Laser Patterning systems
- 3D-DLIP patterning system: ps-laser system, different wavelength (UV to IR), area: 300 x 1000 mm² (planar) oder Ø400 x 750 mm²
- VIS/IR DLIP-µFAB: with 532/1064 nm ps-laser system, resolution down to 1.0 µm, area: 200 x 200 mm²
- Hexapod-DLIP patterning system: with 355/532/1064 nm ps-laser system, 6-axis freeform
- DLW Scanner system: with 532/1064 nm ps-laser system, resolution down to 20.0 µm, scan-area: 100 x 100 mm²
- High-Speed-DLIP system: with 355/532/1064 nm ns-laser system, resolution 1.5 µm and 3.0 µm, area: 1000 x 600 mm²
- Spatial Light Modulator (SLM): compatible with 532/1064 nm
- High-power laser source with polygon scanner system: 1064 nm, spot sizes: 25 and 45 µm; Laser power: ~ 500 W (supported by DFG) (access request by Email:
Roll-to-roll system
- Equipped with hot and UV embossing modules.
- Foil width up to 300 mm, linear speed: up 50 m/min
- Optical Light-Microscope: Olympus, magnification: 5x-100x
- White Light Interferometer/Confocal Microscope: Sensofar S Neox, Sensofar, Vertical resolution: up to 0,1 nm, Lateral resolution: up to 140 nm
- UV-VIS-spectrometer: HR 2000+, Ocean Optics, Spectral range: 200 nm to 1100 nm, resolution: 0.035 nm and 6.8 nm
- Modular Rheometer/Tribometer System: Tribological characterization of surfaces in rotational and oscillation modes
- Atomic Force Microscope: Sampling area up to 100 x 100 µm². Measurement modes: Static , Dynamic , Phase , Lateral Force , Force Modulation , MFM and EFM, Standard Liquid
- Drop Shape Analyzer: DSA 100, Krüss, tilting angle from 0° to 90°, temperature control from -30° C to +160° C
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat: Interference 1010 T, Gamry, Maximum Current ± 100 mA, Maximum Applied Potential ± 5 V, EIS from 10 μHz to 20 kHz.
- Zemax Optic Studio: Optical ray tracing and light analytics software
- Comsol Multiphysics: Predicting and optimizing physics-based designs and processes with numerical simulation