Research Services
Surface characterization
For imaging of the surface topography a high-resolution Scanning Electron Microsope (SEM) equipped with a cold field emission electron source is available. In a further analytical SEM the analytics can be carried out in micro-ranges near to the surface with regard to quantitative determination of the chemical composition with a modern Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDX) with highest energy resolution.
The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) allow a characterization of only a few atomic layers through to thin layers. This contains the quantitative determination of the chemical composition, the binding energy und therefore also the distinction of various oxidation states on the sample surface. The existing Argon sputter ion gun enables thereby besides removal of layers of contamintation from the specimen surface also a depth profile analysis.
In the fields of materials characterization
- High-resolution imaging of surfaces by means of (cold) Field Emission Scanning Electron Microsopy (FE-SEM)
- Electron microscopic direct imaging of electrical nonconductive surfaces (polymers, hydrogels, resists etc.) using Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microsopy (LVSEM),
- Electron Probe Microanalysis in the near surface micro region by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) with highest energy resolution (123 eV at Mn-Kα)
- Characterization of surfaces by means of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) with regard to the chemical composition, binding energy and the oxidation state
- Field Emission Scanning Electron Microsope Hitachi S-4700
- Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microsope JEOL JSM-6610 LV (LaB6-Kathode) equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer Bruker X-Flash | 10 Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer Physical Electronics PHI ESCA 5700
Scientific associate
NameMr Dr. rer. nat. Enrico Langer
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