Veröffentlichungen 2011 Veröffentlichungen 2011 1 bis 10 von 74 EinträgenKubasch, C.; Schumacher, H.; Ruelke, H.; Mayer, U.; Bartha, J.W.: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of Moisturized Low-k Dielectric Materials. In: Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 58 (2011), Nr. 9, S. 2888–2894Knaut, M.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J.W.; Dirnstorfer, I.; Mähne, H.; Jakschik, S.; Mikolajick, T.; Schlott, F.; Dubnack, K.; Kreisel, G.: Surface conditioning of the TiO2 electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells. In: Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg (2011)Päßler, S.; Wolff, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Chewing Sound Classification Using Algorithms of Speech Recognition. In: BMT 2011: 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, September 27th-30th, 2011, Freiburg, Germany (2011)Päßler, S.; Fischer, W.-J.: Food Intake Activity Detection Using a Wearable Microphone System. In: IE'11: The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, July 25th-28th, 2011, Nottingham, UK (2011), S. 298–301Päßler, S.; Wolff, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Chewing sound classification using a grammar based classification algorithm. In: Forum Acusticum 2011, June 26th - July 1st, 2011, Aalborg, Denmark (2011), S. 39–44Päßler, S.; Fischer, W.-J.: Acoustical Method for Objective Food Intake Monitoring Using a Wearable Sensor System. In: PervasiveHealth 2011: The 5th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, May 23rd - 26th, 2011, Dublin, Ireland (2011), S. 266–269Päßler, S.; Wolff, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Food Intake Recognition Conception for Wearable Devices. In: MobileHealth’11: First ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare, May 16, 2011, Paris, France (2011), S. 1–4Mountasir, A.; Cherif, C.; Kunadt, A.; Finn, W.-J.: Newly developed textiles for function-integrating multi-material design in complex lightweight applications. In: SAMPE 2011, Long Beach, Ca (USA), 23.-26.05.2011 CD-Rom (2011)Heinig, A.; Kunadt, A.; Fischer, W.-J.; Pfeifer, G.: Sensornetzwerke integriert in textilverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen. In: MikroSystemTechnik, Kongress, Darmstadt, 10.-12.10.2011 CD-Rom (2011)Sauer, S.; Marschner, U.; Adolphi, B.; Fischer, W.-J.: Passive Wireless Resonant Galfenol Sensor for Osteosynthesis Plate Bending Measurement. In: IEEE Sensors Journal 2011 12 (2011), Nr. 5, S. 1226–1233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.