Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium (Power Plant Technology Congress)
The 56th Kraftwerkstechnische Kolloquium (56th Power Plant Technology Congress) is scheduled to take place on October 8th and 9th, 2024.
The TU Dresden has been organising the Power Plant Technology Congress for 55 years. The congress has developed into a scientific and technical platform for the energy and power plant industry and is the venue for over 100 specialist lectures and the company exhibition (2023: 98 exhibitors). This congress welcomes around 1000 participants every year, primarily from the industry.

Advisory Board
Scientific Board
Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Beckmann, Technische Universität Dresden
Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado, Technische Universität Dresden
Advisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Reiner Block, TÜV SÜD Division Industry Service, München
Dr. Michael Dankert, Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, Görlitz
Dipl.-Ing. Britta Daume, Quesy GmbH & Co. KG, Burgwedel
Dipl.-Verwaltungswirt (FH) Erich Fritz, Innovation & Kreislaufwirtschaft Sachsen e. V. Freiberg
Dr.-Ing. habil. Rutger Kretschmer, DREWAG - Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Gabriela Msuya, HAUS DES KFZ-GEWERBES GmbH, Dresden
Dr. Philipp Nellessen, Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG und Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG, Cottbus Dipl.-Ing. Peter Nothnagel, Beratender Ingenieur, Freital
Hans-Joachim Polk, VNG AG, Leipzig
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Then, vgbe energy e.V., Essen
Professor Dr. Andrea Versteyl, avr – Andrea Versteyl Rechtsanwälte, Berlin
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Roland Zepeck, IBD International Business Development, Freising