Conferences Conferences 1 bis 10 von 428 EinträgenKnaut, M.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.: In situ investigations on the crystal structure dependent ALD film growth of TiO2. In: 18th AVS conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Incheon, South Korea (2018)Jehnichen, D; Pospiech, D.; Berndt, A.; Gomoll, S.C.; Natkowski, E.; Plötner, M.: X-ray characterization of dielectric layers of crosslinked methacrylate copolymers for application in organic electronics. In: Proc. 16th Europ. Powder Diffraction Conf., Edinburgh, 2018 (2018), S. 159Kumar, A.; Berndt, A.; Pospiech, D.; Plötner, M.; Voit, B.; Fischer, W.-J.; Richter, A.: Down scaling of mostly liquid processed oFETs on plastics. In: cfaed Symposium ‚Advancing Electronics‘, Dresden 2018 Poster (2018)Mehner, P.J.; Beck, A.; Voigt, A.; Marschner, U.; Richter, A.: Dynamic Finite Element Modelling of a Hydrogel-Based Micro-Valve With 2-Way Fluid Structure Interactions. In: ASME 2017, Volume 2: Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive Systems; Integrated System Design and Implementation; Structural Health Monitoring Snowbird, Utah, USA, September 18–20, 2017 (2017), S. V002T03A025;Meister, T.; Ellinger, F.; Bartha, J.W.; Berroth, M.; Burghartz, J.; Claus, M.; Frey, L.; Gagliardi, A.; Grundmann, M.; Hesselbarth, J.; Klauk, H.; Leo, K.; Lugli, P.; Mannsfeld, S.; Manoli, Y.; Negra, R.; Neumaier, D.; Pfeiffer, U.; Reidl, T.; Scheinert, S.; Scherf, U.; Thiede, A.; Troester, G.; Vossiek, M.; Weigel, R.; Wenger, C.; Alavi, G.; Becherer, M.; Chavarin, C.A.; Darwish, M.; Ellinger, M.; Fan, C.Y.; Fritsch, M.; Grotjahn, F.; Gunia, M.; Haase, K.; Hilliger, P.; Ishida, K.; Jank, M.; Knobelspies, S.; Kuhl, M.; Lupina, G.; Naghadeh, S.M.; Münzenrieder, N.; Özbek, S.; Rasteh, M.; Salvatore, G.A.; Schrüfer, D.; Strobel, C.; Theisen, M.; Tückmantel, C.; von Wenckstern, H.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Z.: Program FFlexCom – High Frequency Flexible Bendable Electronics for Wireless Communication Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), 8244733 (2017) (2017)Strobel, C.; Leszczynska, B.; Leszczynski, S.; Albert, M.; Stahr, F.; Kuske, J.; Bartha, J.W.: , Amorphous Silicon Deposited with Plasma Excitation Frequencies Larger Than 100 MHz for Heterojunction Solar Cells. In: 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam (2017) (2017), S. 745–748Strobel, C.; Chavarin, C.A.; Kitzmann, J.; Lupina, G.; Wenger, C.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.: First Investigation of N-Doped Amorphous Silicon-Graphene Interfaces for Flexible High Frequency Heterojunction Transistors. In: ISFOE17 - 10th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics, 3-6 July (2017), Thessaloniki, Greece (2017)Albert, M.; Junige, M.; Wenger, C.; Lukosius, M.; Chavarin, C.A.; Bartha, J.W.: Graphene monolayers for electronic applications evaluated by optical light microscopy with polarization. In: Graphene 2017 : March 28-31, 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, 2017 Poster (2017)Junige, M.: HERALD – Early Career Investigators : In-situ real-time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for the investigation of Atomic Layer Processing. In: Joint EuroCVD 21 – Baltic ALD 15 Conference : 11th to 14th of June 2017 in Linköping, Sweden. Linköping, 2017 Poster (2017)Junige, M.; Schulz, S.; Albert, M.; Weigang, J.J.; Bartha, J.W.; Barry, S.T.: CVD-literature overview of metal-organic and organometallic precursors as inspiration for the Atomic Layer Deposition of Gold. In: Joint EuroCVD 21 – Baltic ALD 15 Conference : 11th to 14th of June 2017 in Linköping, Sweden. Linköping, 2017 Poster (2017) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt. Conference Archive: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004