Veröffentlichungen 2014 31 bis 40 von 44 EinträgenJunige, M.; Walther, T. F.; Tanner, R.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J. W.: Growth kinetics and film properties of tantalum nitride ALD investigated by in-situ real-time ellipsometry and in-vacuo surface analysis. In: 12th International Baltic ALD conference, At Helsinki, Finland, 12.-13.05.2014 Vortrag (2014)Junige, M.; Tanner, R.; Wenger, C.; Lupina, G.; Albert, M.; Bartha, J. W.: Ta2O5 by thermal-activated ALD. In: Conference: DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, 30.03.-04.04.2014 Vortrag (2014)Strobel, C.; Leszczynska, B.; Leszczynski, S-; Merkel, U.; Kuske, J.; Fischer, D. D.; Albert, M.; Holovský, J.; Bartha, J. W.: Static and Dynamic VHF-Deposition of Microcrystalline Silicon at 140 MHz with Rates Up to 2.5 Nm/s. In: 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam (2014), S. 1917–1920Seiboth, F.; Scholz, M.; Patommel, J.; Hoppe, R.; Wittwer, F.; Reinhardt, J.; Seidel, J.; Knaut, M.; Jahn, A.; Richter, K.; Bartha, J. W.; Falkenberg, G.; Schroer, C. G.: Hard x-ray nanofocusing by refractive lenses of constant thickness. In: Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 131110 (2014) (2014)Sauer, S.; Fischer, W.-J.: Time Domain Resonance Frequency Measurement of Inductively Coupled Resonant Sensors Using the Matrix Pencil Method. In: IEEE Sensors 2014, Valencia, Spanien Proceedings IEEE Sensors 2014 (2014), S. 831–834Sauer, S.; Fischer, W.-J.: A Wireless Passive Humidity Threshold Monitoring Solution Based on a Permanent Resistance Change. In: Eurosensors 2014, Brescia, Italien Procedia Engineering Volume 87 (2014), S. 688–691Henke, T.; Knaut, M.; Hossbach, C.; Geidel, M.; Rebohle, L.; Albert, M.; Skorupa, W.; Bartha, J. W.: Flash-Lamp-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Thin Films. In: 226th ECS-Meeting, Symposium P1 - Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 10, 5.-9. Oktober 2014, Cancun, Mexiko ECS Transactions 64 (9) (2014), S. 167–189Bechtel, C.; Knobbe, J.; Grüger, H.; Lakner, H.: Large field of view MEMS-based confocal laser scanning microscope for fluorescence imaging. In: Optik 125 (2014), S. 876–882Kirchner, R.; Finn, A.; Landgraf, R.; Nüske, L.; Teng, L.; Vogler, M.; Fischer, W.-J.: Direct UV-Imprinting of Hybrid-Polymer Photonic Microring Resonators and their Characterization. In: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology (2014), Nr. Vol. 32, No. 9, S. 1674–1681Schneider, M.; Türke, A.; Fischer, W.-J.; Kilmartin, P.A.: Determination of the wine preservative sulphur dioxide with cyclic voltammetry using inkjet printed electrodes. In: Food Chemistry 159 (2014), S. 428–432Zurück 1 2 3 4 5 WeiterDiese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.