CIMTT: a competence centre for knowledge and technology transfer
CIMTT possesses 25 years of experience in implementing knowledge and technology transfer between science and economy. Regarding this, CIMTT concentrates on initiation and realisation of research cooperations between research institutions and small as well as medium-sized enterprises. Collaboration aims to jointly develop new and innovative products and processes.
CIMTT´s understanding of transfer
Universities and research institutions contribute substantially to the innovation capability of enterprises. Regarding research and development, especially small and medium-sized enterprises depend on collaboration with these institutions due to a lack of fincancial ressources as well as qualified staff.
Therefore, CIMTT understands knowlegde and technology transfer as a longterm process. It starts with the initiation of contacts between potential partners, goes on with the development and implementation of joint research projects or rather transferring existing applicable research results to enterprises and ends with the final realisation of a process respectively with the commercialisation of a product.
Following this understanding, since 1991 CIMTT defines its tasks in initiating contacts between representatives from science and economy as well as in supporting the implementation of research results in practice.
CIMTT´s transfer promotors contribute to the reduction of cooperation barriers between science and economy, especially by moderating different time and target horizons as well as dissimilar professional languages. This helps to make collaboration more effective.