Hauptseminar Adaptive Computing Systems
- Please register until 18.04.2025 in Opal.
- Topic assignment takes place online.
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The Hauptseminar offers students the possibility to study current research topics in the area of adaptive computer systems and their fields of application (e.g. service robots or driver assistance systems).
The seminar work is an ideal preparation for examination works like the bachelor or master thesis. The students learn to elaborate a scientific topic independently and profoundly and to defend it in form of a talk and a report. Besides the literature research and assessment many subjects offer the possibility to investigate partial aspects practically.
At the end of the seminar each student gives a talk about the chosen subject (ca. 20 min) and prepares a report (ca. 15 pages). Part of all talks is a thorough discussion, that all participants can join. Talk and report can be held / written in German or in English.