Homepage von Nico Hoffmann

NameDr. rer. nat. Nico Hoffmann
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Are you looking for a Bachelor's/Master's thesis or minor thesis (Großer Beleg) in medical imaging or machine learning? Feel free to message me :)
Short CV
- since 2019: Potdoctoral Research Fellow at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
- 2018: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Laboratory of Mathematics in Imaging, Harvard Medical School (Lauren J. O'Donnell)
- 2016: Dr. rer. nat. ("Dynamic thermal imaging for intraoperative monitoring of neuronal activity and cortical perfusion")
- 2012: Diplom-Informatik ("Classification of high-dimensional spectroscopic data of retinal cells")
Reviewing Activities
- MICCAI (2019)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2018)
- Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis @ MICCAI (2017, 2018)
- IEEE BioCAS (2017)
Recent Publications
Nico Hoffmann, Yordan Radev, Edmund Koch, Uwe Petersohn, Gerald Steiner, and Matthias Kirsch. Intraoperative mapping of the sensory cortex by time-resolved thermal imaging. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. 63(5): 567-572, 2018.
Nico Hoffmann, Uwe Petersohn, Gabriele Schackert, Edmund Koch, Stefan Gumhold, and Matthias Kirsch. Fast mapping of the eloquent cortex by learning L2 penalties. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). LNCS. 11072: 341 — 348, 2018.
Nico Hoffmann, Florian Weidner, Peter Urban, Tobias Meyer, Christian Schnabel, Uwe Petersohn, Edmund Koch, Stephan Gumhold, Gerald Steiner, and Matthias Kirsch. Generic Framework for 2D-3D Image Fusion of Thermal Neuroimaging with Preoperative MRI. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik. 62(6): 599-607, 2017.
Nico Hoffmann, Edmund Koch, Gerald Steiner, Uwe Petersohn, and Matthias Kirsch. Learning thermal process representations for intraoperative analysis of cortical perfusion during ischemic strokes. LABELS/DLMIA@MICCAI. LNCS. 10008:152 – 160, 2016.