Dec 04, 2020
Florian Pelzer receives NAMUR-award for outstanding scientific master thesis
Florian Pelzer's master thesis "Konzeptentwicklung eines intermodularen Safety Instrumented Systems für wandelbare Prozessanlagen" has been awarded with the NAMUR-award. In his thesis, which was written at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the chemical and pharmaceutical company Merck, Florian Pelzer investigated the safety of modular process plants.
The award was presented at the virtual annual meeting of NAMUR - Interessengemeinschaft Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie e.V. (Interest Group for Automation Technology in the Process Industry) at the beginning of November. Every year, a specialist committee of the international association awards this prize to outstanding scientific theses at universities in the field of intelligent process and operational management.
Further information can be found on the website of Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences and on the website of NAMUR.