Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Adolf Finger
Senior Professor
Raum | | BAR I/77 |
Telefon | | +49 351 463 33815 |
E-Mail | | adolf.finger@ |

H.-J. Zepernick, A. Finger,
Pseudo Random Signal Processing
"Since the appointment to the chair for Communications Theory an appreciable development of education and research was achieved. A number of sophisticated research projects has been carried out. Based on this the chair’s technical equipment has reached an excellent level. The scientific staff members have extensive experiences for the solution of theoretical and practical communications problems.Thus good conditions exist for processing research projects in various fields of communications engineering, starting with algorithm and system design up to prototype development." Adolf Finger received the Dipl.-Ing. degree (MSc) from Dresden University of Technology, (TUD), Germany, and the Dr.-Ing. degree (PhD) with summa cum laude from the same University, both in electrical engineering. He holds the positions of Professor in Communications Theory, Managing Director of the Communications Laboratory and until 2006 dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TUD. From 1995 until 2000 he was the leader of the Innovation Center "Communications Systems", supported by the German Research Council (DFG). This large project was focused on studies for future digital communication systems in the 60GHz frequency range in combination with fibre optics data transmission. Professor Finger has contributions in the areas of digital radio communications, especially air interface and physical layer functions such as system design, error control coding and data security. In the past twenty years he has been exposed to Industry (Rohde & Schwarz GmbH, Japanese Asahi KASEI, Sony, Philips) and research centres (FTZ German Telekom, ACTS- and IST- program of European Commission, DFG, ESA/ESTEC). His contributions in theory and practice include: Development of subsystems for wideband CDMA systems. Link adaptation techniques for multimedia services in wireless networks. Research on ultra wideband (UWB) communications system. Development of signal processing algorithms and circuits used for digital add-on data transmission via analog television channels by special spreading sequences. Adolf Finger is author and co-author of some 60 technical papers in the areas of communications systems, coding techniques, wireless communications, signal and sequence design. He is author of two textbooks: Digitale Signalstrukturen, Verlag Technik Berlin/R. Oldenbourg München, Wien (1985) Pseudorandom Signalverarbeitung, Teubner Verlag Stuttgart (1997) and co-author (with H.-J. Zepernick) of the book: Pseudo Random Signal Processing, Wiley 2005 and 2007 (China- Edition) Professor Finger has also delivered invited presentations at IT- Conferences and Journals. He has served as a member on Technical Program Committees of international conferences (IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques, IEEE Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, IEEE International Conference on Networking, IASTED International Conference on Comm. Systems and Networks, IEEE Workshops on Positioning, Navigation and Communication).
- Vorlesung und Übung Digitale Signalstrukturen
- Vorlesung Kryptographie und Datenschutz
- Multiton-Audiometer - Entwicklung eines hochauflösenden multitonalen Audiometers für die individuell anpassbare Therapie multitonaler und rauschartiger Tinnituserkrankungen ( - )
- MIRA - Optimierung der physikalischen Schicht für die Multiband Impulse Radio UWB Architektur (10/2006 - 08/2012)
- ALEUK - Analyse von alternativen Empfängerkonzepten für die Ultra-Wideband Kommunikation (09/2005 - 02/2009)
- PULSERS Phase II - Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems (01/2006 - 06/2008)
- BONSEI - Blockcodes für Multiträgersysteme mit niedrigem Scheitelfaktor (02/2006 - 01/2008)
- IBOC - In Band On Channel (01/2006 - 12/2007)
- INDOOR - Galileo/GPS Indoor Navigation & Positionierung (10/2006 - 06/2007)
- Blauzahn - Bluetooth-Transponder (04/2004 - 03/2006)
- PULSERS - Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems (01/2004 - 12/2005)
- UCAN - Ultra-wideband Concepts for Ad-hoc Networks (01/2002 - 06/2005)
- HPS - Hochpräziser Signalgenerator (11/2003 - 02/2005)
- FMZ - Frequenzmultiplexe Zugsteuerung (10/2004 - 01/2005)
- BroadWay - BroadWay (01/2002 - 12/2004)
- SWSN - Smart Wireless Sensor Network (04/2001 - 12/2003)
- - (01/2001 - 12/2003)
- WIND-FLEX - WIND-FLEX (01/2000 - 12/2003)
- M-NOR - Multi-Network Optimising Router (09/2001 - 09/2002)
- 3G - 3rd Generation Mobile Station & Base Station Protocol Tester (02/1999 - 12/2001)
- EW - Elektronischer Wasserzähler mit Funk-Meßdatenübertragung im 868 MHz ISM-Band (11/2000 - 09/2001)
- BOT-I - Broadcast Online TV − BOT Inserter (04/2000 - 03/2001)
- VK - Verlustfreie Kompression und Übertragung von Bilddaten für satellitengestütztes Verkehrsmonitoring (01/2000 - 12/2000)
- IMT2000 - Baseband Modem IMT-2000 (10/1997 - 12/2000)
- ASTRON - Study Transport Applications, Part Telecommunications (01/2000 - 07/2000)
- VQS - Videoquellensteuerung (03/1999 - 06/2000)
- IBUT-ONE - ISDN BOT User Trial - Phase ONE (01/1999 - 06/2000)
- IBUT - ISDN-BOT User Trial (01/1999 - 06/2000)
- LEO - Datenkommunikation mit LEO-Satelliten (01/1999 - 12/1999)
- KomSplit - Entwicklung eines Kombisplitters: ADSL- und ISDN-Splitter (01/1998 - 12/1999)
- InnoKolleg - Innovationskolleg "Kommunikationssysteme" (09/1994 - 12/1999)
- MEDIAN - Wireless Broadband CPN/LAN for Professional and Residential Multimedia Applications (09/1995 - 10/1999)
- BOT-K - Endgeräteanschluß Metabox/BOT-Broadcastkanal (10/1998 - 03/1999)
- BOT - BOT − Broadcast Online TV (03/1993 - 12/1998)
- LEONARDO - LEONARDO DA VINCI Programm (12/1996 - 11/1998)
- MultiFDÜ - Multifunktionale Funkdatenübertragung (04/1995 - 06/1997)
Betreute Arbeiten
Yun Lu
Signal Design and Signal Processing for Indoor Location Systems
Juni 2012 -
Rainer Moorfeld
Berechnung und Simulation der Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von Energiedetektoren bei der Datenübertragung in ultra-breitbandigen (UWB)-Kanälen
März 2012 -
Christian Scheunert
Über die Modellierung und Simulation zufälliger Phasenfluktuationen
Dezember 2009 -
Abdur Rahim
Interference Mitigation Techniques to Support Coexistence of Ultra Wideband Systems
Dezember 2009 -
Jens Rüdinger
Auswirkungen von Seitenkanalangriffen auf das Design kryptographischer Algorithmen
November 2008 -
Kai-Uwe Schmidt
On Spectrally Bounded Codes for Multicarrier Communications
April 2007 -
Ahmad Idriss
Verlustfreie inhaltsbasierte Bilddatenkompression für Satellitenbilder unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Grauwertbildern
Dezember 2003 -
Jörg Vogt
Beiträge zur effizienten Decodierung von Turbo-Codes
November 2002 -
Sven Zeisberg
Beiträge zum Systementwurf für die Breitband-Funkdatenübertragung
August 2002 -
Frank Poegel
Beiträge zur Kanalcodierung für OFDM-Funkübertragungssystem
März 2001 -
Jens Schönthier
Ein Beitrag zur digitalen Zusatzdatenübertragung im analogen Fernsehen
März 2001 -
Kalyan Koora
Untersuchungen und Realisierungen von Turbo-Block-Codes
August 2000 -
Kai Martius
Flexibles Sicherheitsmanagement in TCP/IP-Netzen
Mai 1999 -
Heiko Erben
Analyse von Rake-Empfängern in mobilen Code-Division-Multiple-Acess (CDMA) Systemen
Oktober 1995
Diplom- und Masterarbeiten
Ricco Walter
Binärkanäle mit vorgebbarer Fehlerrate
Januar 1996 -
M. Mettke
Untersuchung der diskreten Wavelet-Transformation zur empfängerseitigen Störsignalunterdrückung bei Spread-Spectrum-Signalen
Januar 1995 -
Frank Poegel
SSMA-Empfänger für ein Funkrufsystem
Januar 1994 -
Jens Schönthier
Signal- und Systementwurf für spektral gespreizte Zusatzdatenübertragung
Januar 1994
Books and Book Chapters
R. Moorfeld, A. Finger, H. Dehner, H. Jäkel, M. Braun and F. K. Jondral
MIRA - Physical Layer Optimisation for the Multiband Impulse Radio UWB Architecture
In: ch. UKoLoS Ultra-Wideband Radio Technologies for Communications, Localization and Sensor Applications Sep. 2012 -
H. Zepernik and A. Finger
Pseudo Random Signal Processing: Theory and Application
In: John Wiley \\& Sons Sep. 2005 -
A. Finger
In: Teubner Verlag 1997
Journal Papers
A. Finger
Satellite positioning and navigation: Fundamentals, operation and application of global navigation satellite systems
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications vol. 64 no. 7 pp. 694-695 2010 -
H. Dehner, R. Moorfeld, H. Jäkel, D. Burgkhardt, A. Finger and F. K. Jondral
Multiband Impulse Radio - An Alternative Physical Layer for High Data Rate UWB Communication
FREQUENZ vol. 63 no. 9-10 pp. 200-204 Oct. 2009 -
K. Schmidt and A. Finger
Constructions of Complementary Sequences for Power-Controlled OFDM Transmission
Final Proceedings of WCC 2005 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer Verlag vol. 3969 pp. 330-345 2006 -
K. Schmidt and A. Finger
Simple Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of Generalized First-order Reed-Muller Codes
IEEE Communications Letters vol. 9 no. 10 pp. 912-914 2005 -
J. Schönthier and A. Finger
Signalgestaltung bei der digitalen Zusatzdatenübertragung im analogen Fernsehen
Frequenz -- Zeitschrift für Telekommunikation vol. 56 no. 7 pp. 157-163 2002 -
J. Vogt and A. Finger
Increasing the Throughput of Iterative Decoders
IEE Electronics Letters vol. 37 no. 12 pp. 770-771 2001 -
J. Vogt and A. Finger
Improving the Max-Log-Map Turbo Decoder
IEE Electronics Letters vol. 36 no. 23 pp. 1937-1939 2000 -
J. Vogt, J. Ertel and A. Finger
Reducing Bit Width of Extrinsic Memory in Turbo Decoder Realisations
IEE Electronics Letters vol. 36 no. 20 pp. 1714-1716 2000 -
A. Finger, H. Hiller, J. Schönthier, A. Schmidt, R. Walter and T. Wojan
Digitale Zusatzdatensysteme im analogen Fernsehen
FKT vol. 53 no. 10 pp. 593-599 1999 -
K. Kojucharow, M. Sauer, H. Kaluzni, D. Sommer, F. Poegel, W. Nowak, A. Finger and D. Ferling
Simultaneous Electrooptical Upconversion, Remote Oscillator Generation and Air Transmission of Multiple Optical WDM Channels for a 60-GHz High Capacity Indoor System
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques vol. 47 no. 12 pp. 2249-2256 1999 -
K. Koora and A. Finger
Design of a 30 MBit/s, flexible frame length turbo-block-decoder (invited paper)
Annals of Telecommunications vol. 54 no. 3 pp. 220-224 1999 -
A. Finger, W. Nowak, G. Fettweis and R. Lehnert
Breitbandige Kommunikationssysteme für die übertragung von Multimedia-Daten
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 47 no. 4 pp. 31-36 1998 -
A. Finger
Laudatio zur Ehrenpromotion von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Paul J. Kühn
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 47 no. 4 pp. 1-3 1998 -
R. W. Lorenz, A. Finger and H. Hiller
Data Broadcasting -- Evaluation neuer Funkdienste
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 47 no. 4 pp. 37-42 1998 -
A. Finger, W. Nowak, G. Fettweis and R. Lehnert
Das Innovationskolleg 'Kommunikationssysteme' - Zielstellungen, Ergebnisse, Perspektiven
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 46 no. 2 pp. 47-49 1997 -
A. Finger, H. Hiller, O. Götting and J. Schönthier
Ein neues Verfahren zur übertragung zusätzlicher Daten über analoge Fernsehkanäle
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Staatlichen Universität Nowgorod vol. 0 no. 5 pp. 69-72 1997 -
F. Poegel, J. Hübner, J. Vogt and A. Finger
Digitale Informationsübertragung im 60-GHz-Funkkanal
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 46 no. 2 pp. 50-54 1997 -
A. Finger
Innovationskolleg 'Kommunikationssysteme'
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden vol. 44 no. 4 1995
Conference Papers
R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Energy detection with optimal symbol constellation for M-PAM in UWB fading channels
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB) Sep. 2012 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Compressive sensing low dimensional signals
1st International workshop on compressed sensing applied to Radar 2012 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Indoor ranging signal recovery via regularized CoSaMP
9th Workshop on positioning, navigation and communication 2012 2012 -
L. Li, R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Bit and Power Loading for the Multiband Impulse Radio UWB Architecture
Proc. of Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC) Dresden, Germany Mar. 2011 -
M. Li, R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Closed form Expressions for the Symbol Error Rate for non-coherent UWB Impulse Radio Systems with Energy Combining
Proc. of Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC) Dresden, Germany Mar. 2011 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
PN-Chirp codes based on Multi-Correlation Receiver in a bandlimited channel
International Radar Symposium (IRS 2011), Leipzig 2011 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Channel Model-Based Sensing for Indoor Ultrasonic Location Systems
Proc. of Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), Dresden 2011 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Novel Multi-Correlation Differential Detection for Improving Detection Performance in DSSS
International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) Taichung, Taiwan Oct. 2010 -
A. Finger and Y. Lu
Korrelationsempfang in der Nachrichten- und Meßtechnik (Correlation Receiver for Communications and Measurement)
13. Symposium Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik Rostock, Germany Sep. 2010 -
H. Dehner, H. Jäkel, D. Burgkhardt, F. K. Jondral, R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Treatment of temporary narrowband interference in non-coherent multiband impulse radio UWB
Proc. of 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) Apr. 2010 -
R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Multilevel PAM with Optimal Amplitudes for Non-Coherent Energy Detection
Proc. of International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) Nanjing, China Nov. 2009 -
H. Dehner, A. Romero, H. Jäkel, D. Burgkhardt, R. Moorfeld, F. K. Jondral and A. Finger
Iterative coexistence approaches for non-coherent multi-band impulse radio UWB
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB) Vancouver, Canada Sep. 2009 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Flexible Ultrasonic Location System Using Pseudo Noise - Chirp Codes
Proc. of International Radar Symposium (IRS) Hamburg, Germany Sep. 2009 -
Y. Lu and A. Finger
Ultrasonic Beacon-Based Local Position System Using Broadband PN (Pseudo Noise)-Chirp Codes
Proc. of 9th IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC) Banff, Canada Jul. 2009 -
R. Moorfeld, A. Finger, H. Dehner, H. Jäkel and F. K. Jondral
Performance of a high flexible non-coherent multiband impulse radio UWB system
Proc. of 9th IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC) Banff, Canada Jul. 2009 -
J. Rüdinger and A. Finger
Key Dependent Operation and Algorithm Specific Complexity of Statistical SideChannel Attacks
Proc. of 16th International Conference on Telecommunications Marrakesh, Marocco May 2009 -
H. Dehner, M. Linde, R. Moorfeld, H. Jaekel, D. Burgkhardt, F. K. Jondral and A. Finger
A low complex and efficient coexistence approach for non-coherent multiband impulse radio UWB
Proc. of IEEE Sarnoff Symposium Princeton, USA Mar. 2009 -
R. Moorfeld, H. Dehner, A. Finger, H. Jäkel and F. K. Jondral
A simple and fast detect and avoid algorithm for non-coherent multiband impulse radio UWB
Proc. of 10th IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) Bologna, Italy Aug. 2008 -
K. Schmidt and A. Finger
Majority-Logic Decoding of Codes With Low Peak Power in OFDM Modulation
Proc. of Int. OFDM Workshop, Hamburg, Germany pp. 226-230 Aug. 2007 -
J. Rüdinger and A. Finger
Algorithm Design and Side Channel Vulnerability on the Example of DPA Attack
Proc. of 6rd International Conference on Networking Sainte-Luce, Martinique, France Apr. 2007 -
A. Rahim, R. Dimitrova and A. Finger
Performance Evaluation of Bluetooth in High Voltage Environment
ICCCP, Muskat, Oman Feb. 2007 -
M. Mittelbach, R. Moorfeld and A. Finger
Performance of a Multiband Impulse Radio UWB Architecture
Proc. of IEEE Mobility Conference Bangkok, Thailand Oct. 2006 -
A. Finger, H. Thierfelder, A. Schmidt and A. Wolf
Investigation of User Acceptance for TV Programmes
Proc. of 51th Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium (IWK) Ilmenau, Germany Sep. 2006 -
A. Rahim, S. Zeisberg, M. L. Fernandez and A. Finger
Impact of People Movement on Received Signal in a Fixed Indoor Radio Communications
PIMRC '06, Helsinki, Finnland Sep. 2006 -
R. Dimitrova and A. Finger
On the Performance of Bluetooth with Multiple Repetition Channels
6th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, Banff, AB, Kanada Jul. 2006 -
A. Wolf, J. Ertel and A. Finger
Performance of Serial Concatenated Codes under Iterative Decoding and Different Update Modes
Proc. of 7th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC) Cannes, France Jul. 2006 -
A. Rahim, X. Mindong, S. Zeisberg, A. Idriss and A. Finger
Radio Coverage Measurement and Characterization for Indoor Fixed Radio at 900 MHz and 2450 MHz
15th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Mykonos, Griechenland Jun. 2006 -
A. Idriss, A. Schmidt, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
Performance of a Non-coherent Receiver for UWB Communication and Ranging Applications
2nd ICTTA International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, Damascus, Syrien Apr. 2006 -
A. Rahim and A. Finger
Estimation of the Impact of Electromagnetic and Co-Channel Interference on the Bluetooth Receiver
ICI 2005, Bishkek, Kirgistan Sep. 2005 -
K. Schmidt and A. Finger
New Codes for OFDM With Low PMEPR
International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Adelaide, Australien Sep. 2005 -
A. Rahim, R. Dimitrova and A. Finger
Techniques for Bluetooth Performance Improvement
IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden Jun. 2005 -
A. Idriss, R. Moorfeld, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
Performance of Coherent and Non-coherent Receivers of UWB communication
Proc. of 2nd IFIP International conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks (WOCN) Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mar. 2005 -
K. Schmidt and A. Finger
Constructions of Complementary Sequences for Power-Controlled OFDM Transmission
Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), Bergen, Norwegen Mar. 2005 -
R. Moorfeld, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
High Data Rate UWB Performance with Reduced Implementation Complexity
Proc. of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) Sydney, Australia Aug. 2004 -
A. Idriss, H. Thierfelder and A. Finger
Lossless, Content-Based Image Data Compression of Satellite Images for Satellite-based Traffic Observation
First IFIP International conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks WOCN, Muscat, Oman Jun. 2004 -
R. Moorfeld, S. Zeisberg, M. Pezzin, N. Rinaldi and A. Finger
Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radio (UWB-IR) Algorithm Implementation Complexity and Performance
Proc. of IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit Lyon, France Jun. 2004 -
M. Mittelbach, C. Müller, D. Ferger and A. Finger
Study of Coexistence Between UWB and Narrowband Cellular Systems
Proc. of Joint Ultra Wideband Systems and Technology (UWBST) & International Workshop for Ultra Wideband Systems (IWUWBS) Kyoto, Japan May 2004 -
M. Mittelbach and A. Finger
Investigation of FCSR-based Pseudorandom Sequence Generators for Stream Ciphers
Proc. of International Conference on Networking (ICN) Gosier, Guadeloupe, France Mar. 2004 -
A. Idriss, H. Thierfelder and A. Finger
Concept for integrated Satellite-based Monitoring - Marine Environmental Protection and Shipping
4th Specialty Conference on Environmental Progress in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries, Königreich Bahrain Feb. 2004 -
J. Ertel, J. Vogt and A. Finger
A high throughput Turbo Decoder for an OFDM-based WLAN demonstrator
5th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC), Erlangen Jan. 2004 -
H. Hösel, H. Hiller, A. Schmidt, A. Finger and H. Thierfelder
Multi-Channel Management System for Data Inserting Channels
10. Dortmunder Fernsehseminar -- ITG/FKTG-Fachtagung, Dortmund, ITG-Fachbericht 179 pp. 55-60 Sep. 2003 -
K. Schmidt, J. Ertel, M. Benedix and A. Finger
Subcarrier Exclusion Techniques for Coded OFDM systems
Internationaler OFDM Workshop Hamburg Sep. 2003 -
M. Benedix, J. Ertel and A. Finger
Turbo coding for an OFDM-based wireless LAN at 17 GHz
7. Internationaler OFDM Workshop, Hamburg pp. 137-141 Sep. 2002 -
H. Luediger, B. Kull, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
An Ultra-Wideband Indoor NLOS Radio Channel Amplitude Probability Density Distribution
IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Prag, Tschechische Republik pp. 68-72 Sep. 2002 -
C. Müller, S. Zeisberg, H. Seidel and A. Finger
Spreading Properties of Time Hopping Codes in Ultra Wideband Systems
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA) pp. 64-67 Prague, Czech Republic Sep. 2002 -
A. Finger, S. Zeisberg and C. Müller
Ultra-Wideband Kommunikationssysteme
ITG-Fachtagung "Neue Kommunikationsanwendungen in modernen Netzen" pp. 75-81 Duisburg, Deutschland Feb. 2002 -
S. Zeisberg, C. Müller, J. Siemes and A. Finger
PPM based UWB system throughput optimisation
IST Mobile Communications Summit pp. 747-752 Barcelona, Spanien Oct. 2001 -
J. Vogt and A. Finger
Increasing the Throughput of Turbo-Decoders
SCI 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA Jul. 2001 -
A. Idriss, H. Thierfelder and A. Finger
Synergie zwischen satellitengestützter Telekommunikation, Navigation und Erdbeobachtung
10. Symposium maritime Elektronik der Universität Rostock Jun. 2001 -
S. Zeisberg, A. Finger, H. Luediger, S. Wolters and R. Velt
European Wireless ATM Project MEDIAN -- Physical Layer Performance Measurements
IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA pp. 927-930 Nov. 2000 -
F. Poegel, D. Sommer, A. Finger and G. Fettweis
Demonstration of a Coded OFDM-System at 60 GHz
European Wireless 2000, Dresden pp. 225-230 Sep. 2000 -
A. Finger and H. Hiller
Datenrundfunk und Digitale Zusatzdatenübertragungssysteme im Fernsehen
Scientic Reports Nr.9, FH Mittweida pp. 31-38 2000 -
J. Vogt, K. Koora, A. Finger and G. Fettweis
Comparison of Different Turbo Decoder Realizations for IMT-2000
GLOBECOM '99, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien pp. 2704-2708 Dec. 1999 -
A. Finger and S. Domeyer
Multimediasystem im analogen Fernsehen
8. Dortmunder Fernsehseminar, 3. ITG-, FKTG-Fachtagung "Multimedia", Dortmund, ITG-Fachbericht Nr. 156, VDE Verlag Berlin pp. 121-126 Sep. 1999 -
D. Sommer, F. Poegel, A. Finger and G. Fettweis
Coded OFDM at 60 GHz: System Aspects and Measurement Results
4. OFDM-Fachgespräch / 1. OFDM Workshop, Hamburg Sep. 1999 -
S. Zeisberg, M. Bauling and A. Finger
WLAN Evolution from HIPERLAN Type 2 to MEDIAN
VTC FALL '99, Amsterdam, Niederlande pp. 2656-2660 Sep. 1999 -
K. Kojucharow, M. Sauer, H. Kaluzni, D. Sommer, F. Poegel, S. Zimmermann, J. Hübner, W. Nowak and A. Finger
A wireless local area network at 60 GHz based on a radio-fiber optical link (invited paper)
IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA Jun. 1999 -
A. Finger
Die Satellitensysteme im überblick
3. Internationale EUROFORUM Jahrestagung Satellitennetze, Frankfurt May 1999 invited paper -
J. Schönthier, A. Finger and H. Hiller
Broadcast Online TV -- A New Add-on Service on Analogue TV Channels
International Conference on Computer, Communications and Power ICCCP'98, Muscat, Oman pp. 279-282 Dec. 1998 -
A. Finger and H. Thierfelder
Informationsübertragung über LEO-Satelliten
9. Symposium Maritime Elektronik, Universität Rostock pp. 75-78 Sep. 1998 -
K. Janschek, M. Scharfe, M. Buchroithner, A. Finger, H. -. Hardtke, H. Kummer and E. Michler
The TUD-Satellite Demonstration Mission "Satellite-Based Monitoring of mobile Objects"
4th ESA/CNES Int. Symposium on Small Satellites, Systems & Sevices, Antibes, Frankreich Sep. 1998 -
J. Vogt and A. Finger
Datenübertragung im DECT-Standard
43. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau pp. 74-79 Sep. 1998 -
T. Wojan, A. Finger, H. Hiller and J. Schönthier
Protokoll- und Datenstrukturen für das TV-Zusatzdatenübertragungssystem Broadcast Online TV
3. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium, Ilmenau pp. 354-359 Sep. 1998 -
K. Koora, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
New High Speed Flexible Turbo-Block-Decoding
ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Rodos, Griechenland pp. 653-658 Jun. 1998 -
F. Poegel and A. Finger
Successive-Erasure Decoding of RS Codes and Error Detection for ARQ
PIMRC '98, Boston,USA pp. 1330-1334 1998 -
J. Schönthier, A. Finger and H. Hiller
Digitale Korrelationsempfänger für einen neuen multimedialen Zusatzdienst in analogen Fernsehkanälen
ITG-Fachbericht 144, 7. Dortmunder Fernsehseminar, VDE Verlag Nov. 1997 -
A. Finger, W. Nowak, G. Fettweis and R. Lehnert
Breitbandige übertragung von Multimedia-Daten (invited paper)
2. ITG-Fachtagung "`Multimedia"', Dortmund, ITG Fachbericht Nr. 144 VDE Verlag pp. 21-30 Sep. 1997 -
K. Koora, S. Zeisberg, J. Borowski and A. Finger
Performance of the overall MEDIAN demonstrator physical layer
ACTS goes ASIA Workshop, Singapur pp. 141-146 Sep. 1997 -
K. Koora and A. Finger
A New Scheme to terminate all trellises of TURBO Decoder for variable block length
International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, ENST de Bretagne, Brest pp. 174-179 Sep. 1997 -
S. Zeisberg, J. Borowski, T. Doelle and A. Finger
Realisierungsaspekte der Synchronisation von drahtlosen OFDM-Systemen
OFDM Fachgespräch '97, Braunschweig Sep. 1997 -
R. W. Lorenz and A. Finger
Broadcast Online TV - Gateway to Data Broadcast Services
20. Internat. Television Symposium, Montreux, Schweiz pp. 23-27 Jun. 1997 -
J. Borowski, A. Finger and C. Ciotti
MEDIAN -- System design aspects
Workshop for Mobile Millimeter Communications, Dresden pp. 54-58 May 1997 -
J. Hübner, S. Zeisberg, K. Koora, J. Borowski and A. Finger
Simple Channel Model for 60 GHz indoor wireless LAN design based on complex wideband measurements
IEEE VTC '97, Phoenix, USA pp. 1004-1008 May 1997 -
K. Koora, F. Poegel and A. Finger
New TURBO-Code termination scheme for variable block length
Workshop for Mobile Millimeter Communications, Dresden pp. 50-53 May 1997 -
R. W. Lorenz and A. Finger
Broadcast Online TV -- A new Electronic Medium for Distribution of Information
NAB Conference 97, Las Vegas, USA pp. 505-510 1997 -
V. Aue, G. Fettweis, A. Finger, E. Förster, J. Hübner, H. Kaluzni, K. Kojucharow, R. Lehnert, W. Nowak, H. Nuszkowski, F. Poegel, M. Riedel, M. Sauer, B. Stantchev, J. Voigt, J. Wagner and S. Zimmermann
A Wireless Broadband Integrated Services Communications System at 60 GHz
ACTS Mobile Communications Summit '96, Granada, Spanien pp. 674-678 Nov. 1996 -
S. Zeisberg, B. Kull, F. Poegel, P. Pikkarainen and A. Finger
Channel Coding for Wireless ATM using OFDM
ACTS Mobile Communications Summit '96, Granada, Spanien pp. 652-658 Nov. 1996 -
O. Götting, J. Schönthier and A. Finger
Eine neue digitale Zusatzdatenübertragung in analogen Fernsehkanälen
Jahrestagung des U.R.S.I. - Landesausschusses der BRD, Kleinheubach Sep. 1996 -
F. Poegel, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
Comparison of Different Coding Schemes for High Bit Rate OFDM in a 60 GHz Environment
IEEE ISSSTA '96, Mainz pp. 122-125 Sep. 1996 -
S. Zeisberg, F. Poegel and A. Finger
High Bit Rate ATM Data Transmission Using OFDM and TURBO Codes in a 60 GHz Indoor Environment
4th UK/Australian International Symposium on DSP for Communication Systems, Perth, Australien pp. 484-491 Sep. 1996 -
K. Koora, F. Poegel, S. Zeisberg and A. Finger
From Algorithm testing to ASIC Input code of SOVA algorithm for TURBO-Codes
Turbo Coding Seminar, Lund, Schweden pp. 75-80 Aug. 1996 -
A. Finger, H. Hiller, O. Götting and J. Schönthier
Eine neue digitale Zusatzdatenübertragung in analogen Fernsehkanälen
17. Jahrestagung der FKTG in Zusammenarbeit mit der ITG, Wien pp. 476-485 May 1996 -
R. Walter and A. Finger
A new method for BER-Sources in Digital Communications
First Communications Conference, Muscat, Oman pp. 107-111 Mar. 1996 -
H. Erben, S. Zeisberg, H. Nuszkowski and A. Finger
BER Performance of RAKE Receiver with ML Syncronization in Realistic Mobile Radio Channels
IEEE ISSTA '94, Oulu, Finnland pp. 460-464 Jul. 1994 -
H. Erben and A. Finger
Polyphase Code Sequences for CDMA in Realistic Mobile Radio Channels
8. Aachener Kolloquium "Signaltheorie", VdE Verlag 1994