Microsystems for Display Technologies
Polymeric effect-carriers and technologies offer new possibilities for display technologies. In this field, we develop e.g. interferometric modulators (IMOD) based on dielectric elastomer actuators (DEA). Compared to Si-based IMOD, which probably constitute the most efficient video-capable full-color E-paper platform now, the DEA-IMOD will broaden the field with the advantage of a much more robust and significantly cheaper monolithic structure with control voltages far below 100 V. In addition, we focus on tactile display concepts based on intrinsically active polymers, which adds a freely programmable keyboard to the displays of tablets, smartphones etc..

Displacement function of the hydrogel-based display: a) The micro-actuators define a form of a foil which are covered with knops, b) 3D-profile of the actuator surface.
I. Slowik, N.M. Kronenberg, M. Franke, A. Fischer, A. Richter, M.C. Gather, K. Leo, Elastomer based electrically tunable, optical microcavites, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (2016), 171104
M. Franke, I. Slowik, G. Paschew, U. Merkel, H. Fröb, K. Leo, A. Richter, Electrically tunable, optical microcavity based on metallized and ultra-soft PDMS gel, Proc. SPIE 9798 (2016), 979832.
G. Paschew, R. Körbitz, A. Richter, Multimodal, High-Resolution Imaging System Based On Stimuli-Responsive Polymers. Adv. Sci. Technol. 82 (2013), 44-49
A. Richter, G. Paschew, Optoelectrothermic control of polymer-based highly integrated MEMS applied in an artificial skin. Adv. Mater. 21 (2009), 979-983.