Jul 22, 2024
Review: 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems (CPES)

V.l.n.r.: M.Sc. Johannes Lips (Universität Stuttgart), M.Sc. Syed Muhammad Sami ur Rehman (Universität Stuttgart), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Lens (Universität Stuttgart), M.Sc. Thaddäus Weniger (TU Dresden) und Tom Welfonder (Universität Stuttgart).
The 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems (CPES) took place fromJuly 10 to 12 in the picturesque city of Rabat, Morocco. The event was organized by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in collaboration with the Université Mohammed V de Rabat and SAGIP - Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique. This combination of international and local organizations created an ideal platform for the exchange of ideas and the latest developments in the field of control of power supply and energy systems.
The symposium attracted 150 participants from 25 countries and 5 continents. This diverse attendance underlined the global relevance and interest in the topics discussed. Researchers, engineers and experts from various fields of energy and control technology came together to present and discuss their research results.
Our contribution to this symposium was the presentation of the publication "Optimal Expansion Planning of Energy Hubs: The Future of CHP Sites in Europe", which was produced in collaboration between the Chair of Energy Process Engineering at TU Dresden and the Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. This publication was produced as part of the CHP 4.0 project "Regional CHP Plants in the Changing Energy System", which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and involves 12 project partners.
The work presented deals with an open-source tool for the optimal expansion and operational planning of energy centers, which was developed in Python based on the PyPSA Library (Python for Power System Analysis). The tool contains detailed models for energy conversion and storage technologies such as heat pumps, electrolysers, battery storage,CO2 capture plants and methanol synthesis plants and allows optimization of both flexible operation and the expansion of these technologies at a CHP site on this basis.
A concrete application example of the tool was demonstrated using the Southwest Thuringia residual waste treatment plant. Various parameter and boundary condition variants were compared, including the electricity price development and the cost development of the energy sources, and their effects on the added technologies were analyzed.
The CHP 4.0 project and its project partners
The CHP 4.0 project deals with the integration of a combined heat and power plant into a regional energy cell in connection with renewable energies. It includes the development and evaluation of application scenarios in connection with power-to-X processes as well as the optimization and simulation of the energy balance and control strategies within this energy cell.
This project is a joint effort of several renowned institutions and companies. The 12 project partners include:
- TU Dresden - Chair of Energy Process Engineering (EVT)
- University of Stuttgart - Institute for Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK)
- Research Center Jülich - Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3)
- ERC Emissions-Reduzierungs-Concepte GmbH
- bse Methanol GmbH
- ENVERUM - Engineering Company for Energy and Environmental Process Engineering mbH
- IWV Ilmenauer Wärmeversorgung GmbH
- MARTIN GmbH for environmental and energy technology
- Siemens AG
- TBF + Partner AG
- Zweckverband für Abfallwirtschaft Südwestthüringen
The 12th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power & Energy Systems provided a valuable opportunity to exchange information on current research results and technological developments and to present our own current research results. The publication presented there and the associated tool impressively demonstrate how the optimization of energy centers can contribute to a sustainable and efficient energy supply.