Dipl.-Medieninf. Susann Struwe
Research Assistant
Susann Struwe has been a research assistant at the Junior Professorship in Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS) since January 2013. She received her Diploma in media computer science from the Technische Universität Dresden in December 2012. During her studies, she worked as a student assistant in the fields of ubiquitous systems and human-computer interaction.
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Falkenbrunnen
Würzburger Str. 35
UG, Room 0004
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
Susann Struwe
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik
Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik
Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme
01062 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0)351 463-43226
research Interests
context adaptive systems, usability, user interface design, ubiquitous and mobile computing.
DYNAMO - Dynamische, nahtlose Mobilitätsinformation (DYNAMO)
Supervised Student Theses
Dynamic visualization of stop place-related content on public displays, Masterarbeit, Tobias Hafermalz
Development of an operating concept for a mobile assistance system for pedestrian navigation in complex buildings , Bachelorarbeit, Jan Schmalfuß-Schwarz
Development of an adaptive information concept for real-time travel information services, Bachelorarbeit, Falko Krieg
Integration of Multimodal User Interactions into Cyber-physical Processes, Diplomarbeit, Sebastian Hubl
Developing an API for integrating social media into a seamless passenger assistance, Bachelorarbeit, Maximilian Hartig
Mobiles Requirements Engineering mit Hilfe modellbasierter Storyboards
DresdnerTransferbrief 1.15 (Usability und User Experience), 2015
Susann Struwe, Bianca Zimmer, Thomas Schlegel
A Resilient Interaction Concept for Process Management on Tabletops for Cyber-physical Systems
Accepted by: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2014). Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014
Ronny Seiger, Susann Struwe, Sandra Matthes, Thomas Schlegel
Mobile Visualisierung von Prozessen in Cyber-Physical-Systems
Diploma thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, 2012.
Susann Struwe
Mobiles Requirements Engineering für interaktive ubiquitäre Systeme mit Hilfe modellbasierter Storyboards
Minor thesis (study project). Technische Universität dresden, 2011
Susann Struwe