Wettengel, S.; Lindenmüller, L.; Jappe, T. K.; Bernet, S.; Stelte, M.; Drilling, C.; Leifeld, M.; Schiele, J.; Schenk, M.: Calculating On-State Voltage Drop of Bipolar Semiconductors using the αβ-Model, PCIM Asia, Shanghai, China, Juni 2018
- Aceiton, R.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Input Filter for a Power Electronics Transformer in a Railway Traction Application. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, DOI 10.1109/TIE.2018.2821621.
- Hoeer, M.; Weiss, F.; Bernet, S.: Online collector-emitter saturation voltage measurement for the in-situ temperature estimation of a high-power 4.5 kV IGBT module, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2017 ECCE Europe, Warschau, Polen, September 2017
Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.:Improved energy balancing for modular multilevel converters by optimized feed-forward circulating currents and common mode voltage, 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, 2017
Middeke, M.; Fehr, H.; Gensior A.:Reducing the modulation voltage error in MMCs by considering the capacitor voltage change within one PWM cycle for improved current control, 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe), Warsaw, 2017
Buschendorf, M.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of IGCT and IGBT
for the use in the modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications.
Power Systems and Smart Energies, ISBN 978-3-11-044841-2, S. 67–82,
März 2017. - Aguilera, R. P.; Lezana, P.; Konstantinou, G.; Wu, B.; Bernet, S., Agelidis V.G.: Selective Harmonic Elimination Model Predictive Control for Multilevel Power Converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 32, Nr. 3, März 2017
- Pérez, M.A.; Lizana, R.; Bernet, S.; Espinoza, J.R.; Rodríguez, J.: Control of arm capacitor voltages in modular multilevel converters, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 31, Nr. 2, S. 1774-1784, Februar 2016
Rojas, S.; Gensior, A.:Prediction of the Average Value of State Variables for Modulated Power Converters Considering the Modulation and Measuring Method, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, Nr. 8, S. 5209-5220, Mai 2016
Fehr, H.; Gensior A.:On Trajectory Planning, Backstepping Controller Design and Sliding Modes in Active Front-Ends, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, Nr. 8, S. 6044-6056, August 2016
Filsecker, F., Barth, T., Weiß, R., Bernet, S.: Loss reduction in a 3L-NPC inverter with SiC neutral point diodes through model predictive control, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, September 2016
- Höer, M.; Filsecker, F.; Wagner, M.; Bernet, S.: Application issues of an online temperature estimation method in a high-power 4.5 kV IGBT module based on the gate-emitter threshold voltage, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, September 2016
- Höer, M.; Filsecker, F.; Wagner, M.; Bernet, S.: Advanced gate driver for IGBT devices with dv/dt and peak voltage limitation based on active gate-emitter voltage control, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, Sept. 2016
Wieland, Falk; Ritter, Philipp; Kalbreyer, Arne:Der Einfluss von monochromatischem Licht auf Patienten mit einer Bipolar-I-Erkrankung im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollpersonen, Proceedings, LICHT 2016, KIT, Karlsruhe, September 2016
Weiß, R.; Gensior, A.:A model-based loss-reduction scheme for transient operation of induction machines, 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2016 ECCE Europe, S. 1-8, Karlsruhe, September 2016
Kastelan, D.; Rudolph, J.; Gensior, A.:Stator-flux-linkage-referenced control and online optimization of a doubly-fed induction generator, IEEE 7th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), Vancouver, Canada, 2016
Fehr H.; Gensior A.; Bernet S.:Experimental evaluation of PWM-methods for modular multilevel converters, 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'16 ECCE Europe), Karlsruhe, 2016
- Kluge, A.; Güldner, H.; Trompa, T.; Mory, D.: IGBT-based switching modules for laser applications, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 22, Nr. 4, S. 1954-1962, Aug. 2015
- Filsecker, F.: Bipolar SiC diodes for high-power medium-voltage drives, Power Electronics Conference, SEMICON Europa 2015, Dresden, 7.-8. Okt. 2015
- Barth, T.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: A new Large-Signal Model for the Quantum Series-Parallel-Resonant Converter with Output Voltage Doubler, IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), Johor, Malaysia, 19./20. Oktober 2015
- Höer, M.; Meissner, M.; Filsecker, F.; Bernet, S.: Online temperature estimation of a high-power 4.5 kV IGBT module based on the gate-emitter threshold voltage, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2015 ECCE Europe, Genf, Schweiz, Sept. 2015
- Hoffmann, A.; Wagner, M.; Bernet, S.: A novel control scheme for medium voltage drives operated by optimized pulse patterns, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2015, Sept. 2015, S. 4488-4495
- Hentschel, U.; Elz, M.; Bernet, S.: Automatic device scans in EtherCAT networks with cable redundancy, Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on, Sept. 2015
- Schwingal, N.; Bernet, S.: Power semiconductor loss comparison of low-voltage, high-power two-Level and three-Level voltage source converters, PCIM Europe, Nürnberg, Deutschland, Mai 2015
- Wilson, A.; Bernet, S.: Comparative evaluation of three-level converters using 4.5 kV, 1.2 kA IGBT modules, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2015, S. 3040-3045, 17-19 März 2015
- Pérez, M.A.; Bernet, S.: Capacitor voltage ripple minimization in modular multilevel converters, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2015, S. 3040-3045, 17-19 März 2015
- Pérez, M.A.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.; Kouro, S.; Lizana, R.: Circuit topologies, modeling, control schemes and applications of modular multilevel converters, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, S. 4-17, Jan. 2015
- Fehr, H.; Gensior, A.; Müller, M.: Analysis and trajectory tracking control of a modular multilevel converter, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 30, Nr. 1, S. 398-407, Jan. 2015
- Larsen, N.; Gensior, A.; Hein, P.: Multiple-objective optimization of a flux switching permanent magnet machine considering power converter constraints, in Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), 2014 16th European Conference on, 26.-28. Aug. 2014
- Ditmanson, C.; Kolb, S.: A distributed and fault-tolerant control system for a new modular wind turbine converter, in Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), 2014 16th European Conference on, 26.-28. Aug. 2014
Meißner, M.; Gensior, A.; Merk, P.; Reincke-Collon, C.: Load emulation in an inverter-dominated medium voltage island grid, 2014 IEEE 15th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Santander, 2014, pp. 1-6.
- Kluge, A.; Güldner, H.; Trompa, T.; Mory, D.: Design and comparison of IGBT-based switching modules for laser applications, 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), S. 182-186, Juni 2014
- Kluge, A.; Göhler, L.; Güldner, H.; Trompa, T.; Mory, D.; Segsa, K.-H.: Design of high-speed IGBT-based switching modules for pulsed power applications, in 2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014 - ECCE-ASIA), S. 2554-2561, Mai 2014
- Ditmanson, C.; Hein, P.; Kolb, S.; Molck, J.; Bernet, S: A new modular flux-switching permanent-magnet drive for large wind turbines, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 50, Nr. 6, S. 3787-3794, Nov.-Dez. 2014
- Wagner, M.; Barth, T.; Álvarez, R.; Ditmanson, C.; Bernet, S.: Discrete-time active damping of LCL filters by proportional capacitor current feedback, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 50, Nr. 6, S. 3911-3920, Nov.-Dez. 2014
- Lizama, I.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Wagner, M.: Static balancing of the collector current of IGBTs connected in parallel, Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE, Dallas, TX, USA, Okt. 2014, S. 1072-1076
- Lizama, I.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Wagner, M.: A new method for fast short circuit protection of IGBTs, Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE, Dallas, TX, USA, Okt. 2014, S. 1072-1076
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Evaluation of 6.5-kV SiC p-i-n diodes in a medium-voltage, high-power 3L-NPC converter, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 29, Nr. 10, S. 5148-5156, Okt. 2014
- Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Sinusoidal current operation of delay time compensation for parallel connected IGBTs, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 50, Nr. 5, S. 3485-3493, Sept.-Okt. 2014
- Pérez, M.A.; Rodríguez, J.; Bernet, S.: Decoupled capacitor voltage control of modular multilevel converters, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 14.-18. Sept. 2014, S. 4947-4953
- Álvarez, R.; Lizama, I.; Bernet, S.: Delay time compensation for parallel connected IGBTs: Implementation and extension for n IGBTs, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2014 ECCE Europe, Lappeenranta, Finland, 26.-28. Aug. 2014
- Barth, T.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Model predictive control for the quantum series-parallel LCC-type resonant converter with capacitive output filter, Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2014 IEEE 15th Workshop on, 22.-25. Juni 2014
- Barth, T.; Filsecker, F.; Bernet, S.: Model predictive control of a hybrid Si/SiC 3L-NPC converter, Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2014 IEEE 15th Workshop on, 22.-25. Juni 2014
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: The investigation of a 6.5-kV, 1-kA SiC diode module for medium voltage converters, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 29, Nr. 5, S. 2272-2280, Mai 2014
- Bärnklau, H.; Gensior, A.; Bernet, S.: Submodule capacitor dimensioning for modular multilevel converters,, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 50, Nr. 3, S. 1915-1923, Mai-Juni 2014
- Schmuck, C.; Woittennek, F. ; Gensior, A. ; Rudolph, J.: Feed-Forward Control of an HVDC Power Transmission Network, Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 22, Nr. 2, S. 597-606, März 2014
- Barth, T.; Semmler, S.; Buschendorf, M.; Alvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Gate drive unit DC-DC power supply for multi-level converters or series connection of IGBTs with high voltage insulation, Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2014 11th International Multi-Conference on, 11-14 Feb. 2014
- Barth, T.; Wagner, M.; Bernet, S.: Reduction of low-order-even-harmonics in grid connected inverters for renewable energy systems using delta-sigma based A/D conversion, Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2014 11th International Multi-Conference on, 11-14 Feb. 2014
- Andler, D.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.: Switching loss analysis of 4.5 kV - 5.5 kA IGCTs within a 3L-ANPC phase leg prototype, Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 50, Nr. 1, S. 584-592, Jan.-Feb. 2014
- Bärnklau, H.; Gensior, A.; Rudolph, J.: A model-based control scheme for modular multilevel converters, Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 60, Nr. 12, S. 5359-5375, Dec. 2013
- Andler, D.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.: Experimental investigation of the commutations of a 3L-ANPC phase leg using 4.5-kV?5.5-kA IGCTs, Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 60, Nr. 11, S. 4820-4830, Nov. 2013
- Álvarez, R.; Filsecker, F.; Bernet, S.: Characterization of 4.5 kV/2.4 kA press pack IGBT including comparison with IGCT, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Buschendorf, M.; Köbe, M.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Comprehensive design of DC busbars for medium voltage applications, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Ditmanson, C.; Hein, P.; Kolb, S.; Molck, J.; Bernet, S.: A new modular flux-switching permanent magnet drive for large wind turbines, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Kleinichen, P.; Álvarez, R.; Buschendorf, M.; Bernet, S.: Turn-on loss reduction of 6.5kV/500A Trench/Field-stop IGBTs using a simple GDU, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Lindenmüller, L.; Kleinichen, P.; Ditmanson, C.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Loss Reduction in a Medium Frequency Series Resonance Converter by Forced Evacuation, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Sprenger, M.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Experimental investigation of short-circuit failures in a three level neutral-point-clamped voltage-source converter phase-leg with IGBTs, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Sprenger, M.; Barth, T.; Álvarez, R.; Tannhäuser, M.; Bernet, S.: Experimental verification of direct dead-time control and DC-link neutral-point balancing of a three level neutral-point-clamped (3L-NPC) VSC, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Tannhäuser, M.; Bernet, S.; Weber, J.: Analysis and space-vector-modulation of a 4L-3B6-VSC, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Wagner, M.; Barth, T.; Ditmanson, C.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Discrete-time optimal active damping of LCL resonance in grid connected converters by proportional capacitor current feedback, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013, Denver, CO, USA, 15.-19. Sept. 2013
- Wagner, M.; Bernet, S.: High frequency inverter for resistance spot welding applications with increased power cycling capability, AFRICON 2013, Mauritius, 9.-12. Sept. 2013
- Filsecker, F.; Wettengel, S.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Investigation of oscillations in a 6.5-kV, 1-kA SiC diode module, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2013 ECCE Europe, Lille, Frankreich, 3.-5. Sept. 2013
- Wagner, M.; Kolb, S.: Efficiency improvements for high frequency resistance spot welding, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2013 ECCE Europe, Lille, Frankreich, 3.-5. Sept. 2013
- Kluge, A.; Güldner, H.; Göhler, L.: Characterization of IGBTs for high-speed switches for laser applications, IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC), PPC 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA, 16.-21. Jun. 2013
- Wagner, M.; Barth, T.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Novel active damping scheme for LCL filters of grid converters with optimal pole placement by proportional capacitor current feedback, PCIM Europe, Nürnberg, Deutschland, Mai 2013
- Fink, K.; Bernet, S.: Advanced gate drive unit with closed-loop dic/dt control, Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 28, Nr. 5, S. 2587-2595, Mai 2013
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of 4.5-kV press-pack IGBTs and IGCTs for medium-voltage converters, Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 60, Nr. 2, S. 440-449, Feb. 2013
- Wieland, F; Güldner, H.; Hild, O.R.: Renewable energy and lightings - logically or artificially?, Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Nagasaki, Japan, 11-14 Nov. 2012
- Larsen, N. ; Gensior, A. ; Hein, P.: Torque ripple reduction based on current control for a flux switching permanent magnet machine, 2012 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2012, S. 712-717
- Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Sinusoidal current operation of delay time compensation for parallel connected IGBTs, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sept. 2012, S. 3942-3949
- Sprenger, M.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Direct dead-time control - a novel dc-link neutral-point balancing method for the three-level neutral-point-clamped voltage source inverter, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sept. 2012, S. 1157-1163
- Bärnklau, H.; Gensior, A.; Bernet, S.: Submodule capacitor dimensioning for Modular Multilevel Converters, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 4172-4179
- Lindenmüller, L.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Optimization of a series resonant DC/DC converter for traction applications, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 2201-2208
- Aceiton, R.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Level-Shifted PWM for a multilevel traction converter using a state composer, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 713-717
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Characterization of a new 6.5 kV 1000A SiC diode for medium voltage converters, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 2253-2260
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of 6.5 kV silicon and SiC diodes, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 2261-2267
- Andler, D.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.: Characterization of 4.5 kV?5.5 kA IGCTs within a medium voltage 3L-ANPC phase leg, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2012, Raleigh, USA, 15.-20. Sep. 2012, S. 451-458
- Kluge, A.; Kramer, T.; Güldner, H.: Gate Boosting of MOS-controlled devices for pulsed power applications, PCIM South America, São Paulo, Brasilien, 11.-13. Sep. 2012
- Bärnklau, H. ; Gensior, A.; Bernet, S.: Derivation of an equivalent submodule per arm for modular multilevel converters, Power Electronics and Motion Control, EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, Sep. 2004
- Kouro, S.; Rodríguez, J.; Bin Wu; Bernet, S.; Perez, M.: Powering the future of industry: high-power adjustable speed drive topologies, Industry Applications Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, S. 26-39, Juli-Aug. 2012
- Hauk, E.; Álvarez, R.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.; Andler, D.; Rodríguez, J.: New junction temperature balancing method for a three level active NPC converter, EPE Journal, Vol. 22, Nr. 2, Juni 2012
- Buschendorf, M.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of IGCT and IGBT for the use in the modular multilevel converter for HVDC applications, Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012 9th International Multi-Conference on, 20-23 März 2012
- Gensior, A.; Nguyen, T.M.P.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Flatness-based loss optimization and control of a doubly fed induction generator system, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 19, Nr. 6, Nov. 2011, S. 1457-1466
- Lindenmüller, L.; Bernet, S.; Kleinichen, P.: A novel topology to characterize high voltage IGBTs in a soft switching converter, Semiconductor Conference Dresden (SCD), 2011, 27-28 Sept. 2011
- Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: A new delay time compensation principle for parallel connected IGBTs, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, Phoenix, USA, 17-22 Sept. 2011
- Rohner, S.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.: Continuous model of modular multilevel converter and experimental verification, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, Phoenix, USA, 17-22 September 2011
- Lindenmüller, L.; Bernet, S.; Álvarez, R.; Kleinichen, P.: Characterization of a 6.5 kV / 500 A IGBT module in a series resonant converter, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, Phoenix, USA, 17-22 September 2011
- Álvarez, R.; Filsecker, F.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of press-pack IGBT at hard switching and clamp operation for medium voltage converters, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2011, Birmingham, UK, 30. Aug.-1. Sept. 2011
- Andler, D.; Hauk, E.; Álvarez, R.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.: New junction temperature balancing method for a three level active NPC converter, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2011, Birmingham, UK, 30. Aug.-1. Sept. 2011
- Sprenger, M.; Álvarez, R.; Staudt, I.; Bernet, S.: Characterization of a new 1.2 kV IGBT 3L-NPC phase-leg module for low voltage applications, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2011, Birmingham, UK, 30. Aug.-1. Sept. 2011
- Andler, A.; Weber, J.; Bernet, S.; Rodríguez, J.: Improved model predictive control with loss energy awareness of a 3L-ANPC voltage source converter, 2010 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE), Plzen, Tschechische Republik, September 2010
- Rohner, S.; Bernet, S.; Hiller, M.; Sommer, R.: Modulation, Losses and Semiconductor Requirements of Modular Multilevel Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, Nr. 8, Aug. 2010, S. 2633-2642
- Rodríguez, J.; Bernet, S.; Steimer, P.K.; Lizama, I.E.: A Survey on Neutral Point Clamped Inverters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, Nr. 7, Juli 2010, S. 2219-2230
- Rohner, S.; Bernet, S.; Hiller, M.; Sommer, R.: Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of a Modular Multilevel Converter for Medium Voltage Applications, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2010, Valparaíso, Chile, 14-17 März 2010, S. 775-782
- Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.; Lindenmüller, L.; Filsecker, F.: Characterization of a new 4.5 kV press pack SPT+ IGBT in voltage source converters with clamp circuit, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2010, Valparaíso, Chile, 14-17 März 2010, S. 702-709
- Álvarez, R.; Fink, K.; Bernet, S.: Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Parallel Connected IGBTs, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2010, Valparaíso, Chile, 14-17 März 2010, S. 824-831
- Filsecker, F.; Álvarez, R.; Bernet, S.: Design and losses of PWM current source converters, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2010, Valparaíso, Chile, 14-17 März 2010, S. 737-744
- Kluge, A.; Güldner, H.; Reifegerste, F.; Wendt, S.; May, Ch.: Power Electronics In Railway Ligthing Systems, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2010, Valparaíso, Chile, 14-17 März 2010, S. 793-799
- Steimer, P.K., Hermann, R., Bernet, S., Yongsug Suh: Parallel Connection of Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCTs) and Diodes, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 24, Nr. 9, Sept. 2009, S. 2159?2170
- Jalili, K. Bernet, S.: Design of LCL Filters of Active-Front-End Two-Level Voltage-Source Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, Nr. 5, Mai 2009, S. 1674?1689
- Gensior, A., Sira-Ramirez, H., Rudolph, J., Güldner, H.: On Some Nonlinear Current Controllers for Three-Phase Boost Rectifiers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, Nr. 2, S. 360?370, Februar 2009
- Nguyen, T.M.P., Gensior, A., Rudolph, J.: A flatness based backstepping controller design with sliding mode for asynchronous machines, Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2009, Porto, Portugal, November 2009, S. 975-980
- Fehr, H., Gensior, A., Rudolph, J.: Flatness based switching frequency estimation of sliding mode controllers for single-input systems, Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2009, November 2009, Porto, Portugal, S. 1557?1562
- Rohner, S., Bernet, S., Hiller, M., Sommer, R.: Analysis and Simulation of a 6kV, 6MVA Modular Multilevel Converter, Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2009, November 2009, Porto, Portugal, S. 230?235
- Álvarez, R., Filsecker, F., Bernet, S.: Characterization of a new 4.5 kV press pack SPT+ IGBT for medium voltage converters, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2009, San Jose, USA, 20.-24. Sept. 2009, S. 3954-3962, Second Prize Portnoy Award of the Power Electronics and Devices Committee (PEDCC), IEEE-ECCE 2009
- Rohner, S., Bernet, S., Hiller, M., Sommer, R.: Pulse Width Modulation Scheme for the Modular Multilevel Converter, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009, Sept. 2009
- Hiller, M.; Krug, D.; Sommer, R.; Rohner, S.: A new highly modular medium voltage converter topology for industrial drive applications, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009, Sept. 2009
- Hiller, M., Krug, D., Sommer, R., Rohner, S.: A New Highly Modular Medium Voltage Converter Topology for Industrial Drive Applications, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009, September 2009
- Ditmanson, C., Güldner, H., Rentzsch, M., Gleisberg, F.: Digital Voltage/ Current Control of a High Voltage Output LCC Resonant Converter Based Power Supply for Capacitor Charging, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2009, Melbourne, Australia, February 2009
- Rodríguez, J.; Wu, B.; Bernet, S.; Zargari, N.; Rebolledo, J.; Pontt, J.; Steimer, P.: Design and evaluation criteria for high power drives, IEEE Industry Applications Conference, IEEE-IAS 2008, Oktober 2008
- Sayago, J., Brückner, T., Bernet, S.: How to select the System Voltage of MV Drives ? A Comparison of Semiconductor Expenses, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, Nr. 9, September 2008, S. 3381?3390
- Gensior, A.; Weber, J.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Algebraic parameter identification and asymptotic estimation of the load of a boost converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, Nr. 9, September 2008, S. 3352-3360
- Gensior, A.; Nguyen, T.M.P.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Flatness based loss optimization for a doubly fed induction generator system, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium Industrial Electronics 2008, Cambridge, UK, 30. Juni - 2. Juli 2008
- Wu, B.; Pontt, J.; Rodríguez, J.; Bernet, S.; Kouro, S.: Current-Source Converter and Cycloconverter Topologies for Industrial Medium-Voltage Drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, Nr. 7, Juli 2008, S. 2786-2797
- Gensior, A., Rudolph, J., Güldner, H.: Flachheitsbasierte Minimierung der Energieverluste und Reglerentwurf für eine doppeltgespeiste Asynchronmaschine mit Umrichtern. e-STA, e-revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Automatique, vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2008, S. 1-11
- Hermann, R., Bernet, S., Yongsug Suh, Steimer, P.: Parallel connection of Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors and diodes, Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, Rhodos, Griechenland, Juni 2008, S. 1598?1605
- Weitendorf, N.; Bernet, S.: A new sliding mode rotor flux and torque control for induction motors with adaptive switching table, Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, Rhodos, Griechenland, 15.-19. Juni 2008, S. 4368-4374
- Tschirley, S.; Bernet, S.; Streit, P.: Design and characteristics of reverse conducting 10-kV-IGCTs, Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, Rhodos, Griechenland, 15.-19. Juni 2008, S. 92-97
- Weitendorf, N.; Bernet, S.: Junction temperature and switching frequency prediction in direct torque controlled induction motor drives, Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, Rhodos, Griechenland, 15.-19. Juni 2008, S. 338-344
- Sayago, J.A.; Bernet, S.; Bruckner, T.: Comparison of Medium Voltage IGBT-based 3L-ANPC-VSCs, Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2008, Rhodos, Griechenland, 15.-19. Juni 2008, S. 851-858
- Jalili, K.; Weitendorf, N.; Bernet, S.: Behavior of PWM Active Front Ends in the Presence of Parallel Thyristor Converters, Proc. of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, Nr. 3, März 2008, S. 1035-1046
- Lürick, R.; Bernet, S.; Michel, M.: A new IGCT Converter Topology for High Power Induction Heating Converters, Proc. of IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2008, Austin, USA, 24.-28. Februar 2008, S. 1879-1884
- Brückner, T.; Bernet, S.; Steimer, P. K.: Feedforward Loss Control of Three-Level Active NPC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43, Nr. 6, Dezember 2007, S. 1588-1596
- Krug, D.; Bernet, S.; Fazel, S.; Jalili, K.; Malinowski, M.: Comparison of 2.3-kV Medium-Voltage Multilevel Converters for Industrial Medium-Voltage Drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, Nr. 6, Dezember 2007, S. 2979-2992
- Rodríguez, J.; Bernet, S.; Wu, B.; Pontt, J. O.; Kouro, S.: Multilevel Voltage-Source-Converter Topologies for Industrial Medium-Voltage Drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, Nr. 6, Dezember 2007, S. 2930-2945
- Rodríguez, J.; Wu, B.; Bernet, S.; Pontt, J. O.: Guest Editorial, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 54, Nr. 6, Dezember 2007, S. 2927-2929
- Fazel, S.; Bernet, S.; Krug, D.; Jalili, K.: Design and Comparison of 4-kV Neutral-Point-Clamped, Flying-Capacitor, and Series-Connected H-Bridge Multilevel Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 43, Nr. 4, August 2007, S. 1032-1040
- Gensior, A.; Weber, J.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: An algebraic parameter identification algorithm and asymptotic observers for estimation of the load of a boost converter, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium Industrial Electronics 2007, Caixanova-Vigo, Spain, June 4-7 2007
- Sießegger, B.; Günther, K.; Güldner, H.; Hirschmann, G.: Acoustic Resonances in HID Lamps - Automated Measuring Station, LS-11-symposium, Shanghai, China, May 2007
- Gensior, A.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Flachheitsbasierte Steuerung gepulster Gleichrichter, Tagungsband GMA Workshop 1.40 2007, Salzburg, S. 232-245
- Rost, J.; Güldner, H.; Hellinger, R.; Weller, A.: Modelling of the Feeding Network of a Linear Synchronous Machine and Estimation of Model Parameters, Proc. of IEEE-Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, S. 801-806
- Rentzsch, M.; Güldner, H.; Ditmanson, C.: Design of an Adjustable High Output Voltage Asymmetrically Switched Class D Converter, 7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, S. 330-336
- Weber, J.; Güldner, H.; Mohr, H. B.; Mussa, S. A.: Flatness-based control of a line conditioner for a single phase ac system, Proc. of Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência, COBEP 2007, Blumenau, Brazil, 2007
- Wendt, S.; Benecke, F.; Güldner, H.: A novel 500 kW high-speed turbine PM synchronous generator set for distributed power generation, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.127-D, No. 5, 2007, S. 501-507
- Brückner, T.; Bernet, S.: Estimation and Measurement of Junction Temperatures in a Three-Level Voltage Source Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, Nr. 1, Januar 2007, S. 3-12
- Mohan, S.; Losansky, J.; Güldner, H.: Discrete stationary frame control for a front-end converter, IEEE IICPE 2006, Chennai (Madras), India, 19.-21. Dezember 2006
- Gensior, A.; Woywode, O.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: On Differential Flatness, Trajectory Planning, Observers, and Stabilization for DC-DC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Vol. 53, Nr. 9, September 2006, S. 2000-2010
- Wendt, S.; Benecke, F.; Güldner, H.: Speed Variable Operation of a High-Speed Steam Turbine PM Synchronous Generator Set, IASTED PEA 2006, Gaborone, Botswana, 11.-13. September 2006
- Todtermuschke, K.; Gensior, A.; Rudolph, J.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.: Flatness-based control of the VIENNA-rectifier allowing for reactive power compensation, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2006, Jeju, Korea, 18.-22. Juni 2006
- O'Brien, K.; Teichmann, R.; Güldner, H.: Magnetic Field Generation in an Inductively Coupled Radio-Frequency Power Transmission System, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2006, Jeju, Korea, 18.-22. Juni 2006
- Nittayarumphong, S.; Güldner, H.; Bisongo, F. E.; Radecker, M.; Carazo, A.: Comparison of Control Concepts for Off-Line Power Suplies using Piezoelectric transformers in Class-E Topology, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2006, Jeju, Korea, 18.-22. Juni 2006
- Sumitha M.; Losansky, J.; Rentzsch, M.; Güldner, H.: Hybrid digital control for three phase rectifier-inverter system, IEEE COMPEL 2006, Juli, Troy, USA, 2006
- Do, M. C.; Güldner, H.: High Output Voltage DC/DC Converter based on Parallel Connection of Piezoelectric Transformers, SPEEDAM 2006, Taormina, Italien, 2006
- Do, M. C.; Hanisch, T.; Güldner, H.: Igniter for HID Lamp Based on Discontinuous Working Mode of Piezoelectric Transformers, International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2005
- Baldauf C.; Hampel J.; Zschernig J.; Wendt S.; Güldner H.: KK&K - Dampfturbinen für dezentrale Kraft - Wärme - Kopplung: Allgemeiner Überblick und Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes "Speed Power Modul", 36. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Deutschland, Oktober 2005
- Teichmann, R.; O´Brien, K.; Güldner, H.: Analysis of parttially controllable multi-level voltage source converters, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2005, Dresden, Deutschland, September 2005
- Do, M. C.; Güldner, H., Hanisch, Th.: High Voltage Igniter Based on Discontinuous Working Mode of Piezoelectric Transformers, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2005, Dresden, Deutschland, September 2005
- Losansky, J.; Rentzsch, M.; Güldner, H.: Intelligent measurement and control plat-form using Spartan3 FPGA, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2005, Dresden, Deutschland, September 2005
- Mohan, S.; Güldner, H.; Briest, R.; Wolf, H.: Analysis and control aspects of harmonics distortion in the front-end three-phase four-wire PWM BOOST RECTIFIER, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2005, Dresden, Deutschland, September 2005
- Gensior, A.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Flatness-based control of three-phase boost rectifiers, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2005, Dresden, Deutschland, September 2005
- Brückner, Th.; Bernet, S.; Güldner, H.: The Active NPC Converter and its Loss-Balancing Control, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 3, Juni 2005, S. 855-868
- Sießegger, B.; Güldner, H.; Hirschmann G.: Ignition Concepts for High Frequency Operated HID Lamps, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2005, Recife, Brasilien, Juni 2005.
- Wendt, S.; Benecke, F.; Güldner, H.; Hampel, J.; Zschernig, J.; Briest, R.; Ueffing, N.: A Novel 500 kW High-Speed Turbine PM Synchronous Generator Set for a Power Generation System, International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC 2005, Niigata, Japan, April 2005
- Gensior, A.; Rudolph, J.; Woywode, O.: New observers and an online trajectory planning algorithm for the boost converter, 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS 2004, Stuttgart, Deutschland, September 2004, S. 1559-1564
- Gensior, A.; Woywode, O.; Rudolph, J.; Güldner, H.: Boost converter control: comparison of PI-, passivity-based and flatness-based methods, Power Electronics and Motion Control, EPE-PEMC 2004, Riga, Lettland, September 2004
- Weber, J.; Gensior, A.; Woywode, O.; Güldner, H.: Flatness based control of chaotic boost converters, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2004, Aachen, Deutschland, 20.-25. Juni 2004
- Czekay, D.; Güldner, H.; Honsberg-Riedl, M.; Schemmel, B.: MHz power electronic applications, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2004, Aachen, Deutschland, 20.-25. Juni 2004
- Mohan, S.; Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.: State Feedback Controller for a Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Inverter, EuroPES'2004, Rhodes, Greece, 2004
- Blacha, N.; Losansky, J.; Güldner, H.: Control and Performance of a New UPS Technology, Power Control and Intelligent Motion, PCIM 2004, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2004
- Wendt, S.; Benecke, F.; Zschernig, J.; Hampel, J.; Pechstein, A.: Dampfturbogenerator mit mechatronischer Netzanbindung - Aufbau einer Versuchsanlage im Heizwerk Reick der DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH, 35. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Dtld., 23.-24. September 2003
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.: Tailoring ripple and spectrum of chaotic dc-dc converters, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2003, Toulouse, France, 2.-4. September 2003
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Losansky, J.; Eckholz, F.: DSP-based Control of a VRM Topology using interleaved Buck Converters, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2003, Toulouse, France, 2.-4. September 2003
- Hoffmann, K.; Schmidt, J.; Güldner, H.: Development of coupling elements in bidirectional UPS, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2003, Toulouse, France, 2.-4. September 2003
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.; Baranovski, A.; Schwarz, W.: Bifurcation and Statistical Analysis of DC-DC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 50, Nr. 8, August 2003
- Güldner, H.; Losansky, J.; Wolf, H.: Compact DSP Application for a 100kW DC Power Supply, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2003, Acapulco, Mexiko, Juni 2003
- O'Brien, K.; Scheible, G.; Güldner, H.: Design of Large Air-Gap Transformers for Wireless Power Transmission, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2003, Vol. 4, Acapulco, Mexiko, Juni 2003, S. 1557-1562
- O'Brien, K.; Scheible, G.; Güldner, H.: Analysis of wireless power supplies for industrial automation systems, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2003, Vol. 1, Acapulco, Mexiko, Juni 2003, S. 367-372
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.; Baranovski, A.; Schwarz, W.: Lecture on pros and cons of chaotic dc-dc converter operation within the full-day tutorial on Chaotic and Random Point Processes: Analysis, Design and Application to Hybrid Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2003, Bangkok, Thailand, 25.-29 Mai 2003
- Güldner, H.; Benecke, F.; Wendt, S.; Zschernig, J.; Hampel, J.: Dampfturbogenerator mit mechatronischer Kopplung an das elektrische Netz, TERRATEC 2003, Leipzig, Dtld., 11.-14. März 2003
- Woywode, O.: Chaotische DC-DC Converter mit verbesserter EMV, Seminar: Leistungselektronische und mechatronische Systeme ETH Zürich, Professur für Leistungselektronik und Messtechnik CH-8092 Zürich, Schweiz, Januar 22, 2003
- Benecke, F.; Wendt, S.; Güldner, H.; Hampel, J.; Zschernig, J.: PWM Rectifier for a variable speed PM synchronous Generator Turbine Set, IASTED 2003, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 2003
- Czekay, D.; Güldner, H.; Honsberg-Riedl, M.; Schemmel, B.: Fluorescent lamps with MHz electronic Ballast, Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência, COBEP 2003, Fortaleza, Brasilien, 2003
- Baranovski, A.; Güldner, H.; Schwarz, W; Weber, J.; Woywode, O.: On the trade-off ripple and spectral properties of chaotic DC-DC converters, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, NOLTA 2002, Xian, China, 7.-11. Oktober 2002
- Woywode O.; Güldner, H.: Density aspects of chaotic DC-DC converters, Power Electronics and Motion Control, EPE-PEMC 2002, Cavtat k Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2002
- Woywode. O.: Aperiodischer Betrieb von DC-DC Convertern, IEEE Power Electronies Society, German Chapter Meeting, TU Dresden, Elektrotechnisches Institut, Helmholtzstr. 9, 01069 Dresden, Juli 2002
- Baranovski, A.; Güldner, H.; Schwarz, W.; Storm, A.; Woywode, O.: Betriebsverhalten und Anwendungen aperiodisch arbeitender elektronischer Wandler, Nichtlineare Dynamik - Arbeitstreffen, VDI Technologiezentrum, Physikalische Technologien, Graf-Recke-Str. 84, 40239 Düsseldorf, Juli 2002
- Wolf, H.; Güldner, H.; Schrade, F.: A Novel Topology of Power Supply for Pulse Magnetron Sputtering Technology, Workshop PPST Europe, Dresden, 5.-7. Juni 2002
- Bechler, D.; Benecke, F.; Güldner, H.: Equivalent Circuit Based Algorithm - A New Proposal for Control of Solar Generators, PES 2002, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, 13.-15. Mai 2002
- Weber, J.; Woywode, O.; Güldner, H.; Baranovski, A.; Schwarz. W.: New method for tailoring ripple and spectral properties of chaotic DC-DC converters, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2002, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Mai 2002
- Woywode, O; Weber, J.; Güldner; H.: Aperiodisch arbeitende DC-Wandler aus Sicht der EMV, Fachtagung Elektrische Energiewandlungssysteme, Magdeburg, Deutschland, März 2002
- Hanisch, Th.; Kartashev, I.; Güldner, H.; Lehnert, K.: Non-permanent excitation of piezoelectric transformers, IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP 2002, Guadalajara, Mexiko, 2002
- Güldner, H.; Eckholz, F.; Wolf, H.; Losansky, J.: A Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) Application for a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS), IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, CIEP 2002, Guadalajara, Mexiko, 2002
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Eckholz, F.; Losansky, J.: A Modular High Power DC-DC Converter with Democratic Current-Sharing, EPE-PEMC 2002, Dubrovnik & Cavtat, Croatia, 2002
- Brückner, T; Bernet, S.: Investigation of a High-Power Three-Level Quasi-Resonant DC-Link Voltage-Source Inverter, IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, Vol. 37, Nr. 2, März/April 2001
- O'Brien, K.; Teichmann, R.; Bernet, S.: Active Rectifier for Medium Voltage Drive Systems , IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2001, Anaheim, USA, 2001
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.: A topological and statistical approach to DC-DC converters, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2001, Vancouver, Canada, 2001
- Bruckner, T.; Bemet, S.: Loss balancing in three-level voltage source inverters applying active NPC switches, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2001, Vancouver, Canada, 2001
- Eckholz, F.; Wolf, H.; Güldner, H.: Rechnergestützter Entwurf einer leistungselektronischen Speisequelle für Pulsplasmen, SIMPLORER Workshop, Chemnitz, 2001
- Eckholz, F; Hildebrand, E. N.; Meyer, J.; Pertermann, H: Entwicklung eines geregelten Hermetikantriebes für Kältmittelverdichter in Haushaltkühlgeräten, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.: Dynamische Bifurkation und invariante Dichten in leistungselektronischen Systemen, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Friedmann, P.; Lehnert, K.: Analytische Berechnungen in der Leistungselektronik - heute noch aktuell trotz Simulation?, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Lehnert, K; Böhme, F.; Stechemesser, N.: Universelles elektronisches Vorschaltgerät für Niederdruckgasentladungslampen, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Bechler, D.: Das ECB-Verfahren zur Regelung von Solargeneratoren in Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Wolf, H.; Blache, N.: Wechselrichterkonzept für Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung kleiner Leistung und Mehrebenenbetrieb, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Kartashev, I.; Hanisch, Th.: Piezoelektrische Transformatoren in Zündsystemen, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Teichmann, R.; Brückner, T.; Mast, J.: Aspekte der Reihenschaltung von Leistungshalbleitern in der Mittelspannungstechnik, Elektrie, Berlin 55 (2001) 05-07
- Schrade, F.; Güldner, H.: Ein embedded C 62 DSP-System als Controller für eine leistungselektronische Pulsplasmaquelle, Embedded Intelliegence Workshop, Nürnberg, 2001
- Schrade, F.; Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.: Digitale Steuer- und Regelungssysteme in der Leistungselektronik, deren aktuelle Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, vorgestellt anhand von Beispielen, 10. Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Rostock, 2001
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Blacha, N.: Single Phase UPS Inverter with variable Output Voltage and Digital State Feedback Control, ISIE 2001, Pusan, Korea, 2001
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.; Baranovski, A.; Schwarz W.: Qualitative dynamics of the boost converter, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2001, Sydney, Australia, 2001
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner H.: A topological and statistical approach to dc-dc converters, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC 2001, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2001
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J.; Güldner, H.; Baranovski, A.; Schwarz W.: Statistical analysis of chaotic dc-dc converters, Energy Automation and Information Technology, EAIT 2001, Kharagpur, India, 2001
- Güldner, H.; Gamil, A.; Böhme, F.; Wolf, H.: Determine the Efficiency of any Power Electronic Device using Heat Transfer Theory; ICEMS 2001, Shenyang, China, 2001
- Woywode, O.; Güldner, H.: Application of statistical analysis to dc-dc converters, Trans. of IEE of Japan on Industrial Applications, 121-D(5), May, 2001
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Losansky, J.: Implementation Aspects of DigitalControl Algorithms for Cascaded Converter Systems, Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência, COBEB 2001, Florianoplis, Brasilien, 2001
- Baranovski A.; Mögel, A.; Schwarz, W.; Woywode, O.: Chaotic Control of a DC-DC Converter, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2000, Geneva, Switzerland, 28.-31. Mai, 2000
- Böhme, F.; Güldner, H.; Raiser, F.: Charge Pump Ballasts as a special Type of Electronic Ballast of Flourescent Lamps, IAS 2000, Rom, 2000
- Nagel, A.; Bernet, S.; Brückner T.; Steimer, P. K.; Apeldoorn, O.: Characterization of IGCTs for series connected operation, IAS 2000, Rom, Italien, 2000
- Zeidler, F.; Zimmermann, F.; Agú, B.; Güldner, H.; Hanisch, Th.: Monitoring and Control of the Smelt-Condition of Materials with high Melting Temperatur, EUROMAT'99, München, 2000
- Woywode, O.; Güldner, H.; Baranowski, A.; Schwarz, W.: Design rules aperiodic boost converters, Power Control and Intelligent Motion, PCIM 2000, Nürnberg, 2000
- Klose, Ch.; Güldner, H.; Unger-Weber, F.: Reduction of the Energy Consumption of Tractive Units for High-Speed Traffic, International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 2000
- Teichmann, R.; O'Brien K.; Bernet, S.: Comparison of Multi-Level ARCP Topologies, International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 2000
- Woywode, O.; Güldner, H.: Application of Statistical Analysis to DC-DC Converter, International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 2000
- Brückner, T.; Bernet, S.: Investigation of a High Power Three-level Quasi-resonant DC-Link Voltage Source Inverter, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2000, USA, 2000
- Güldner, H.; Brückner, T.; Bernet, S.: Investigation of a High Power Three-Level Quasi-resonant DC-Link Voltage Source Inverter, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2000, USA, 2000
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Blacha, N.: DC-DC-Converter als Anpasswandler in USV-Systemen, SIMEC-Workshop, Chemnitz, 2000
- Woywode, O.; Weber, J. Güldner, H.: Iterated Mappings and Center Manifold Theory applied to Power Converters, TELESCON 2000, Dresden, 2000
- Güldner, H.; Bechler, D.: Photovoltaik - Das Sonnenlicht effizient nutzen, Wiss. Z. Techn. Univers. Dresden (49) Heft 4/5, 2000
- Teichmann, R.; Güldner, H.: Analysis of Transfer Ration Limitations in Auxiliary Commutated Pole Converters, CIEP 2000, Acapulco, Mexiko, 2000
- Güldner, H.; Wolf, H.; Eckholz, F; Schrade, F.; u.a.: A novel topology for pulse generators in Magnetron Sputter Systems, CIEP 2000, Acapulco, Mexiko, 2000
- Teichmann, R.; Oyama, J.; Yamada, E.: Control Design for Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Matrix Converter, Power Electronics & Motion Control, PEMC 2000, Kosice, Slovakia, 2000
- Nagel, A.; Bernet, S.; Brückner, T.; Steimer, P. K.; Apeldoorn, O.: Design of IGCT series connection for 6kV medium voltage drives, IEEE Seminar on PWM Medium Voltage Drives, Birmingham, UK, 2000